meta, were you ever on your way home from school and the local bully picked a fight with you and then all his buddies joined in and even some shy kid you thought was neutral all start punching you from all sides simultaneously? that is how I felt in the few days I have been on this forum.

I just came here to see whats up in the growing community. I didn't come here to start shit or neutralize shit 100 other people start with me just because of my name or my signature or the fact that they think I am a pic collector or what have you.

What exactly made you think that might be a good idea? lol...I respect a good prank, but I don't get this one. Was like that your idea of "mooning" us?
Not proud of this but you maybe the only person I've ever trolled. Like everyone says chill out stop trying to prove yourself to a bunch of strangers online. Nobody gives a fuck if your boy friend supposedly performed at the BET awards, who you trying to impress? Not me I know that for sure... you know I'll be cool and just call you barbie from now on. Stay high.
i never claimed an IQ. I never claimed to be smarter than anyone else. somebody thought my name meant mens a barbie and so I explained where the name came from. that's ALL. I was a member of mensa for one year. thats all that happened.

what did she claim her IQ was? like 170+?
so now you identified yourself as "hot chick"(biased, and questionable after these pictures of the tampons and whatnot), but now your a dude so people wont talk shit? why not just keep your gender to yourself and not in your signature?
meta, were you ever on your way home from school and the local bully picked a fight with you and then all his buddies joined in and even some shy kid you thought was neutral all start punching you from all sides simultaneously? that is how I felt in the few days I have been on this forum.

I just came here to see whats up in the growing community. I didn't come here to start shit or neutralize shit 100 other people start with me just because of my name or my signature or the fact that they think I am a pic collector or what have you.

your werent addressing me but problem isnt that u came here it is have you acted since u joined
to be honest i thought about it and wanted to contact u
not cuz u female or for any pics u posted
cus u have feelings and think there is more going on with u
and maybe u just need to talk
honestly it doesn't matter what I do. one of you will find fault and take issue with something I say or do. you're right but what a price I paid to learn that lesson!

so now you identified yourself as "hot chick"(biased, and questionable after these pictures of the tampons and whatnot), but now your a dude so people wont talk shit? why not just keep your gender to yourself and not in your signature?
i never claimed an IQ. I never claimed to be smarter than anyone else. somebody thought my name meant mens a barbie and so I explained where the name came from. that's ALL. I was a member of mensa for one year. thats all that happened.

I seem to remember you claiming an IQ of 170+ as well...maybe I'm wrong.

What fucking part of LA do you live in?!
i never claimed an IQ. I never claimed to be smarter than anyone else. somebody thought my name meant mens a barbie and so I explained where the name came from. that's ALL. I was a member of mensa for one year. thats all that happened.

yes u did and it is all here u cant post shit and say u didnt say it
how I acted? i was having a decent time in another thread until someone started shit there. the same person started shit with me here. I really was just posting a couple of pics and talking about things I grow and doing things that are not offensive. i have my sense of humor and I guess it isn't really appreciated. yeah I have feeling and yeah I'm gonna stand up for myself when attacked. if you wanna PM me that is fine.

your werent addressing me but problem isnt that u came here it is have you acted since u joined
to be honest i thought about it and wanted to contact u
not cuz u female or for any pics u posted
cus u have feelings and think there is more going on with u
and maybe u just need to talk
How long are you going to continue ruining this thread? What the fuck is your weird issue? Bat shit crazy!!!!!