Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
Someone mentioned in the "Ok tough guy" thread about people making threads about anything, not that thread wasn't thread worthy, I actually liked it but that made me think about what another forum I use does to help eliminate the jibber jabber threads and people making multiple threads that already exists.

So anything random to say or whatever you feel like mentioning about your day and what not can post here, I'll get things kicken. =]

Watching America's Got Talent right now, been rooting for the sand artist more than anyone, creates awesome stories and could definitely keep me entertained if he had his own show. All the singers and dancers can go suck it tho, way too common.
I tried to cure wiskey dick with 300mgs of viagra once and it fucked me up.
I shoulodnt think
I shouldnt drink
I shouldnt think about pussy when I drinking and not thinkin about it.
Thats for sure
I can admit it. I know exactly where I was when Elvis died but couldnt tell ya musc about
Mother theresa, What an asshole huh?
Or Maybe she should have ridden a harley?
Hopefully in small chunks. I can only doo a hundred miles or so before I`m over it.
That was when I was young. lol
Charlie Chaplin was the real leader of the Nazi's and hes responsible for the large hadron collider thats going to create black whole and suck up the universe!... lol
I do not own a bike by the way. But I thought about pretending if that helps.
I just dont know enough about them to pull it off. Sorry

I started riding anyway. While I look and almost act like the teacher in Beavis&Butt-Head, I dismissed any chatter that I was not a Real Biker. cn

This was Nevada, I-50. Seven-hundred-mile day at 60mph. Flayed my brisket.
If 700 a day dont make you a biker I dont think I know what would. I couldnt load the pic.
I rode dirtbikes when I was a kid. Hust for fun but it was a nice outlet. I resist the pull of a streetbike.
But if I win the lotto or some shit ya never know. There are also so many to pick from. Making up your mind would be
hard. for me anyway. Well as long as non of the choices are over 200 cash. lol