When out of papers..


Active Member
Do what I'm doing right now! Empty out a cig, fill er' up, and cut that butt off! It's what us struggler's gotta' do.


Listen to this and let me know if you're a struggler too.
better yet...I take almost any piece of fruit..say an apple...push a hole through the top with s pencil and another through the side to connect em'...drop a nug into the top and fire'r up....fruity hits.....now that big question is..what if ya ain't got no fire??:fire:
^^ done the same aslong with many other ways od cheap smoking devices. if i was out of papers i would just go to the store. they sell papers at every gas station.
Indeed, if i was out of papers i'd just go buy some more. Hell, even the stationary stores now sell papers and cigs.
I like using and apple in a pinch! haha I used to smoke outta an apple on the way to work every day!
Cans work allright. But my fav is to make a gravity bong!
Haha man, trust me.. If I have weed and I want to smoke, I am going TO SMOKE. I've been desperate enough after breaking a recent pipe of mine as to get alluminum foil, and create a carb-less pipe. More like a puffer pipe, and it works man. Done the apple, done the pop-can, but have you ever...

Made a gravity bong?

Take one of these bad boys:

Pop a hole in the cap towards the center.
Enter favorite bong-slider piece into the hole (MAKE SURE IT'S AIR TIGHT, in other words don't be a fucking sissy! Your slide will be OK)
Cut the bottom of the container completely about 1inch up from the bottom to make the entirety of the jug open at the base.
Find yourself a big enough container that will allow the hawaiian punch jug to fit into it.
Fill that container with water, and slide your hawaiian punch jug into the container.
Once that's done, remove the cap+slide, and pack yourself a bowl.
When your bowls packed, twist the cap back on and be careful not to spill any unless you don't give a fuck. :dunce:

Here comes the science behind it.

Now your bowls packed, your jug is in the container and you're reading this hoping I don't fuck it up.
What you do now is light that shit, grab onto the hawaiian punch jug and lift it up slowly in the container with water.
This will create a suction, due to your cap being sealed with your slide stuck in an air-tight hole in the top.
Now your jug is filling with smoke, hot damn. This shit works.
When you fill it up to your liking, unscrew the cap, put your lips up to it and shove the jug back into the container forcing the smoke out of the jug in which the smoke was contained previously.

This method is suggested for when you're shit out of luck and just want to get stoned real fast.

Patent pending, Hawaiian Lung Punch Typhoon (AKA: Hair Lipped Penis Trout)

I use soda cans. easy to find one when nothing else is around and they make good pipes. you can get some solid hits off a can. I'd rather smoke from a can than from a small glass piece to be honest.
I'd love to try the gravity bong, but I don't have a bong slider, not even sure what that is since I've never owned a bong. Is there anything I can rig as a substitute?
I'd love to try the gravity bong, but I don't have a bong slider, not even sure what that is since I've never owned a bong. Is there anything I can rig as a substitute?

If needs be you can just use tinfoil over the top of the bottle and just rip it off once the weed is spent. Just don't draw the bottle up fast enough to melt the plastic.
you can also rip a page out of those gideon bibles thaT are in every hotel and second hand store. my favorite to use is any page from revelations
.....now that big question is..what if ya ain't got no fire??:fire:

The finniest thing to this statement is this has happened to me, me and my buddy had no lighters so we had a book of matches, we would light then light a scented candel, then take a birthday candle from there and light it then take a hit, but it wouldn't go out by just shaking your hand, so the other person (next to you) has to blow the birthday candle out for you. cause ur in the middle of taking your hit. ahhhh them days...
The finniest thing to this statement is this has happened to me, me and my buddy had no lighters so we had a book of matches, we would light then light a scented candel, then take a birthday candle from there and light it then take a hit, but it wouldn't go out by just shaking your hand, so the other person (next to you) has to blow the birthday candle out for you. cause ur in the middle of taking your hit. ahhhh them days...

Been there! Lmao. Still got birthday candle wax on my dresser from my last no-lighter experience. ^.^
This works but think of the smoke your wasting! A cig is always needed so why not purchase a bong and not worry about having to use a cig!
Cigarette? That will work, but there is more than one way to do this.

Every gas station, convenience store, and pharmacy sells actual rolling papers for a buck, so if you can buy cigarettes, you can probably buy rolling papers (plus the rolling papers are a lot cheaper).

Real rolling papers make it easier, but in a pinch (ie you're out in the woods somewhere) any piece of paper "could" be a rolling paper. Paper envelopes thoughtfully come with gummed edges too!

It wont taste great, but if you really had to, you could use a dried leaf.

If you're careful any glass or metal tube "could" be a pipe, including the barrel of a metal pen.

If you've got a drill, you can make a functional (if not elegant) pipe out of any chunk of wood in only a few minutes. Traditional corncob pipe is also really easy to make, though of course you need a corncob.

Its not very elegant, but its possible to twist a functional pipe out of a sheet of aluminum foil.