Hawaii Growers

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Boys and Girls this site is fucked! I'm constantly getting notices from my anti virus warning me that this sight is trying to load a Trojan on my machine...anybody else?

Here's a link about the virus

I recently did a google search and it linked me to an riu thread - when I clicked on it google told me riu was tagged as a malitous site and not to proceed to it... I figure if you have decent a/v protection you should be fine. As an extra measure download a free program called malware bytes and run a scan, it's very good and we use it in the IT industry on a normal basis to clean up infected machines. Will provide peace of mind if nuttin else. http://majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=5756

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
How do I stop them? I also had some bad tip burn, pretty sure that was from the mircle grow I over used in the begining. Now I know better, got some fox farm nutes now.
good thing your off the 'Miracle Grow',but unless you're a hydro guy, I'd loose the Fox Farm too. I think Fox Farms is great for a low end to middle of the road Hydroponics setup. But I highly recommend that you switch up products if your a dirt farmer. But then again, that's just my two cents.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
good thing your off the 'Miracle Grow',but unless you're a hydro guy, I'd loose the Fox Farm too. I think Fox Farms is great for a low end to middle of the road Hydroponics setup. But I highly recommend that you switch up products if your a dirt farmer. But then again, that's just my two cents.
What do you recommend? I'm using a mix of roots organic, some organic shit from city mill, a couple scoops of red dirt, and perlite. Growing in 5 gal pots in my back yard. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. This is my first time.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Did a little trimming last night, made a flower bouque.
Trimmed off some of lower buds, they were heavy, started to drop down and sit on edge of the pot. Kinda turned her into a 3 headed monster, lol.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
F.I.M. cut this clone 2 days ago, she got a lot new growth on the inside now. Trying to turn her into a little bushy plant.


Well-Known Member
So last night i went to Shakey's pizza, it's pretty much glorified Pizza Hut, I remember as kid ditching school, running by the liquid store and stealing a couple of quarts of King Cobra and fucking up some Shakey's bunch o lunch, I remeber the pizza being so much better than what i ate last night....well after producing 3 baby sized b.m.'s and using up a half roll of t.p. ole Coot is feeling much better.


Well-Known Member
good thing your off the 'Miracle Grow',but unless you're a hydro guy, I'd loose the Fox Farm too. I think Fox Farms is great for a low end to middle of the road Hydroponics setup. But I highly recommend that you switch up products if your a dirt farmer. But then again, that's just my two cents.
What do you recommend? I'm using a mix of roots organic, some organic shit from city mill, a couple scoops of red dirt, and perlite. Growing in 5 gal pots in my back yard. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. This is my first time.
I've heard so much mixed info on these soils... Rumor on the streets is Roots has been shipping out bags with bugs. I'd rather run it that FFOF, but not with SM brewing in it. There is a new Down To Earth soil that SubCool has been using as his base... I'd maybe check that out. :peace: Hawaiian growers.


Well-Known Member
What do you recommend? I'm using a mix of roots organic, some organic shit from city mill, a couple scoops of red dirt, and perlite. Growing in 5 gal pots in my back yard. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. This is my first time.
Sunshine mix #4....mix in some bone meal, blood meal, sea kelp meal, and a little dolomite. This is a basic mix, since you're just getting started, keep it simple! If you want something even simpler....sunshine mix #4, mix in happy frog tomato veg, and for flowering use happy frog fruit and flower...BOOM!

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Sunshine mix #4....mix in some bone meal, blood meal, sea kelp meal, and a little dolomite. This is a basic mix, since you're just getting started, keep it simple! If you want something even simpler....sunshine mix #4, mix in happy frog tomato veg, and for flowering use happy frog fruit and flower...BOOM!
Thanks for info. I tried to research the sunshine mix before I bought the roots but couldn't find much info on it. I'll give it shot on the seedlings when they are ready. How long does the mix need to sit before planting?

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
What's the deal with fox farm? Read a lot of good on this site and others. Does it leave salt deposits? I'm not really trying to go all organic, just trying to produce a good product. Even if don't use on my mj plants I can use it on my veg garden, got about 18 tomatoe plant and some other shit.


Well-Known Member
FF bottled nutes are okay, their soil is total shit, so is roots, I've used both soils FFOF and Roots 707. If you've got the FF trio (bottled nutes) use them it with the sunshine mix #4 and some extra dolomite at the rate of 1 cup per cubic foot of soil. The problem with FFOF and Roots is they're not very consistent. I had lockout with roots in week 5 of flowering in the past....PH was somewhere in the range of 5.0 yikes! I prefer inert mediums these days...this way i can control exactly whats in it....I'm a little nerdy like that...hehehe


Well-Known Member
Thanks for info. I tried to research the sunshine mix before I bought the roots but couldn't find much info on it. I'll give it shot on the seedlings when they are ready. How long does the mix need to sit before planting?
If you use the simplest version ( happy frog recipe) then you dont have to let it "cook" , just scratch it in and water. The amended version needs to "cook"a month or so, longer the better


Well-Known Member
BTW....the only problem i had with FF was it always seemed to burn the shit out of my plants, I had better luck with it using it half strength or less...keep in mind all that bottled shit is for hydro, yes you can use it in dirt with great success, but it's really not the best way to grow in soil. Think of it this way synthetic fertilizer is like feeding your plants McDonald's every day, if you ate Micky D's everyday how healthy would you be? Why not feed them natural amendments? you'll produce just as much product at a fraction of the cost, don't even get me started on the difference in quality. If you stick with this hobby long enough you'll catch my drift.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
What's the deal with fox farm? Read a lot of good on this site and others. Does it leave salt deposits? I'm not really trying to go all organic, just trying to produce a good product. Even if don't use on my mj plants I can use it on my veg garden, got about 18 tomatoe plant and some other shit.
Everyone's got an opinion, so here's another one if you want simple but good results and don't care if it's not organic. Use the sunshine #4 with some dynagro 7-9-5 and some protekt (silica) and their mag-pro (only if using r.o. water will you need this one and probably only in flower). They have a bloom formula you can start slowly replacing the grow out with a couple after weeks of 12/12. The ratios on their bottles are fine to follow, but use about 1/3 - 1/2 of what they say as it's way too high of ppms as most nutes schedules seem to be. Their stuff is cheap, easy to maintain and will give good results imo. You can just "water" the promix with your nutes in a feed, feed, water regimen as needed when the pots dry out. Homebrewer has some threads here showing some very nice results with this method in 3 gallon buckets if you want to see what sort of results you can achieve if you use this simple way to grow- his pics look better than most on this site and the smoke reports are always very good. You'll have to learn to read your plants, but this is so easy I think just about anyone can get good results with minimal fuss or money spent. If you start to see yellowing on the leaves, just add more grow instead of bloom- keep em green till the end without overloading ppm's and there's no need to flush either. This is how I keep my mothers (except for the flowering part of course) and I haven't found a way I like any better so far.

Edit: you may have to flush excess salts once every few weeks if you notice any salt buildup in the soil or slowed growth, but that's the only kind of flushing I do as opposed to starving them unnaturally at the end of their lives when they are trying to pack on weight. After the first grow you'll probably have it down real good for any future grows. And it seems you have somewhat of a green thumb even with what you're using right now so you'll probably do just fine.

Although chemical nutrients are chemically identical to the byproducts microbes in soil turn organic nutirents into (in organics the microbes are needed for conversion, whereas the chemicals are already in the form directly absorbable by plants), I am curious to try a head to head with organic vs chemical. One thing is for sure, chemicals are easier and offer more control- and if you have any nasties you can just add some chlorine to the water to keep it sterile (6 drops bleach per gallon is fine). I definitely prefer pure organics in my veggie garden so I am not against them by any means, but I am still learning the art of organics as I've done hydro so long and it's just a different world with organics. There is always a possibility the chemical nutes do not contain things offerred by mother nature that we just have not been able to understand or see in a lab, so that's always in the back of my mind.


supp peeps! n e body from waipahu willing to drop me sum seeds? foa free?! cuz deez punks askin for 20 dollaz foa 1, dats f'n crazy. hit me up if can kaay
oh yeah, please check out my post on Seedling stem gone limp im sure dea a simple explanation fo dis.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
FF bottled nutes are okay, their soil is total shit, so is roots, I've used both soils FFOF and Roots 707. If you've got the FF trio (bottled nutes) use them it with the sunshine mix #4 and some extra dolomite at the rate of 1 cup per cubic foot of soil. The problem with FFOF and Roots is they're not very consistent. I had lockout with roots in week 5 of flowering in the past....PH was somewhere in the range of 5.0 yikes! I prefer inert mediums these days...this way i can control exactly whats in it....I'm a little nerdy like that...hehehe
Thanks for the help, I have the ff big grow and tiger bloom nutes. Gonna pick up some sunshine and give this a shot with my little ones.IMAG0641.jpg these are bout 12 days old. Got them out into the sun today. When is a good age or size to transplant into big pot? At 1 month my clones had a lot of rootsIMAG0620.jpg

Thanks everyone for the help

Got to smoke some of first cuttings I took about 2 weeks ago. Got a lot of positive feedback from freinds. And gets me hi as shit.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help, I have the ff big grow and tiger bloom nutes. Gonna pick up some sunshine and give this a shot with my little ones.View attachment 2235427 these are bout 12 days old. Got them out into the sun today. When is a good age or size to transplant into big pot? At 1 month my clones had a lot of rootsView attachment 2235430

Thanks everyone for the help

Got to smoke some of first cuttings I took about 2 weeks ago. Got a lot of positive feedback from freinds. And gets me hi as shit.
Right on man! I would transplant those into there final containers now.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
supp peeps! n e body from waipahu willing to drop me sum seeds? foa free?! cuz deez punks askin for 20 dollaz foa 1, dats f'n crazy. hit me up if can kaay
oh yeah, please check out my post on Seedling stem gone limp im sure dea a simple explanation fo dis.
you're joking right? How the fuck is gonna waste their seeds on a guy who only uses red dirt & tap water to grow their pakalolo? Maybe that would explain why your two day old keikis look like they gonna die!? Better you keep the day job Waipahu, and just go Shiro's and ask for 'Honeygirl'. She get get da kine $20 sacks ,all day long! Hell, sometimes her stuff get seeds too! That way you kill two birds with one stone!