and what has led you to believe this?

In the help FDD thread.
He said he knew I was a cop for a fact, and the only way someone could know anyone was a cop for a fact is to be a cop, and have access to police records. Or be working with the cop yourself.
So to make that claim, makes him coppy.

Like cocky, but more L7.

I don't really think he's a cop.
He just said something stupid a long time ago. And I'm bringing it back up :D
In the help FDD thread.
He said he knew I was a cop for a fact, and the only way someone could know anyone was a cop for a fact is to be a cop, and have access to police records. Or be working with the cop yourself.
So to make that claim, makes him coppy.
Like cocky, but more L7.

I don't really think he's a cop.
He just said something stupid a long time ago. And I'm bringing it back up :D
so then, you're both cops? and i'm a cop for knowing that now? . . . wait, does that mean that cops are actually . . . ZOMBIES?? O M G
I dabble, from time to time. But this alternate puppet bullshit gets to me, and I'm very untrusting of recenly activatedt accounts

dude every since i joined here 3 yrs ago i was trolled daily from guys that i helped get banned they would make 50 fake profiles a day
i didnt trust anyone
but now i get friends request from people i never met and i hesitated at first then said fuck it if it is that asshole fuck him i will add him
what can he do