Club 600

The house right next to the one we're looking at came on the market two days ago, so eventually we won't be the new trouble makers anymore.
But mum's the word on growing, for sure. ;-)
I just hope the other neighbor is cool, or knows how to mind his own bidness.
The wife is on board with me adding a charcoal canister next spring for odor control, but I am thinking about venting it up & out through the roof all nice & neat & permanent.
Let her know a canister would require a ruck fan and she's cool with it.
My future Grow Box mk-VI™ is going to be done correctly, start to finish.
No more rigged up stuff.
Once we move in I'll start working on blueprints for it all.
One of my wife's former co-worker's was given a number of my woodworking power tools when we moved away from Oregon six years ago, and has offered to give back my radial arm saw!
It's a really nice pro-grade saw (drove up to Vancouver, BC to buy it), but she's afraid of it. (she's a trained set dresser & carpenter for stage & theater productions)
She'd rather have the space back in her garage, so I'll gladly take it back and will have a versatile tool for when I build my final grow box (and other projects).
But can't do more than dream of it until I'm in our new-to-us garage with my measuring tape and drawing pad.
Ive lived in my house for 7 years now, ive had new neighbors on both sides once. I dont know if its me or what but Ive not had a single conversation with any of them. They look at me like the trash and Im not the renter! Silly bitches. Granted I did use to hang out in the front yard with no shirt sucking down crown royal straight from the bottle but that was the old me!
i lived in the same house for near 30 years. my neighbor Mac had been dead for months before I even knew.

I thought the guy across the street may have died but no he had been in assisted living housing.

I do not mind my neighbors business and I don't want them in mine.
Morning from Sunny Amsterdam. Our neighbours are not bad. We hardly see them and they often go away for months to work. Nice peeps though, Dutch and Polish couple.
It took them all of 4 days to remove my little Breeders Boutique signature. It wasn't even a link or url, just a jpeg. The people running this site really make me laugh.

But hey, lets all rock Rare Dankness and TGA signatures and it'll all be gravy!!!!! I fell like Obi fukin one Kenobi, STRIKE ME DOWN RIU AND YOU WILL ONLY MAKE ME STRONGER, lmfao.

EDIT: DST I will be throwing my DPQ F2 into Flowering with in the next couple of days, does it stretch a lot during flowering??

EDIT: DST I will be throwing my DPQ F2 into Flowering with in the next couple of days, does it stretch a lot during flowering??

I have 1 of those going down too FM. The only one I have.

My neighbors to my one side are a large Mexican Mennonite family (8 kids), who are the only ones we socialize with in this town, and they are great. We help each other out all the time. On my other side is a vacant corner lot and behind me are the owners of that lot, an old retired couple. I'm not very social with my neighbors here. The less they know about me the better, especially when I have a boss who like's to hire PI's to follow me and an insurance company that will most likely do the same thing.

Now the only neighbor I really care to see gone is above me and I can hear his busy feet loading up the truck now. It truly is music to my ears.

Good morning/day all.
Wouldnt you know, my best girl is a guy :) the back left plant is looking male! Little disappointed cuz this run was going to be about yield but instead I'll be doing Chaka OG f2 sooner than I thought. And he is a fine looking specimen so I guess everything happens for a reason right? I'll leave him in there another day or 2 and then he's going in the back yard till he's ready and I find the lucky girlfriend for him. Just going to do a single branch on her though. They need to quit stretching too, I moved the light all the way up to the cross member.
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The house right next to the one we're looking at came on the market two days ago, so eventually we won't be the new trouble makers anymore.

did your reputation get there ahead of you?:lol:

let your hired labor do all of the lifting-you're only allowed to supervise....and medicate

I finally got into the garden last night and they were not happy at all. I watered them all, but it looks like I might have lost some. I'll know more when I look tonight.


I moved my times to 8 pm to 8 am. It's 10 to 15 degrees cooler than 6 pm

Hello, cof!

No, I think it was the smoky donuts I whipping in the driveway while hanging halfway out the window, whooping as loud as I could while blasting Skynard at 125dB with a fifth of Jack in one hand and and the Koran in the other.
I think I tipped my hand...


it's Summer, and I need to get down to a store and get me some wifebeaters to combat the heat, too.
supchaka... I would think lowering the light would be good to keep stretch down.

DoobieBrother, nice touch with the Koran. That will really throw them for a loop. hehe