Ready to just give up...


Active Member
the water quality is extremely clear, i recently moved here which is why im new to this cal-mag issue... but it comes out of the tap at 20-30ppm

im using Flora Nova Bloom atm, the 1part one.

from this thread i am going with that this particular strain is very touchy, way more than im used to as far as ppm goes and i over fed it, which is what seems most likely.


Active Member
@missnu - also going from the pics (the 4th one from the end) it does seem right before the issue came up the leaves did turn very dark, which is what looks like N over feeding


Well-Known Member
the water quality is extremely clear, i recently moved here which is why im new to this cal-mag issue... but it comes out of the tap at 20-30ppm

im using Flora Nova Bloom atm, the 1part one.

from this thread i am going with that this particular strain is very touchy, way more than im used to as far as ppm goes and i over fed it, which is what seems most likely.
Probably what it is.. Certain strains cant take the same amount nutes as other ones.. When I ran DWC I would use separate sport cooler buckets because if they share the same water and one plant gets a disease then the rest of them do too. DWC is real water temp sensitive too, keep the water under 70 degrees and its a piece of cake.


Well-Known Member
Some places will test your water for free and tell you what makes up your ppm...with a ppm that low you might actually see a ca mg deficiency, unless of course they are most of that ppm, which they very well could be since they rain from the sky for heaven's sakes...but see if you can't find a place that will check your water free...


New Member
Some places will test your water for free and tell you what makes up your ppm...with a ppm that low you might actually see a ca mg deficiency, unless of course they are most of that ppm, which they very well could be since they rain from the sky for heaven's sakes...but see if you can't find a place that will check your water free...
most water filter companies will to but u may have to send it in and i always wondered how honest they were since their goal is to sell u a filter and dont sell if they say u got good water


Well-Known Member
Never give up, never surrender! By Grabthar's Hammer, by the sons of Wartham, you shall be avenged.

Oh wait..


Active Member
i was told in the seattle area sub-forum here, the water is lacking in cal-mag which is what got me on this rollercoaster to begin with ;p


Well-Known Member
i was told in the seattle area sub-forum here, the water is lacking in cal-mag which is what got me on this rollercoaster to begin with ;p
You're in Seattle where it rains a lot? Why not use rain water its good water to use.. Unless you live in the city then its probably not a good idea.


Well-Known Member
the water quality is extremely clear, i recently moved here which is why im new to this cal-mag issue... but it comes out of the tap at 20-30ppm

im using Flora Nova Bloom atm, the 1part one.

from this thread i am going with that this particular strain is very touchy, way more than im used to as far as ppm goes and i over fed it, which is what seems most likely.
I was in similar problem like you gh nuts an LEDs, what led are you using...


Well-Known Member
Ok.. I found ghe nuts and LEDs don't mix..

Check the red diodes power intensity. Some LEDs red spectrum are too intense... They end up frying plants. I don't think the blk strs have that issue.

In addition flora nova is an organic nute, those generally dont mix well with LED and DWC.

Ditch the led and change nuts next time.. You won't have these issues, I promise..

Also ur grow is pretty much done, take the hit and be better next time...


Active Member
heh.. all i ment was that i was giving up trying to fix the problem and just let them finish as is ;)
i do appreciate all the comments....

i got some pics right as the lights went off tonight, so there was no yellow HPS washing everything out.


I agree 100% with Tokin. I just had a grow go through some pretty harsh nute burn in week 5-6. The weird thing was I was on the same feeding schedule I've always been on. After much frustration and delegation, I did a thorough flush (3x the container size) and just let them sit and watered them conservatively until they finished. I ended up with 18% less of a yield than I had been averaging, but perfectly fine bud. In my case, I think my issue was a weak strain. The original seeded plant did fine, but none of her clones did well. They ALL were not tolerant to nutes. Even a 1/10 Canna nute schedule caused nute burn. You should be fine on your grow, just let it finish out. Good luck!


New Member
hows your air circulation? whats your humidity? I would say possible ph issue how long have you gone since you changed the water in your dwc buckets? your supposed to trim the roots on those