tip top toker
Well-Known Member
lol. i've been on the phone the past few days trying to get insurance for my skoda 

as a family we get about 1200 a month then housing beenfit and shit on topyou get too much benefits i think, i need a gammy foot too lol
great forum guys but i wood recommend this site... www.midgetpornwithbeardedladies hahahaha
man i hope that ent a real site now hhahaha
Newcastle the new Dam is it?
Sambo, may be you should try growing something a bit more challenging than yer clone only's, hehehe......on that note, he heads off to have an Exo Joint, lol.....
i dont want challenges just £££ m8, i honestly dont even really like smoking the shit anymore yeah i do still puff loads but i dont really enjoy it, would rather a benzo or 5 with a few vods topped off with some good white any day lol
as a family we get about 1200 a month then housing beenfit and shit on top
i am recieveing absolutely nothing to do with me gamy shit,,, the people knocked me bak reconing i can do the 100 mtre hurdles lol and they came to that without even seeing me,,,unreal!
sambo she dint post them soz man dint know,,,ther here so il get em enveloped up,,,i thought shed sent em with the ret but alas she did not,,,,,if u want summet doing................................... u know what i mean lmao
up most of nite with cat having kittens,,i says S but she only had 1 lol
skoda lol at school we always took the piss out the kid with parents who drove one or techers who did
ther was also the lada samara! lol remember those?
you joking m8 they dont give you no dla for your foot? thats fucking bad ic3 i no plenty on full dla new car every 3yrs all that jazz with alot less worse than your foot.
yeah cool m8 i was wondering if you still fancied a trade, need to talk in pm bout the others you where saying about.
lol same here mate im getting bored of smoking tbh it dont sem to do anythignanymore,,,but i cant getto sleep without a spliff,,even with sleepers in the house lol i just dont take em hmmm
doc started the wife on valli'es yesterday lol only 2mg ones the tite fucking bastards
can get you 10mg anytime ya want em m8 aint that expensive either, i do prefer clonazepam 2mg tho is a much stronger benzo.
why dont ya take the sleeper ic3? gotta be cheaper than paying out for smoke when u got no percy.
lol same here mate im getting bored of smoking tbh it dont sem to do anythignanymore,,,but i cant getto sleep without a spliff,,even with sleepers in the house lol i just dont take em hmmm
doc started the wife on valli'es yesterday lol only 2mg ones the tite fucking bastards
can get you 10mg anytime ya want em m8 aint that expensive either, i do prefer clonazepam 2mg tho is a much stronger benzo.
why dont ya take the sleeper ic3? gotta be cheaper than paying out for smoke when u got no percy.
yeh id rather swap em for smoke tbh i used to have a legal vallie habit 120mg a day prescribed and tbh im not 100% happy bowt goin down that road again u know?
sent u pm with house number mate,, dunno if u got housephone il ring u if u want but i dont do mobiles of the housephone lol
how much are them blues ur talking about?? take it ther the snides? or do they come in blister packs? shit il have sum of them
got a goooood few hundred 300mg gabbis here m8 too il package em all up later and get em posted
Gotta change up your routine as well, sitting in the same chair day in day out smoking the same things with the same people doing the same activities, shit get's dull.
Gotta have good tolerance breaksI got the the stage of smoking joints like ciggies, as you say, just weren't really doing anything. After a few months of a smoke here and there, a nice joint will put me on my arse
Gotta change up your routine as well, sitting in the same chair day in day out smoking the same things with the same people doing the same activities, shit get's dull.
i rarely smoke with anybody and on the rare occasions i do i will not share my joints ill sort any1 a joint but aint into all that passing shit, also its not that it dont do anything to me or smoking the same shit.
in the last 3months i prob smoked 20 different types of hash 10-15 different types of weed, its the way it makes me feel that i dont really enjoy all that much anymore, the laziness the munching the being a unsociable bastard.
wait................. u get munchies??? fuk i cant remember the last time i got a good bowt of muchies man pffs
SO tt u gunnag et a grip and start a plant of or what?? just do 1 in your wardrobe matey! ahaha,,ima have a break after this one,,hopefully i got them beans to come of you and sum gkx livers so i wanna get em sorted and i may get summ fem bubblegum haze seeds too so have a good choice of strains,,,il put sum cuttings of the bubbleguim out of anyone wants em
I'm an unsiciable bastard anyway so that doesn't bother me too muchBut i certainly know what you mean about sharing joints. While my gf pays for the weed at present, and as such i can't complain, i think i shall nickname her Bogart
She just tends to forget that the is omeone else smoking it and she'll smoke half the joint just sorting out a sideburn
personally i think any1 who has access to pyschosis,livers and fucking exo too is a sandwich short of a picnic n all that malarky to be growing white russian.
i have a dream to be able to grow them 3 beautiful strains one day i really hope!!
hope every ones been keeping well !