Club 600

Mate, you either need to open each pic in a new tab and insert html address in the add picture button....

Or go to advanced and hit the attachments mangager and select the pics again, drag them into the bottom part of the too thingy and hit insert inline.

I am assuming that's why you are resposting and such.
Don, your avatar is the subject of much imagination.
I made some quick wash the other day. I don't know how you guys smoke this shit. Remember that 'moon rock' or whatever. I was smoking on that for almost a full 24. No idea what I'll do with the rest of the oil. I'll never be able to smoke it all.
BBW ?!?.... lol. Our gals sure are funny. My wife doesn't go on my computer and I don't go on hers, for situations like that. I did go on hers once to look something quite inane up. Noticed a certain link had been visited, made me giggle. I got me an adventurous one.
lol loads of people have asked what it is, idk i thought it was quite clearly a crow lol

yeah i was wondering about the smoking part of it i guess dabbing and an erl globe?! or topping your bowls maybe, last time i made little balls of the stuff and let them roll around the crystal catcher in my grinder. now that was intense.

and yeah me trying to correct BBW to Tiny BW just led to further complications.... then some rumpy pumpy, women are a mystery. one day i hope to understand them.

for the record i'm not into BBW's lol
Hy fellas, just checking in. Sorry no time to get all caught up seeing as its been over a week. Vacation was great, but very bad timing. Hit with drought and a heat wave while I was gone,,, plants are very sad looking. Then the person that was just supposed to check on things fucked up a whole bunch of watermelons by turning them over exposing the pale spot on the bottom, thus sun burning it to the point of rot :-( I dont know what they were fucking thinking.
Figs are in full swing and I canned a few gallons yesterday, also sauced a grip of toms and canned those too, Id say 3 gallons of tom juice. More fig picking and irrigation today.

Oh yeah, happy b-day whodat bongsmilie
Catch yall later.

PS: Soooo does kief count as an extract?
Happy BIRFDAY Whodat... sorry you had to come home to a shit show. I had the same thing happen last time I left... Told the person watering our garden to only water the lemon tree 1 time, and we came back to squishy lemons and no fucking leaves. Literally 100 lemons, gone. So I feel your pain. Chin up, pal. There's a bowl of kief waiting for you somewhere, I'm sure. . .
For the record... I am, lol. Had a girlfriend who weighed 5 pounds more than me... she was always on some shit about how I made her feel bad about herself. Now I got a girl who near doubles me, and not a chat about how it's my fault she feels funny about herself. Plus she keeps me warm.'

ha... and I'm not sure if you'll ever figure them out donny. Seems like you got a learning disability in that area. ;)

The avi is clear to me. Guess that makes us both odd.

EDIT: Happy bday whodat!!!
Thinking about things girls do that I don't understand, I recently came to grips with something they do. Girls can hold two (or more) completely contradictory opinions or wishes or whatever, at the same time and feel just as strongly about each... AND be fine with that. Boggles my fucking mind. Either you don't want it, or ya do want it? And if you aren't sure, make up yer mind, lol. Couple years of friction before I got that lesson.

I'm diggin the blue counter top in the new place.

D, I don't think the germans could play that boring of a game if they tried. I predict a slaughter of the azure. No pens today.
bappy hirfday whodat! hope its full of blazing, beers and baps.

yo jig man it takes allsorts, i only mentioned the tamest of what came up in the search bar :shock: half of it my lass didn't even understand lol

as for liking and disliking things simultaneously. i hear ya, usually involves the dreaded shopping. i usually refuse to go shopping with my girl unless it's for consumables lol.

I'm with you jig reckon ze germans are going to walk through italy and spain. think i'm going to put a few quid on gomez to score and maybe 3-1
[long pause]
really? it's a CROW?
[long pause]
i don't see it. i see a sock puppet and a tongue coming at me. or a one-eyed duck

How in the world can people NOT see that it is a crow!?

I'll admit that I thought it was a raven at first, but a raven is just a crow on 'roids and look almost identical with nothing being used as a size reference.

When I was a kid back in Alaska (about 6 years old) I used to get left in the car while my mom would go around town to service the vending machines she owned.
In the wintertime Alaska gets huge ravens all over the place, and they used to scare the crap out of me.
These birds were as big as a bald eagle and stood between 2 feet tall and 3 feet tall when walking on the ground.
They'd swoop down on scraps in parking lots and fight over every little bit of anything they thought they could eat, "cawing" back & forth like mad.
They'd also be watching me the whole time, hopping around and fighting like packs of wolves, and some would come right up to the door and stare at me.
I swear they were wondering if they could eat me.
One can see the devious intelligence in their black, all-staring eye when they look at you...

*my main clan is the Raven Clan (Raven Clan, Wolf Clan and Sea Lion Clan).
Hi, jig :-)
The house purchase is moving along at a pace.
The repairs were finished ahead of schedule and I'll be meeting up with a home inspector tomorrow afternoon so he can make a re-assessment and verify that the job was done correctly.
Then we turn over another $4k in earnest money and wait for the title to come back "clean" and for all the paperwork to get finished up for the final signature and and transfer of funds.
Going to be so nice to be back in a house!
Peace & quiet, room to walk around, and an actual kitchen with an oven that works like an oven is supposed to!
Going to be su-wHeet!
Glad to hear it, Doob. Inspections are always the worst. . . it can all come crashing down at any moment... BUT it sounds like you're all good ;)
Hi, jig :-)
The house purchase is moving along at a pace.
The repairs were finished ahead of schedule and I'll be meeting up with a home inspector tomorrow afternoon so he can make a re-assessment and verify that the job was done correctly.
Then we turn over another $4k in earnest money and wait for the title to come back "clean" and for all the paperwork to get finished up for the final signature and and transfer of funds.
Going to be so nice to be back in a house!
Peace & quiet, room to walk around, and an actual kitchen with an oven that works like an oven is supposed to!
Going to be su-wHeet!
So happy for you Doob!!
yum scotia!!!

damn landlords and inspection!!! :( i was lucky this round, i'm good and ready and have inspection in 2 weeks from now.

day 47 flowering.




chop very VERY SOON!!!