The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
fuck paying them prices mate thats why i decided to grow my own. you cant blame them for charging it if people pay it tho. i am tempted to go and get some at the mo cos my neck is playing up.
have any of you been watching that american weed on natgeo?

My thoughts exactly and if every one else thought the same way then the prices would come down but if the thick fuckers are paying it who am i to complain, i'm not buying it lol


Well-Known Member
i dont see how people can moan too much about the price of weed and then go out and spend around £100 on the piss. theres no risk involved for the people selling drink. each to their own and all that but drink is 1 thing ive never really liked. i class it worse than pills to be honest with you but a lot of people will dissagree with me lol


Well-Known Member
i dont see how people can moan too much about the price of weed and then go out and spend around £100 on the piss. theres no risk involved for the people selling drink. each to their own and all that but drink is 1 thing ive never really liked. i class it worse than pills to be honest with you but a lot of people will dissagree with me lol

I used to be a piss head years ago now it's just puff (most of the time :)) but i must say i love my pukkas and MDMA

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i dont see how people can moan too much about the price of weed and then go out and spend around £100 on the piss. theres no risk involved for the people selling drink. each to their own and all that but drink is 1 thing ive never really liked. i class it worse than pills to be honest with you but a lot of people will dissagree with me lol
I moan about the price of weed because i'm not someone to go out and spend £100 on the piss. You can buy 3 bottle of wine for a tenner. I have never understood people who go out every weekend, pay entry to the club, pay pounds and pounds for each drink, it's around £4 a pint in pubs these days. While i drink like a fish i fully agree, alcohol is destroying this country, evil substance. It's legality utterly invalidates any reasoning the government might come up with for their misuse of drugs act. It's a farce.


Well-Known Member
Any of you guys heard of this geezer his name is Roger Hayes he and his fellow free men on the land arrested a magistrate in court at Birkenhead before they reckon that the laws of this land are common law, the laws written down in the Magna Carter of 1215 these laws cannot be superseded or repealed and most of the current laws are statute law which is NOT common law so not imposable on us (which includes speeding tickets and points on your license) all law enforcement give an oath and they have to act upon said oath if they do not act upon this oath they could be liable to arrest themselves and as i said above it's the free man's job to nick the fuckers


Well-Known Member
Fucl me the hose pipe ban as gotta be lift w2012-06-28 11.21.00.jpg2012-06-28 11.20.46.jpg2012-06-28 10.19.11.jpge just aint usin enough lmao
only my mate would think fuck it im goin threw haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Any of you guys heard of this geezer his name is Roger Hayes he and his fellow free men on the land arrested a magistrate in court at Birkenhead before they reckon that the laws of this land are common law, the laws written down in the Magna Carter of 1215 these laws cannot be superseded or repealed and most of the current laws are statute law which is NOT common law so not imposable on us (which includes speeding tickets and points on your license) all law enforcement give an oath and they have to act upon said oath if they do not act upon this oath they could be liable to arrest themselves and as i said above it's the free man's job to nick the fuckers
It's a very tricky one that 3eyes. To start with the magna carter was signed under duress, which almost as such invalidates it, and i think it was even repealed by the pope or something. But i fully agree in that acts are not laws and simply rules, they are not law makers they are policy makers. I had a bit of an issue with regard to the police oaths as well, i got in contact with the local police force with regard to an issue and got the run around, after a while i stated that i would be considering pressing charges against them for breach of their oath and was informed that they were under no oath, and that i was talking to a member of police staff and not a police officer, So i then told them i would be pressing charges for impersonating a police officer, in that i was in touch with the POLICE and at no point did this individual state that they were not in fact a police officer but just some random person who in essense had no authority or power of any kind. I never spoke to that person again lol, was put straight through to someone who could actually be of use.

I used to fight that battle a fair bit, and most of the time i won my arguments, but in the end i just thought well fuck you, easier just to ignore the whole lot of em and just lie your life as you fancy :)


Well-Known Member
According to them the Magna Carter was not repealed as someone was not acting upon their oath, 1 of the laws of magna carter states that women can only give evidence in court against their husbands murderer lol never know when that little gem might come in handy ;)


Well-Known Member
I moan about the price of weed because i'm not someone to go out and spend £100 on the piss. You can buy 3 bottle of wine for a tenner. I have never understood people who go out every weekend, pay entry to the club, pay pounds and pounds for each drink, it's around £4 a pint in pubs these days. While i drink like a fish i fully agree, alcohol is destroying this country, evil substance. It's legality utterly invalidates any reasoning the government might come up with for their misuse of drugs act. It's a farce.
im not having a go at you mate or saying you spend that amount on drink. i got mate that are like that. i couldnt afford to buy it myself any more so instead of just paying it and moaning (again thats not a dig at anyone) i got a mate to put the money up and started growing it instead
i'm geordie, drinking is in our blood. it's grim up north man :lol:
lmao its grim down here too mate. i just smoke instead :-D
I used to be a piss head years ago now it's just puff (most of the time :)) but i must say i love my pukkas and MDMA
i tried it a good few years back but i didnt like feeling like shit the next day. after hearing some stories about how i acted the night before i realised i was like a cock when i was drunk and stopped. the best time ive ever had have been on amphetamins :-D


Well-Known Member
Phet i used to do every weekend (only 0.5G) but it's not for me i don't like not being able to sleep and eat and the paranoia was bad so i just stuck with pills coke and weed in the end :)


Well-Known Member
Phet i used to do every weekend (only 0.5G) but it's not for me i don't like not being able to sleep and eat and the paranoia was bad so i just stuck with pills coke and weed in the end :)
pill and coke are what i was classing as phet mate. that the catagory we put any type of upper in here anyway but its like that village in league of gentlmen here lol


Well-Known Member
pill and coke are what i was classing as phet mate. that the catagory we put any type of upper in here anyway but its like that village in league of gentlmen here lol

Phet is speed here and yes it's the same here [video=youtube;YOtpgz4L5d8][/video]