Are my roots ok???


Active Member
Hello i have 7 ikon oxypots on the go and have been learning on the job as this is my first time with hydro,iv ran with soil for 4 years with a couple of cocoa grows under my belt i figured i was ready for dwc! (how wrong can i b). Anyway they are 2 weeks in vedge from rooted cutting and im switching to 12/12 today. The plants themselves look great lush green etc about a foot tall. The plants are apparently cheese and i switched to flower as im using a tent (dr240w) with height restrictions. At the begining the first root touched the water from the netpot in 24hrs! Which i thought was amazing and after 1 week every plant had lush white roots. Then i started to notice dark brown blobs with snot like stuff on my roots, instantly i thought root rot. So i started to add oxyplus everyday but 5 days later it got worse and i had been changing my res on each pot twice or even 3times that week and taking off the brown blobs which would return a day later. Since then i have been checking all the forums for help or advice and i decided to stop using multi total by dutch pro,its a soil improver which turns dead plant matter into beneficial nutrients. I know soil improver duh but the guy in the shop said use it with dwc. anyway stopped it 48hrs ago after changing res and its completely gone. The nutes i am using are dutch pro hydro vedge a and b and im adding take root a groth stim but not sure if the daily oxyplus will be killing that off or not?
I have also added an airstone with pump in each pot as well as having the hydor ario pump in each pot which came with the system. My thinking for doing this is because i have been struggling with high res temps and im hoping this will compensate for loss of oxygen. Any opinions on this would be great. My res temps have been reaching 80F at the end of 18hr light schedual i know i know too hot but what else can i do? Iv covered the pots in reflective tape covered the net pot and i have two intakes bringing in fresh air and about 4 fans circulating the air with 1 blowing straight at the pots. If i had 1 big res i would buy a water chiller but for 7 pots ££££$$$$£££! Now im hoping on 12/12 it should stay a little cooler now the lights will be on at night only and hopefully the plant will get bigger and shade the pots.
Right so this is whats happening as iv said i jus swithced to 12/12 the brown blobs have gone and even the snot seems to be going heres some pics of plants and roots. The roots do seem to be a slight off brown but i have noticed new pearly white ones strting to come out as well now since i added more pumps. 1 more question how far should i keep the water level under the net pot after the roots touch the water? Iv heard diff opinions on this and mine are only an inch underneath now after having it 3 inches b4 but lots of roots higher up the net pot dried out and died when doing this. Any help and opinion appreciated thanx.:?::?::?::?::lol:IMG-20120627-00234.jpgIMG-20120627-00235.jpgIMG-20120627-00236.jpgIMG-20120627-00237.jpgIMG-20120627-00238.jpgIMG-20120627-00239.jpgIMG-20120627-00240.jpg Those 2 big pumps are tetra 400s


Active Member
I know my roots are not the biggest especially on 1 of the photos but they have been through alot so hopefully they will recover.


Well-Known Member
you are going to have problems. i say stop the 12/12 and fix the problem now. your roots should be 3-5x as big and if you flower now and they make it they will be stunted. ice bottles. 20oz soda bottles filled with water and frozen. 1 at lights on and 1 at lights off.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Roots seem ok for the plant size.

People are going to tell you to get rid of the floil.

Water level, I don't have a res, so....
I fill to apx 1 inch below the bottom of the net pot, and top up when the water drops 4 inches or so.

Never let it drop so the roots are out of the water.

This is just me, but generally my roots look like this before I put a plant to flower.

Have fun


Active Member
Thanx for the reply im going to start putting iced bottles in the buckets and switch back to 18 hours. Doing this and adding oxyplus everyday will clear the problem or should i be doing something else also? I only yesterday cleaned the buckets,pumps etc with a light mix of house hold bleach and rinsed out well. I f all else fails will transplanting them into cocoa be the best until summers over here? Sorry for all the questions

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
They're only little plants, so I'd expect a small root ball.

Actually all my plants are around 20 inches tall (with a root ball similar to the pic above), before I flower.

I'll ammend my statement.....the healthier and better the root ball, the healthier and better the flower will be.


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a chiller you will need H2O2 applied every 4 days to control pathogens and keep roots nice and white. Get the high grade stuff.--


Active Member
both your roots look amazing . I just hope the bottle trick and oxyplus can give me some roots like yours. Can any1 answer my later questions like do i have to do anything else apart from iced bottles and oxyplus or if all else fails can i transplant to cocoa?


Active Member
both your roots look amazing . I just hope the bottle trick and oxyplus can give me some roots like yours. Can any1 answer my later questions like do i have to do anything else apart from iced bottles and oxyplus or if all else fails can i transplant to cocoa?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Sorry not me. I have my buckets sitting on the basement floor, that's all the cooling I use.

Buds - Where do you get the 35% H2O2? AllI can find is 3%.


Well-Known Member
find a local nursury/pond center and get a product called pondzyme. it will eat the dead organic material and promote better roots. its a fraction of the cost of great white and takes very little. try that and the ice bottles. people on here just love to say h2o2, hell i think some of them drink it, but it is not needed at all if you do the grow right. i have only used it one time years ago, before i got it right.


Active Member
thanx alot superstoner1 il get onto that aswell. Iv already put 1litre frozen water bottles in the pots so hopefully this is the start of root of recovery. Iv also got an air con unit arriving tomorrow but to be honest im not sure how or where im going to put it as its not small so have to find a way to vent the cold air into the tent. I will have it on when lights come on only and luckily i have a spare vent in the wall to exhaust the heat. Thanx for every1s reply so far and any more advice is welcome :bigjoint:


Active Member
I will def keep every1 updated to c how i go over the nxt few days. If thers no change after say a week do you think i should transplant in cocoa or chuck em... any1?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
If you dont have a chiller you will need H2O2 applied every 4 days to control pathogens and keep roots nice and white. Get the high grade stuff.--
If you're going to tell people to use a higher concentration, you should tell them to dilute it before using it. h2o2 can kill small plants relatively easily in high doses

There's a reason a lot of us just use the 3%


Active Member
Thanx il go out and buy the botanicare,voodoo juice,aqua shield and zho powder. Will this cure my root probs as long as i keep res temps down?


New Member
Thanx il go out and buy the botanicare,voodoo juice,aqua shield and zho powder. Will this cure my root probs as long as i keep res temps down?
I am saying that its a start, aquashield and temps at 72 and below alone will do wonders. Its cheap too. Start with aquashield and some frozen pop bottles, if you want to keep it on the cheap side.

I have ran aqaushield alone and it does work nicely, but don't forget the "sweet" for food while vegging for the bene's.. they need to eat and multiply! I apply 1-2ml per gallon in veg, and more in flower.

I am running 2.5 gallon buckets with 1" airstones blasting the @)(!@ outta the roots too.


Well-Known Member
do they sale aqua shield in the uk?? iv found great white and voodoo but only getting us suppliers of aquashield
aquashield does work good, it is composted chicken poop. after talking to aaron at botanicare when the zho came out i stayed with greatwhite but now i use the aquashield and the pondzyme.