Whats up man, another bro from the 504, we should start a clubI would suspect the 12/12 light from the start is giving you males... just a wild guess, but did you do 12/12 on your first grow as well? Also, were you at the Sweet Sunday 4/20 festival on the Westbank? 504 is my place man, come smoke with me out on the point sometime, just take the ferry from Canal St and a left turn onto the levee!
i dunno where everyone "hears" all this info on 12/12 making your plants males, but i do know my first time growing bagseeds i had 20 seeds germing for a week and only 1 got a tap root. Its most likely random chance and hopefully those power plant dont turn hermieive herd that the more light you give them the better the chances are for a female so maybe since your starting them out at 12 12 it might be making them males