La Hada's Spanish Garden - Caribe, Jamaican Dream, Double Dutch +


Well-Known Member
I think the def on my clones is Mg as I've been using half RO to EC 0.2. EC has been low as they were transplanted recently. What do u think?:wall:
Yeah that's what it looks like to me. Everything is looking beautiful! We have a friend in Tuscany Italy who wants us to come visit and we were thinking of Spain too. Maybe one day we will meet up and smoke a nice one together :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what it looks like to me. Everything is looking beautiful! We have a friend in Tuscany Italy who wants us to come visit and we were thinking of Spain too. Maybe one day we will meet up and smoke a nice one together :)
You'd be more than welcome. I'd show u around some very interesting places. Apparently Jorge Cervantes has just opened up an Association but apparently it's focusing on Med patients, looks like he'll be arguing a good case in the future - hopefully !! In the meantime - I want to join. I have membership for a couple of them (my friend own) and more often than not they're sold out and asking me !! :)


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys n Gals!!

Hope ur having a good day. It's baking here so I'm having a lazy day in the sun. I'm a bit bored so I've just cut an AF from Sweet Seeds. It stinks but not necessarily in a nice way, bit like cats pee so I hope once it's cured it will improve. I think all AF's smell a bit funny. I have it in the pot with another one as I couldn't be bothered.



Well-Known Member
Photo update, they've really grown since the last set of photos. I'm feeding them 1-2 ml / L of Atami Growth -C every 2 waterings and they're in Atami Bio Mix soil. They seem happy. Some days they need to be watered twice, it depends.

DSC05626.jpg The Caribe is getting really tall and is very thirsty.

DSC05628.jpg This is the other Caribe which I topped. It's much shorter and bushier.

DSC05630.jpg The Double Dutch is my favourite so far.

DSC05629.jpg The same Double Dutch,, recovering after I cloned it.

DSC05633.jpg Other Jamaican Dream clones which are getting quite big now. I really need to do something with those. I gave away a few the other day.


Well-Known Member
Whooops !!! I've decided to chop down some more AF's tomorrow as I'm getting told off for having too many plants !! The big girls are staying!!


Well-Known Member
thats awsome growing outdoors in the city whens the frost hit in spain ? I want to see spain after I land in amsterdam then check out italy thats where my great grandparents are from my grandfather came from sicily when he was a baby. plus sicily looks nice athough so does spain plus I wouldn't mind seeing the medetteranian sea no sea around here only oceans. I just need more cash so I can do a bunch of shit hopefully hopefully a summer and travel all over europe I know my wife won't bitch plus she wants to go to amsterdam anyway and other places have to but I havn't even been to cannada yet


Well-Known Member
Amsterdam is cool. I've been there countless times as the flight is 30 mins from London. I've even drove there 3 times but in nice fast cars. 120 mph most of the way and u can get there by the afternoon. We can buy weed legally here. If u wanna go to Dam u better be fast as they're closing the coffee shop doors to non-residents (tourists) but not here in Barca, all u need is ur passport to join and u have weed membership for that Association for a year. Bring da wifey !! We've got the weather and great beaches, Holland doesn't !!

I went to San Jose and SF more than 10 years ago. It was great and I'd love to go back one day. I really like Asia and Malaysia is prob one of my favourite countries.


Well-Known Member
there really closing coffe shops for tourists I know arjan from green house said they won't close them for tourists in city of amsterdam but the rest of the country mostly thats where most of their money comes from I hope not I've wanted to go to amsterdam since I was like 14 I mostly want to try their import hashes import hash is rare in the U.S. and when you do get some you don't know where its from.
what do they have coffe shops in spain? I know I've heard you can grow your own with a membership in spain how many can yall grow leagally? I'm definetly going to spain when I go to europe. hows the weed prices in spain? I know amsterdam is kind of pricey


Well-Known Member
We have great weather here and I have only seen snow once in 7 years. Even in the Winter it stays above 5 deg C/ 42 F. If u have a legal grow then u can do what u want but u need an Association with members to account for the amount u grow. On a home scale thing then u can grow a good tent or couple of lights indoors (huge yet personal amount), outdoors it used to be around 5 plants but the laws are more relaxed here in Cataluyna, so not sure about the rest of Spain. I counted 12 the other day ! Bit naughty. Weed is cheaper here or about the same as Tourist trap Dam. Since the competition opened up prices have gone down - supply and demand. Jorge Cervantes is opening an association here soon, or has already. Need to find out.....


Well-Known Member
your making me want to move their if only I spoke the language so yall can grow some sativas outdoors there right? here we get a frost before october usally and you can't start till may not the best for outdoors but you can grow some decent outdoor strains


Well-Known Member
What we do here is start indoors in April/May (if it's still cold and rainy) and then we put them outside. If people are late starting then they buy clones to save time and leave the garden lights on a bit to confuse the plant into vegging a bit longer. Autos can be done here from May til November. I have 2 x Sativa in my garden now which I would never do indoors as they are too slow - these will prob take until November. I usually stick to Indica Dom plants.

You're never too old to learn a language btw!!


Well-Known Member
plants looking great la hada. gonna have some real nice bushes there. can't wait to see how these turn out. good luck. i'm sub'd :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Scooby. Right now there is smoke blowing all over them from a piso on fire over the rd !!! Police and fire engines everywhere !!


Well-Known Member
What a day and a night !!! I've had a lot of indoor work to do and have literally cleared out my whole main room!!! Spraying, sweeping, bleaching, rinsing. I really think that I don't have any insects in the room right now. I totally fumigated it. I took out all plants and sprayed an insect home & garden spray in there with AC, filter and fan off. I left the room and re-applied. This morning I put on the AC before bleach washing the floor, putting back clean drip trays and plants etc. The plants got sprayed in Pyrthrum concentrate, 0.15% dilute was strong enough.

Basically, I couldn't beat the insects so I need to start over. I have veg on the go so I put in a lights worth of Power Kush seeds today, in a couple of days I will add some of my clones which need to be dipped and insect checked.

Perpetual harvest to me meant a perpetual insect problem. At least this way I can empty and clean the room each harvest.

Pics later, I wanna go out in the garden for a bit !!


Well-Known Member
DSC05636.jpg What have I done to the indoor clones? They were looking hungry on EC 0.7 so I increased it to EC 0.9. I know it as a lot to do with the Ca/ Mg as I was adding EC 0.1 of each = Ec 0.2 ( I use RO) b4 nutes, total Ec 0.7. 1/2 strength feed initially. Then I increased it to EC 0.3. Ph 6.5 - 6.8

The pistils look burnt and the buds look deformed. This is a super skunk clone at the front with white russian behind.

Temp good range 22.5 - 27.5 C RH 40-55%


DSC05640.jpgSuper skunk

DSC05643.jpg Whole room cleaned and empty. I was up til 1 am! These are the new Power Kush seeds on 18/6. Clones in next, need to be sprayed and dipped. Yes, I know the thermometer is miles away but the room was full yest and I was rushing this morning.

DSC05646.jpgI can't do the same to these, how much Ca & Mg shall I add in veg to buffer my RO ?

Otherwise I'm going back to tap water mix to EC 0.3. RO as buffering advice from so called grow friends has f****ed me up hard.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that RO water I don't have city water its an artisian well so its just spring water but that RO is soupose to take out all the dissolved solids and its a pain in the ass to get it right I saw a video on youtube it was jorge cervantes at flowery fields and they where mixing in tap water with there ro water to make it easier to work with but I don't know much about RO water just what I've read from jorge's and ed rosenthal's grow books