HELP 1st grow and already making mistakes !


I got a couple ace of spade clones about 4 weeks back. I have been keeping them under 18/6 lights since I got them . One of them ended up getting crushed when a spray bottle dropped on it right from the start. That one took a couple weeks but has made a full recovery. The 2nd plant was gowing great and really thick up until it got knocked over and fell out of it's planter. That happened about a week ago and the plant has new leaves and seems to be doing fine . I have kept them on the 18/6 lights but now I am wondering when I should change to 12/12 ?? I only have about 2.5ft of actually grow height so I dont wnt them to get too tall. I am attaching some pics any advice/help would be greatly appreciated !bongsmilieView attachment 2229210View attachment 2229211View attachment 2229212View attachment 2229213


Well-Known Member
First off, try to be careful around your young'ens. I know, we all are typically stoned when in our gardens but more reason to be VERY careful. Glad to hear that they made a speedy recovery. What lights are you using? You can top your plants to slow vertical growth which will turn your ladies into bushes. YOu can tie them down to the pot while increasing bud sites.

I would suggest reading as much as you can on this site and it will all come together.

READ, LEARN, GROW, READ MORE. I have found the possibilities are as strong as your imagination. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I would let them grow maybe 2 more weeks so they can recover completely then change to 12/12
Is that mylar or foil around your plants?, you'd be better off with flat white surface like maybe a matte white poster board you can get at staples.....good luck with your grow.


First off, try to be careful around your young'ens. I know, we all are typically stoned when in our gardens but more reason to be VERY careful. Glad to hear that they made a speedy recovery. What lights are you using? You can top your plants to slow vertical growth which will turn your ladies into bushes. YOu can tie them down to the pot while increasing bud sites.

I would suggest reading as much as you can on this site and it will all come together.

READ, LEARN, GROW, READ MORE. I have found the possibilities are as strong as your imagination. Good luck
I have been reading day and night . The problem is one person says do this and another says dont do that do this, so it gets a little confusing . Yea I learned the very hard way that I have to be super careful when dealing with my girls . SO to top them I just clip the leaves and stem that are there in the middle ? Can I use what I top to start a new clone ? Thanks for the advice .


Well-Known Member
I wait till I see a preflower pistole than I zap them to 12/12 and for me it is not until period.

On a side note, dude you are so never coming to my grow room. lol Danger Danger


First off, try to be careful around your young'ens. I know, we all are typically stoned when in our gardens but more reason to be VERY careful. Glad to hear that they made a speedy recovery. What lights are you using? You can top your plants to slow vertical growth which will turn your ladies into bushes. YOu can tie them down to the pot while increasing bud sites.

I would suggest reading as much as you can on this site and it will all come together.

READ, LEARN, GROW, READ MORE. I have found the possibilities are as strong as your imagination. Good luck
It's mylar. I was thinking about 2 more weeks too, was wondering if it might be smart to change them to a 16/8 regimine for the next couple weeks and than goto the 12/12 ?? Also do I need to be adding nutes on a regular basis ? I have 1/2 strength nutes that I have been putting in every other day but I dont want to over do it ??


It's mylar. I was thinking about 2 more weeks too, was wondering if it might be smart to change them to a 16/8 regimine for the next couple weeks and than goto the 12/12 ?? Also do I need to be adding nutes on a regular basis ? I have 1/2 strength nutes that I have been putting in every other day but I dont want to over do it ??


I'm a girl 1st grow and the spray bottle was totally my fault just gardening when too high is not good but the othr plant was NOT ME !!! I was so tramatized! Do they look healthy though ?


Well-Known Member
16/8 for the next 2 wks is fine, go easy with the nutes, soil usually has some already, you might take the chance of overfeeding. btw generaly speaking clones are old enough to start flower anytime, in your case 'cause of accidents let them recover.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
most plants will stretch a third of ther hight after u switch to 12/12 just keep tht in mind as far as nutes as long as the tips of the leaves not showing burn ur ok alittle is better than to much start half of whts recomended and wrk up from there !


Yea see thats where things get confusing ... Some people say you need nutes every couple of days others say only once a week and still some say just water and good soil is okay. I do have good soil, it's Happy Frog organic soil. It has bat gueno and worm cassing's so I am prob fine without the nutes huh ?? Someone told me after the injury to give it some extra nutes so it can heal faster, but I am scared of Nute Burn ! I am gonna switch them to 16/8 today and than see where I am at in 2 weeks .. I will post new pics and see if I have gotten anywhere ! I really want to grow a quality product that I will want to smoke thats my main goal here !


So far they look good... I have a couple spots that are discolored but I think that was more from the stress of being injured than from nutes or anything else !

Cajun Grower

Active Member
happyfrogs great on its own i wouldnt use anymore nutes till u switch to 12/12 then start wth a bloom booster i like to start wth 1/4 strenght then wrk up as buds start forming some strains take nutes better than others thts why its better to start low wrk up find wht ur plants like


happyfrogs great on its own i wouldnt use anymore nutes till u switch to 12/12 then start wth a bloom booster i like to start wth 1/4 strenght then wrk up as buds start forming some strains take nutes better than others thts why its better to start low wrk up find wht ur plants like
Okay will do .... I also have a couple seedlings in some root riot that have started sprouting one is about 1 inch has its 1st leaves but still has the seed attached . I stuck a bit of soil in the bottom of a platic cup and kinda positioned the root riot cube into the soil.. Can i just treat the little sprout like I am treating my clones ? Sorry for all the questions but I am hungry for Knowledge !

Cajun Grower

Active Member
no problem everyonrs a beginer once im no expert grown outdoors for yrs started growing indoors cuz got tired of shit eating my babies its a hole different ball game theres alot of info on here in plant problems and newbies treat ur seedlings same as ur clones when ur ready to transplant break up the root ball b4 potting it give em a good drink when they start to feel a little light and they'll be fine

Cajun Grower

Active Member
its not rocket science good soil water and freshair and light start wth tht as you get better experiment like i said not all strains grow the same !ed rosethals closet grower is a great book to read