1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
think the missus would have battered me if i'd lit up in the house lol. as for the nakedness i have no idea. i usually find a trail of clothes strewn through the gaff leading to the bed. sniff out where i threw my bag of weed and stash it before the boss gets up.

doubt anyone's interested but here's a couple of vids, firstly how utterly shite elton john was and secondly a speedway race from last night. the newcastle diamonds hammered the liecester lions 61 29!


i was hoping to see some spectacular crashes and spills but nadda. just good driving and the odd wheelie. love the smell of the high octane fuel.


Well-Known Member
Don Lad how are ya? I just back from a grand golf tourney won about 1000 USD. Not bad.

When you comin state side again?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

so i went to a comedy night last night. first act shite ii was laughing at how bad he was. compare was much the same but then a guy rocked up the stage with cerebral palsy, his shirt said keep calm and cary on, it's not catching! dude had lost his voice completely as a kid wit h some kind of illness honestly he has kahunas bigger than most.

honestly he cracked me up so much, talking about steven hawkins and how e can synthesize with him.

so much respect for him.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
those last two are the two tokes, i'm not sure if the mix is still too hot for them or the heat in the cab is a bit much or a combo of both. they are starting to shoot from the lower branches so i'm hoping it's just going to be another flush and just water for a little while, but if they start yellowing I know it's heat.


Well-Known Member
Look like a flush is in order, getting a bit of the dreaded claw there lad. Something iffy in the medium you think?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well i've already flushed them but i'll give them another go through in the shower. the lad in the hydro shop reckons i should get a bottle of canna flush to run through the coco the last few days. i thought ripen was a flush as they tell you not to use it with nutes but obviously i either didn't give them long enough or the mix was way too hot.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so the two dogs males had to go, they were hermzillas. not sure why. but underside was covered in balls and up top was all woman :(

trimmed the rest out and found a stray seedling growing in a pot that had a male i chopped out so i'm just going to see what comes 12/12 from seed lol. knowing my luck it'll be a male.

the clones after having flushed twice and only fed water, i'm thinking the environment is too hot. the cupboard hit 30c the other day. need to get the veg area properly sorted with the new stacking shelves. 200w cfls don't half kick out some heat, it's that or a small fan and vent but that's going to be a pain. strip lights shouldn't be as hot. but that'll have to wait. probably be after i come back off me hols in august which by that time the temps will be on the way back down and the prob wont be a prob likely...


thinking i might just put them into the box i had the males isolated in for a week see if the lesser heat helps, though there'll be a lot less lumens. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I don't normally throw out the, Have you ph'd your water? But since moving have you checked it? Sorry about the DOG things. The Fairy has an option of a snip with yer name on it I believe.........your choice.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
actually no i haven't ph'd it to be honest. have to dig out the meter, think i've only got ec though, can't mind on. and to be honest i've only moved 5 mins away from my old place lol.

fairy would deffo be welcome to my door!

whats the crack with this iso business then, just mince the dope and shake it up for 30 seconds, strain out and let evap?