The Hempy Collective

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Well-Known Member
So basically take a bucket cut a hole in it add screen fill with perilite add plant and water ever other day or so, how do u determine how much nuts to use ??


Well-Known Member i go by the plants needs for my nute intake as different strains need different things...just start with a 1/2 dose at first then work your way up....peace az


Well-Known Member
damion you have the concept correct, as far as the strnght of the nutes, as with anything start with 1/4 strngth and work your way up from there..... all this info is in the first couple of pages of this thread, but if you need help pm me I will help you out.....


Well-Known Member
thx guys for the help I'll keep u updated on my first HB grow after my current bubble grow, one thing I wont get rid of is the bubble cloner, I love that thing made it from scratch, LOVE IT


Well-Known Member
ya i hear ya we got a bub cloner running around but i think we swtiching to 100%perlite wick style cloner....we'll see whats more effecient...peace az


Well-Known Member
Assuming I'm sogging in 16oz hempy cups, how many plants do you think it would take to get 3oz? Starting from say 4in clones that have been rooted in an aero-cloner and put directly into 12/12 under at least 160 watts of cfl. As for strain, assume something with medium to good yields.

I am wondering because I would like to begin gathering mothers and such for my sog, and need to know how many plants/clones I need to be putting in every week to get out about 3oz dried. I know on icmag Drbudgreenes gets anywhere from .25 to 1oz per plant in his micro soil sog, but should I be expecting greater yields in hempy?


Well-Known Member
in 16oz cups lets say .25oz perplant you would want to be putting in 12 plants at a time to harvest 3oz a week to 2 weeks if perputal is what your looking for...if you want to space it out i suggest 6 plants every imo no cfls a small 250-400hps will do the trick....peace az


Well-Known Member
in 16oz cups lets say .25oz perplant you would want to be putting in 12 plants at a time to harvest 3oz a week to 2 weeks if perputal is what your looking for...if you want to space it out i suggest 6 plants every imo no cfls a small 250-400hps will do the trick....peace az
Hey AZ quick question, after this grow I plan on switching to HB and give it a shot can u give me an estimated guess on yield.. I will be using either 6-1gallon tubs or 6-3gallon tubs or 3-5gallon tubs, also my closet has a 250 HPS its only 3x2 but 5 feet tall, currently I am doing bubble setup with 6 plants in a 20 gallon tub..


Well-Known Member
Thx for the link I went threw and read it but I must be honest and say I am still not clear on the concept of how it works lol :-|

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Thx for the link I went threw and read it but I must be honest and say I am still not clear on the concept of how it works lol :-|

Really? Well the wick or string gets wet from the water in your bottom container - they in turn wet the area around them or wick the water up to the roots.

Also, you don't have to use soda bottoms - you can choose different containers. The principle is still the same.

I've tried that very system, but just happen to really like my present aero-cloner quite a bit. It holds 15 clones and I get virtually 100% success. But then I also got about the same success with the wick system and will probably create another one in time.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I just built a bubble cloner without mist, just bubble from a 1 gallon tub holds 10 clones max but only can only grow 6 at a time in main chamber, Using bubbleponics setup.. I am thinking about switching to HB because it seems to be alot less trouble, but I am not sure what my yields will be

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Just grow and see... lol

Az can give you great guesstimates, but there are just too many variables (lights, nutrients used, feeding frequency, size of buckets, how much love you show to your plants - etc) to give you a definitive quote. Hell, if you just want to hear a number - how about 10 lbs! Can it be done, heck yeah! How? Well there go the variables again!... lol

So just start a couple few Hempy buckets and let your progress guide you. I know you will be happy with the results.



Well-Known Member
I'm am happy with any results, I'm just looking to make back some $ that I spent on my cabinet and lighting, I'll keep enough for myself and get rid of the rest if you knwo what I mean
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