u wanted 2 b a lawyer and u r growing weed no wonder r goverment is all f--ked upYeah, it is pretty rediculous. If the law firm doesn't help me, I have already contacted this notorious guy in maryland for criminal defense, mostly for trafficking and big time bust. This isn't neccessarily "big time", but ANY amount in Va is. The thing is, they were two days chopped down, so they are going to weigh it, and it's not even dry yet, so if they get like a QP since it's wet, that is extremely unfair, since it should be dried at least 2-3 weeks. I'm hoping they let it dry out before they have a steady answer. They even took some of my money "for evidence". God what assholes, my friend was even here visiting for the weekend, and he left his bowl, his weed, and went down to Quadfest, he was like "you can tell them what you want", but I did not rat him out. I am completely fucked. There goes my future of being a lawyer
im writing my state senators and congressman daily via email.....dont see much other than that which i can possibly do except get elected and change it myself. I am a young man of my 20's what would you suggest that i do to get marijuana legalized in todays society?I have just read through this whole thread. I am over 50 years old. In my experience, you have to surrender quietly inside and allow the universe to fix this. If I was in your situation, I would wish for them a long life and a tooth ache every day. There is no sense to beating a dead horse. Your room mates will never fully understand the nature of their wrongs. If you continue to harbor a resentment for them you will have to carry it around with you. They are probably not thinking about it like you are. You are allowing them to rent a bunch of space in your head that they do not deserve. The universe is self balancing. You may not be there to see it, but they will have to pay. Sometimes you have to relax and know that justice will be handed out to them in a manner and time frame not of your choosing. This is part of what is wrong with the world today. How can such loving and caring gardners hatch such devious and diobolical plots? I know we are passionate about how wrong the marijuana laws are, but adding more violence and insanity to the problem will only escalate and make matters worse. I guess revenge and vengeance is a younger man's game. You need to be focused on becoming part of the solution and not make this problem any worse than it is.
Anyway, that is my two pennies.
There are times when a simple song says it all.
For the OP: YouTube - CAKE "Friend Is A Four Letter Word
To LoudBlunts and the "I Told You So Crowd": YouTube - Cake - Nugget (music video)
(Not crackin' anyone here, just making the observation, is all.)
You like?..............
who are u talking to?dude you are a fucking low life piece of fuck! go log on to myspace or something you fucking dick mouth