I see what you're saying, kind of like an ant farm; the ants have some predefined paths already but they can shift the sand around and make paths that maybe previously werent there?
The only reason I stand behind predestination at all is because of the laws of physics.
Everything (all matter, light, sound, anything etc) was concentrated at one time in one super dense, super hot point, which then exploded (aka the big bang). The big bang is just a glorified explosion, and explosions follow the laws of physics just like anything else. To ME that means everything that ever has, or ever will exist, has already been mapped out in the sort of "ballistics" explosion analysis of the big bang.
In other words any physical occurrence is simply the result of physics falling into place.
This doesnt take into account things like quarks and quirks, which dont really follow any currently written physical laws. I like to believe what i believe because it explains things in a way I can understand, doesnt break any outstanding physical laws, and because it fits my world view. Same reason(s) anyone believes in anything else (i would hope
