I have no natural children that I am aware of. I do have 3 successful step kids and
we all get along like oil and vinegar, Laural and hardy, kukla, fran and olie etc...
They all call me on fathers day and I'm sure 2 of them do not
call their own father.
I made a decision to love the woman I was with and she already had kids and kids were not on my list of priorities.
At this stage of my life it is likely my genes may not be passed along.
It was a decision I
consciously made more than 25 years ago.
So I now have 3 step kids and 4 grand children 3 of which call me grand pa, the other asshole don't count,
on my island of misfit toys.
I'm still happy with some of the decisions I made along the road called life.

AND I am STILL in love with my wife. although she don't like me all of the time.