Double Bladed leaf & Bud site growing on leaf


I don't post on here too much. I kind of like to take things as they come and learn from my mistakes in my last 4 grows. I crossed quite a few plants to White Widow a few years ago and the phenos that are coming out of all these seeds just amaze me.
I have a few Bubbleberry x White Widow plants in flower right now feeding off of Earth Juice and 2000w of light. They are all getting the same treatment but this one plant I noticed today has some double saw blade looking action going on in the leaf, I got closer and noticed a few bud sites popping up on the leaves themselves.
What is causing this? Should I be worried about something here with this plant??:wall:
Thanks for anyone who takes the time to respond!DSCN3233.jpgDSCN3239.jpgDSCN3240.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just strange genetics..I've seen it here before.
must be real strange, ive never seen it. any other spots on the plant like that? let it grow and see if its extra dank.

the plant isnt a clone, is it? genetics tend to get screwy with clones, after repeated cloning... but otherwise it might just be a genetic mutation.


must be real strange, ive never seen it. any other spots on the plant like that? let it grow and see if its extra dank.

the plant isnt a clone, is it? genetics tend to get screwy with clones, after repeated cloning... but otherwise it might just be a genetic mutation.
There are a total of 9 shade leaves with these sites growing on them. Just one spot on each leaf. This is seriously so crazy to look at haha.
And no this plant right in the picture is seed. I had my veg room destroyed by a sibling of mine so I'm back to veg/flower in the flower room. I have 5 other Bubbleberry x white widow seeds going in the same room as well. No signs of this happening to any of the others. And I have grown this plant a few other times with a few different phenos coming out. But I have never seen double bladed leaves and this going on with these genetics.
The only issues I have with ANY of my white widow crosses right now is they WILL not flower out until 48" at least, and they stretch to over 6' at the end of flower. These plants cease to amaze me.

And thanks for the last reply and the pics! My only concern is, my plants look like they are growing female flowers not a seed. I have delt with male plants before and they have never looked like this.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i get a lot of plants with the double serrated leaves, but i've only seen the leaf-bud in pics. i love when i get a good plant with double serrated leaves and then she makes seeds, and i can compare the double serrated offspring with the "normal serrated" offspring. the offspring tend to have the double serrations on only certain leaves or just the first few sets or serrations or whatever. leaf buds are still pretty mysterious to me but i know they happen because there's always a pic of them.

long story short, it's fine. just keep her healthy. i would be thrilled if you would attempt to root the leaf. i'd love to see if the budsite continued to grow or if it would just act like any other rooted fan leaf (do nothing).


Well-Known Member
Just noticed my Vortex is doing this too on two leaves. I found it super fucking weird. I have 3 rooted clones of it so if it turns out to be a desirable trait then hooray!


the plant isnt a clone, is it? genetics tend to get screwy with clones, after repeated cloning... but otherwise it might just be a genetic mutation.
bullshat! I've started with a mother, cloned it, cloned from the clones, cloned from those clones, on and on and on; taking 30 clones every 18 days for over 3 years. The later batches of plants were still as strong (tasting/harvest size, etc) as the original batch and mother. so i call BS on you friend.

as far as the craziness at had, I have seen this; both what Capt StickyF shows and what 100toes is showing. In most cases this happens to 1 or 2 nodes towards the bottom of the plant; and I think it is something stress related. Maybe out of 30 clones I'd notice this one 1 or 2, every 3 or 4 cloning; as it not too often to be worried about. Generally the flowers that grow from the leaf r junk, they won't bulk up, they might grow odd, and they usually aren't good smoke. overall, nothing to worry about. good luck buddy.