Scrotie Mcboogerballs
Well-Known Member
I'm sure that you already know him but, i've seen alex grey live a couple times. pretty dope. check out some of his work if you haven't already. Oh! and andre wee
yea i'm too fucked up to use alex grey does live shows? I wanna go to the chapel of mirrors someday!
But dude thats pretty cool, a friend of mine was showing me how to use a telescope once when I was on LSD. I saw jupiter mannn!!
My grandpa has a GIGANTOR telescope, unfortunately though he is not fond of lsd... As far as I know anyways
Yes he does, with his wife too. He does at least one a year in colorado. And I have eaten a lot of L but I always find that I get along with ppl best when i'm frying. I always freak out and think that they know and they honestly never do . . . lollol alex grey does live shows? I wanna go to the chapel of mirrors someday!
But dude thats pretty cool, a friend of mine was showing me how to use a telescope once when I was on LSD. I saw jupiter mannn!!
My grandpa has a GIGANTOR telescope, unfortunately though he is not fond of lsd... As far as I know anyways
Lol I love it. Sometimes though some lsd gives me this feeling right under my skin.. Like an itchy feeling. But it makes me squirm and wiggle and go "CHCHCHHEHEHCHCHECHEHCHCHE"
i love everything about it except the constant feeling of "pissing myself"
i love it dude, never was a Phish fan but now... my godIt doesnt pick up for awhile but I promise your mindll be blown I love gang gang dance.. They are amungst the best tripping bands I know. I saw them at lallapalooza and they murdered my soul.