CNN: Marijuana Contains 70% More Cancer Causing Agents Than Cigarettes


New Member

CNN still pushing the drug war on marijuana, continuing to push the false notion that Marijuana is bad for you by stating Marijuana Contains 70% More Cancer Causing Agents Than Cigarettes..

Funny they turn a study showing that fewer teens are smoking tobacco into some negative propaganda spin...corporate media is fucking useless.


Well-Known Member
Another statement that will be repeated until its believed to be true, with out any evidence proving so.


Well-Known Member

CNN still pushing the drug war on marijuana, continuing to push the false notion that Marijuana is bad for you by stating Marijuana Contains 70% More Cancer Causing Agents Than Cigarettes..

Funny they turn a study showing that fewer teens are smoking tobacco into some negative propaganda spin...corporate media is fucking useless.
its been shown before that you get more "tars" from weed but they havent showed it to increase lung cancer yet


Well-Known Member
When did media need any type of proof? They make their living on half truths and misconception. Hell I think they rank worse than politicians.....yeah I said it


Well-Known Member
But cannabis does overall contain 70% carcinogens, the problem with that is it would be like someone saying antibiotics cause bacterial infections.

Cannabis causes programmed cell death in precancerous cells, so it could have 500% more carcinogens and still be safe to smoke.

Statistics show cannabis smokers (no tobacco) are 10% less likely to get cancer than someone who has never smoked anything in their lives.


bud bootlegger
what about all the chemicals that are put into the paper of a cigarette? you can't tell me all these lines around my cigarette that make the paper burn evenly can be anything near healthy for me?
and what about those new fire safe cig's that we all smoke on now.. what do they think that cigs just magically go out on their own now without some added chemical's to do so?? all of which i'm sure are great for me as well..


Well-Known Member
what about all the chemicals that are put into the paper of a cigarette? you can't tell me all these lines around my cigarette that make the paper burn evenly can be anything near healthy for me?
and what about those new fire safe cig's that we all smoke on now.. what do they think that cigs just magically go out on their own now without some added chemical's to do so?? all of which i'm sure are great for me as well..
They actually reduced the levels of chemicals to make the new "safer" ones, most of the "dangerous chemicals" that were added to tobacco were purely to keep the damn thing lit, how sick is that?

Seamore Green, I saw it on a cannabis documentary, but I believe the study was done by UCLA, can't search it cos I'm on a phone and it's annoying.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....Well now....I have pretty well stopped smoking it so I don't see how it could be more carcinogenic for me.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....Well now....I have pretty well stopped smoking it so I don't see how it could be more carcinogenic for me.
It's not anyways, as has been said before, if cells turn precancerous then THC has the ability to kill them when they were supposed to die (and be replaced naturally) instead of them splitting and spreading.

Basically if cannabis was the "poison", it has the "antidote" mixed in aswell.


Well-Known Member
It's not anyways, as has been said before, if cells turn precancerous then THC has the ability to kill them when they were supposed to die (and be replaced naturally) instead of them splitting and spreading.

Basically if cannabis was the "poison", it has the "antidote" mixed in aswell.
Benzopyrene is created when lipids combust, all cannabinoids are lipids, dry and cure well, use a vape, enjoy your therapy


Well-Known Member
Oh CNN...
Weigh a cigarette, unless you roll your own, you're smoking a gram of tobacco minus the filter. People who smoke cigarettes usually smoke more than one a day, lets go with 5 being the median (I'm sure it's higher). That's 5 grams of tobacco minus 5 filters to the dome. Now, If I smoke 5 or more grams a days of pot it's almost always split with friends. You're everyday stoner probably doesn't smoke more than 1-2 grams of pot a day.

Now, before we get into a pissing contest along the lines of: "I smoke zip a day nigga, cause I'm a gee... yardidaholla?" You have to take into account that the eqivalent tobacco smoker would smoke two packs a day, which is 40 grams.

Without using statistics, based on my own observations, from the people that I converse with, I'm going to say that the median pot smoker smokes about 1.5 grams to the face a day. At 70% more carcinogens we multiply that by 1.7 (if you don't understand what I did here... 5th grade covers this pretty well) 1.5 x 1.7 = 2.55; so the equivalent amount of carcinogens of a median pot smoker is roughly half that of a median tobacco smoker. Who'd of thunk it? Not CNN.


New Member

CNN still pushing the drug war on marijuana, continuing to push the false notion that Marijuana is bad for you by stating Marijuana Contains 70% More Cancer Causing Agents Than Cigarettes..

Funny they turn a study showing that fewer teens are smoking tobacco into some negative propaganda spin...corporate media is fucking useless.

CNN is for liberals and Obama supporters. Those fucking morons will believe anything.