Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Come to think of it, with the whole commercialism thing, if I recall, a few years ago somebody was talking about how a lb of OG at the time was going for 5k to the clubs in LA, and that they'd take as much as you could bring them. Stink was living in Oregon or Washington at the time, but he chimed in with "They'll take as much as you can grow? Maybe I need to move to Cali" and next thing you know he's heading south.
Come to think of it, with the whole commercialism thing, if I recall, a few years ago somebody was talking about how a lb of OG at the time was going for 5k to the clubs in LA, and that they'd take as much as you could bring them. Stink was living in Oregon or Washington at the time, but he chimed in with "They'll take as much as you can grow? Maybe I need to move to Cali" and next thing you know he's heading south.


I understand you are upset, but no need to throw anger towards SB. AT the end of the day, its ok for him to try to make money... there is nothing wrong with that.

But yeah, lets move on and pick whats left, rebuilt and make it better. good to see you here
I'm all for everyone making money, just don't espouse the virtues of selflessness and take down your site because you say publicly that it's not for people to make money, when your own goal is to make money.
Hello everyone.

I used to be on the SB site, and this is my first time posting on here.

Perhaps I should explain a little. I was never a heavy poster to that site, but I was fortunate enough to get answers to many of my questions there, for that I will always be grateful. That being said, I was also one of the people that ordered the DVD and never received it. I want to be clear that although I used to blame Stinkbud for this, I understand what he had gone through, and I no longer feel that way. (SIDE: I really hope all is well with you Stinkbud.) Because I didn't receive my DVD, it left a sour taste in my mouth and I stopped visiting the site. BTW I went elsewhere and built a system that I've have moderate success with, so that's why I didn't "pardon the term" make a stink about it.
That being said, I went to ask a question to get advice (about nutes) and I was lead to this site. I do want to say that I was able to read up and find my answer so I'm thankful for that. But imagine my surprise when I saw that Stinkbud was selling a book. I feel the need to restate this so I will, even though I didn't receive my DVD and it left a bad taste with me, I have always valued the information I've received from SB site so I called it even.
Thing is SB is now selling a book, that I know will include valuable information, but I don't want to be taken advantage of again. So I'm asking has anyone had any issues with receiving his book?

SB I'll always be grateful, and I sincerely hope that you find your peace.
wow what a way to ass fuck one of your own guys!!! il buy ur ebook SB even if uts just for a good read as i think horizontal lighting is no longer usefull for me, i may try a bigger system for bigger plants though. thanks for all the info and time u put in mate. hope all works well for you. take care
I was going to go with SB idea but since hes out of the picture anybody have their own working ideas similar to his so I can get a project started. Thank..good growing
I was going to go with SB idea but since hes out of the picture anybody have their own working ideas similar to his so I can get a project started. Thank..good growing
houston, i will take a few pics tonight of my system to give you some ideas. im in the middle of doing a major mod(4" rail inside a 5" rail, filled with expanding foam) so i have one system broken down i can get some details for you.
(4" rail inside a 5" rail, filled with expanding foam).

Whats going on here.... this should be interesting. care to elaborate? I think I know what you are tyring to do. Why not a net between the two?

Yeah I making some mods too to all three system.. Need 2 weeks to get em all done..
Hey guys, this thread is still going, Superstoner is here, and he is the king of this system and I am here to help as well.
Whats going on here.... this should be interesting. care to elaborate? I think I know what you are tyring to do. Why not a net between the two?

Yeah I making some mods too to all three system.. Need 2 weeks to get em all done..
i have about the most control of my enviroment and grow as i can at this point. the room and systems have just been running perfect and the plants show it. im trying for thermal efficiency with the insulated rails because it is the weekest spot in my room. by having the rail in a rail it has 1/4-3/8" insulation completly filling the area between the rals allowing the inner rail to stay cooler thus keeping res cooler and then less time for the chiller to run. and the roots will be happier.
i have about the most control of my enviroment and grow as i can at this point. the room and systems have just been running perfect and the plants show it. im trying for thermal efficiency with the insulated rails because it is the weekest spot in my room. by having the rail in a rail it has 1/4-3/8" insulation completly filling the area between the rals allowing the inner rail to stay cooler thus keeping res cooler and then less time for the chiller to run. and the roots will be happier.

crap which reminds me... I need a chiller...

how do you get the chiller to cool all the containers...
houston, i will take a few pics tonight of my system to give you some ideas. im in the middle of doing a major mod(4" rail inside a 5" rail, filled with expanding foam) so i have one system broken down i can get some details for you.

Thanks that would really. Appreciate the help. Im a lil rusty on growing, took a year o so off off but commercial is garbage I need to be growing.
chiller cools 30gal igloo cooler using dedicated pump and thermistat. second pump, with tstat in flower res, feeds pvc manifold that has individual valve for each res and one for homemade icebox. all temps but cloner are kept at 65-67f. ice box is just to take advantage of cold water and assist in electric savings from ac.
chiller cools 30gal igloo cooler using dedicated pump and thermistat. second pump, with tstat in flower res, feeds pvc manifold that has individual valve for each res and one for homemade icebox. all temps but cloner are kept at 65-67f. ice box is just to take advantage of cold water and assist in electric savings from ac.

What about the Veg setup, isn't that in a different room, because its has its own light schedule...

I still dont get, exactly how you explained it, a diagram would help, This looks like a bitch to setup...

And this is using 1/4 hp chiller, I am assuming
im not good at diagrams but will get you some pics. new veg room is connected to flower room. its a 1/2hp chiller i got new/damaged for $50 and fixed for another $50.