• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

WHY does DHS need 450 million hollow point rounds? AND buying up 7k more NATO guns!


Well-Known Member
[h=1]DHS won’t explain its order of 450 million hollow point bullets[/h]

After 9/11, the United States government created the Department of Homeland Security to prevent future acts of terrorism and deal with other domestic issues. Now in order to keep doing such, the agency is asking for 450 million hollow point bullets.

The DHS has signed off on an “indefinite delivery” from defense contractors ATK that will include, for some reason, nearly 500 million high-power ammunition for .40 caliber firearms. The department has yet to discuss why they are ordering such a massive bevy of bullets for an agency that has limited need domestically for doing harm, but they say they expect to continue receiving shipments from the manufacturer for the next five years, during which they plan to blow through enough ammunition to execute more people than there are in the entire United States.
“We are proud to extend our track record as the prime supplier of .40 caliber duty ammunition for DHS,” reads an official statement from Ron Johnson, ATK’s president of Security and Sporting, who adds that his group will also be giving up weaponry to the DHS subdivision of ICE, or Immigrations and Custom Enforcement.
While ammunition itself seems not too unreasonable of a request by a major federal entity that emphasizes domestic durability and safeguarding the country from coast to coast, the choice — and quantity — of its hollow point order raises a lot of questions about future plans for the DHS. ATK says they won their contract with the US government by being able to provide them with 450 million HST bullets, which it describes as “the next generation in high performance duty ammunition.”
What does that mean, exactly? On their website, the contractor claims that the ammunition is specifically designed so that it can pass through a variety of obstructions and offers “optimum penetration for terminal performance.”Or, in other words, this is the kind of bullet designed to stop any object dead in its tracks and, if emptied into the hands of the DHS a few hundred million times, just might do as much.
Since its inception, the Department of Homeland Security has not only absorbed ICE and other government entities, but has arguably extended its powers much more broadly than many had imagined. Under the recently authorized Trespass Bill, H.R. 347, protesters that allegedly disrupt occurrences acknowledged by the DHS of being a National Special Security Event will be charged with a federal crime. As the DHS gains more and more ground in fighting terrorism domestically, the US at the same time has turned the tables to make its definition of terrorist way less narrow. With any American blogger or free thinking on the fringe of what the government can go after under H.R. 347, or the National Defense Authorization Act that allows for the indefinite detention of US citizens without charge, the DHS could just be blasting through what’s left of its budget to make sure that its roster of agents across the country can get in their target practice over the next few years.
Of course, the government might just want to ensure that each one of those agents is more than able to assassinate Americans not just around the globe, but on their own soil. After all, for all of those angsty alleged Americans engaged in terrorism abroad, the US has the largest military in the history of the world to deal with them. In that case, they could argue that it only makes sense to equip their armed forces at home as well.

Source - http://rt.com/usa/news/dhs-million-point-government-179/

Department of Homeland Security Shopping for 7k Personal Protection 5.56x45mm NATO Guns
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is looking to buy 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO personal defense weapons, The Intel Hub reports. After all, they recently acquired 450 million hollow point rounds, so naturally they need guns to go along with them.

The DHS intends to collect weapons from different vendors so that each weapon can be tested at the National Firearms and Tactical Training Unit in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Vendors have a chance of winning a contract with the DHS, but they’re going to have to agree “to allow DHS to release testing data of their firearm samples to Federal agencies, military, and law enforcement.”

Firearm manufacturers may not be fond of that catch, but we can see why the DHS would want to do it: sharing the data would save money and prevent superfluous testing in the future.

They’re really going to put these guns through the ringer, firing 4,000 rounds from each gun to see how well they hold up. Guns that pass will be run through an additional 3,500 rounds and tested under extreme weather and environment conditions.

The DHS is including a laundry list of requirement that the guns will have to fit. They can’t be more than 30 inches with the stock fully extended or 20 inches with the stock folded, and they must come with a flash suppressor or muzzle brake, not to mention the durability inherent to a 7,500 round stress test.

Several issues to address here... First the testing... after 7500 rounds, the barrels will be getting close to being shot out. Chrome lined barrels are usually good to 7-8K, and the new Melonite harding process is seeing 10K+ out of the barrels. Second.. Sharing the test results with other Fed Agencies? You think this will STOP the other agencies from doing the same thing over again? When has any Fed Agency taken the word from another? Hell, they don't even share important data. Third... Why is there a DHS.. well guys, they are there to protect our GOVT officials, not the average Joe. Forth... 7000 guns and 450M rounds of ammo, equates to 64286 rounds per gun! Something to think about here, as to why the new guns and all that ammo! Our GOVT KNOWS the public is NOT happy with them, they can't be that stupid or blind, and they are gearing up for that moment when the straw breaks the camels back. Fact is that back has already been broken... and we are all treading on a very fine wire, which could break at any moment.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I am not sure why our LE branches are not more debated in politics, they consume large amounts of money and their success rate is debatable. The biggest problem I have, that I never see anyone talk about is....We follow the geneva convention in wars for obvious reasons, why don't we require our own LE agency's to follow it on Americans?


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I posted this to see if anyone here knew *what* to pay attention to. Guess not. Complaining about vacations, golf games and other nonsense will quickly vanish when the guns get turned on you and me.


Well-Known Member
Well I am guilty of debating about golf and vacation, but it's not that I directly care if or how long the president golfs it's about accountability. All people want to talk about is how shitty Bush was when it's irrelevant now. Its like debating how big the hole is in the boat when your sinking. Obama's answer to our economy is LEO's, and anyone can go to news.google.com and see about 4 articles a day where cops are committing civil right violations. I really from a rational stand point don't see how flooding the market on LEO's and teachers is going to get us out of this mess. It almost like a 12 year old came up with this shit.


Well-Known Member
were probably going to be exterminated by the hands of our government in fema camps, the rothschilds and builderbergs did it once before, except it was the 30's in germany and it was called the third reich. and that time it was only like 8million people. this time it will probably be much much worse, but much more efficient. having a lot of money gets you very far, and in nazi germany after america seized control the two richest families who also happened to be in control bought amnesty and asylum in the us. now they own most of our country, same family, and its obvious where americas agendas are.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
They put in an order with a new hollowpoint design probably, those plastic core ones that the FBI uses.

The PDW sounds like a modified m4...the horror...the horror. I'm sure they're going to take over the world with 7,000 carbines and their service issue .40cals.


Ursus marijanus
Or lost to the Mexican drug cartels....../sarcasm
If they're using hollow points for plink rounds at a training range someone needs to be fired!
I would generally agree, but "train like you fight" doctrine probably prevails. And I'll bet lobbyists from Olin, Alliant and the other big ammo mfgrs had their say. Follow the (piles of) money. cn


Ursus marijanus
Why do we use hollow points on Americans when we have claimed it inhumane for war?
The Geneva Protocol only covers the battlefield. It was also formulated at a time when hollowpoints were designed to maim. Modern hollowpoints are a different beast. Combatants are still required to use solids/FMJs, in their small arms, but civilian and MP agencies are not bound by this.

To CutThroat's question, my first instinct is that liability is an issue. If a civil suit can drive a wedge between the ammo used to train and that used in a controversial police/agency shooting, count on it that it'll happen. We live in the land where a spilled McDs coffee became MILLIONS. cn


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video Fungus but that's really wasn't what i was asking I may order some of them for loading nevertheless. I am knowledgeable on ballistics, I load my own ammo and participate in match shooting.

It was also formulated at a time when hollowpoints were designed to maim.

This is where I disagree hollow points were designed to decrease penetration and disrupt more tissue, that's still their purpose today. I still don't see why inside America when can completely ignore the humane factor of killing someone as funny as that sounds. Bleeding out because the can see though your shoulder isn't the way.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I posted this to see if anyone here knew *what* to pay attention to. Guess not. Complaining about vacations, golf games and other nonsense will quickly vanish when the guns get turned on you and me.
tin foil hats work best shiny side out. gotta keep the dull in.


Ursus marijanus
I will yield that point, nontheist. I will observe that "humane" and defensive shooting are an odd mix. I did read somewhere that the 9mm Parabellum cartridge (and some of its contemporaries, such as the 7.65 Mauser) were specifically chosen to wound and not to kill. The "theory" behind this is that a soldier spending a month-plus in a hospital is a bigger logistical drain than a clean kill. In a non-military setting ... well if i am forced to shoot, it would not be to wound. Modern hollowpoints raise the 9mm from a marginal to an acceptable defense round imo. That said, I prefer and select the .45 ACP. cn


Well-Known Member
were probably going to be exterminated by the hands of our government in fema camps, the rothschilds and builderbergs did it once before, except it was the 30's in germany and it was called the third reich. and that time it was only like 8million people. this time it will probably be much much worse, but much more efficient. having a lot of money gets you very far, and in nazi germany after america seized control the two richest families who also happened to be in control bought amnesty and asylum in the us. now they own most of our country, same family, and its obvious where americas agendas are.
see my advice on tin foil hats above.


Active Member
Who really knows what it's about.

You don't target practice with hollow points as they're 2 - 3 times the cost of FMJ bullets... then again government is stupid so it probably is for target shooting.

Secondly guns with chrome lined barrels are not only good for 7k - 8k rounds. There are plently of AK's, FAL's, and AR's that are on 10k+ rounds with no parts changed out. AR's are less likely to do this, but lots of FAL's and AK's go well beyond 10k rounds before needing replacement parts, let alone the barrel. There is a forum for FAL's where there's one guy who has over 25K rounds through his FAL without doing anything to the gun. 7k - 8k is just BS, wherever that info came from.


Well-Known Member
see my advice on tin foil hats above.
you'll be in a fema camp too guy, tin foil wont help any of us, i dont comment on your asshole or stupid posts, so grant me the same favor and just pretend you cant see anything i post.

as far as train like you fight wtf? the army trains with ball ammo, you fight with a mixed mag.. there is no reason to use hp rounds except for stopping power. maybe the bath salt zombies?