Help me troll thieves not sure where you are from, BUT i got a GREAT idea. Make a fake letter printed out to that persons parents(if they are younger then 18, if not sent it to them) and make it look EXACTLY like a letter tht the government would send a person, and make it say that the individual has been in "contact" with a person who tested positive for HIV and their names could not be revealed for security reasons. and they must see a doctor as soon as possible to undergo testing.. THIS will sturr up soooooo much shit...IM talking mass scale tsunami here....

And in the mean time, ya might wanna start to set up boobie traps or something. Knowing they are young punks they will either be back, of have told other friends the location.
lmfao that would be hilarious and would start a bunch of drama.
Would suck if it turns out the kids a virgin though lol.
lmfao that would be hilarious and would start a bunch of drama.
Would suck if it turns out the kids a virgin though lol.

no sex is needed to contract aids.

and that idea would work better if i pretended to be calling from a clinic rather than pretending to be a government authority.
oh, wow. that would be perfect, but it might get authorities involved. that's the kind of thing that could land me in hot water as well.

but A+ on the idea, just brilliant.
Me and a couple guys did it to this prick on our football team. He was a TRAINWRECK for a couple days until my other buddy spilt the beans.
AND dude sooo what if it attracts police attention, all you are doing is dropping off a few letters and BOOM the bomb is brewing. There is no way to track it to you, what atre they gunna do...say.." mr officer, i stole some pot plants from this dude so it could have been him.
its worth every second you waste doing it
You had you plants stolen.You know who the thieves are. Nobody else would know better what to do about it but yourself.You can ask yourself what would Christopher Moltisanti do? Your not gonna get your plants back so might as well take some action and get some self-serving justice. Make them eat shit one at a time goddamnit. Get creative, improvise have some fucking contempt. WTF is this about trolling thieves? Don't you remember how much you hate thieves? Harness and direct that hatred. Or you can just carry on as Boy Batano would after receiving the shaft.
Me and a couple guys did it to this prick on our football team. He was a TRAINWRECK for a couple days until my other buddy spilt the beans.
AND dude sooo what if it attracts police attention, all you are doing is dropping off a few letters and BOOM the bomb is brewing. There is no way to track it to you, what atre they gunna do...say.." mr officer, i stole some pot plants from this dude so it could have been him.
its worth every second you waste doing it

i suppose you're right, but i think a phone call would be better. health clinics usually have anonymity rules which dictate that they can not disclose information in certain ways.

a phone call to the parents might be an awesome option, but then i'll have the parents worried sick about their shit stain of a child. i don't want to hurt the parents like that, just their shitty kids.
You had you plants stolen.You know who the thieves are. Nobody else would know better what to do about it but yourself.You can ask yourself what would Christopher Moltisanti do? Your not gonna get your plants back so might as well take some action and get some self-serving justice. Make them eat shit one at a time goddamnit. Get creative, improvise have some fucking contempt. WTF is this about trolling thieves? Don't you remember how much you hate thieves? Harness and direct that hatred. Or you can just carry on as Boy Batano would after receiving the shaft.

i only know how to troll the internet.

in real life, you would never suspect me to be an internet troll. so i need real life ideas like stickstickyganja is proposing.
i suppose you're right, but i think a phone call would be better. health clinics usually have anonymity rules which dictate that they can not disclose information in certain ways.

a phone call to the parents might be an awesome option, but then i'll have the parents worried sick about their shit stain of a child. i don't want to hurt the parents like that, just their shitty kids.
lol come on buck they'll be a little upset until the test results come back,make the call and record that shit so we can hear there reactions.
i suppose you're right, but i think a phone call would be better. health clinics usually have anonymity rules which dictate that they can not disclose information in certain ways.

a phone call to the parents might be an awesome option, but then i'll have the parents worried sick about their shit stain of a child. i don't want to hurt the parents like that, just their shitty kids.
Hahah just imagine the damage that 1 phone call would create...HIROSHIMA all over again in their residences.
But seriousily though, if you dont wanna take that road, take it oldschool and pay some young punk to kick his ass, or even just to spook him shitless. $100 to kids is alot of cash. Imagine the ass kicking that would go down......were talking Chuck Norris here.
Someone help me trim :-(

I just got my ass kicked at work, well not literally. My co-worker and I recieved and cooked 120 dinner orders in 60 minutes, and I came home to a big pile of weed that needs trimming...And I have to work for the neext 3 days....And I can't put it off cause it's dry and needed to be manicured and put into jars like 4 hours ago....Fuck.....
Hahah just imagine the damage that 1 phone call would create...HIROSHIMA all over again in their residences.
But seriousily though, if you dont wanna take that road, take it oldschool and pay some young punk to kick his ass, or even just to spook him shitless. $100 to kids is alot of cash. Imagine the ass kicking that would go down......were talking Chuck Norris here.

that idea did cross my mind, but i'm ruling out bodily injury.

i think your first idea is a winner, and will likely be doing it. :fire:
but man a call would be easier to track, and you could fuck up and laugh....i sure would

pay phone, block the number. my work career to until lately has been on the phones telling people what they want/need to hear, no worries of me laughing. i would even go through great lengths to compose and rehearse a professional script first, too.

i would stack talking to the police and their parents right on top of that. might have to have my neighbor talk to the parents though, since they would know my voice and my neighbor is a long time resident of the neighborhood who would know where they live and could act as a concerned third party.
i have a friend who works at a sign printing shop, could make a sign with the three kids that says "thieves" and stake it on my front lawn, along with many smaller signs stapled to each tree and post for a three block radius.

in fact, i am quite partial to this idea.
i have a friend who works at a sign printing shop, could make a sign with the three kids that says "thieves" and stake it on my front lawn, along with many smaller signs stapled to each tree and post for a three block radius.

in fact, i am quite partial to this idea.
Wait, did you get pictures/video? Now I gotta read the whole thread...
i have a friend who works at a sign printing shop, could make a sign with the three kids that says "thieves" and stake it on my front lawn, along with many smaller signs stapled to each tree and post for a three block radius.

in fact, i am quite partial to this idea.
Nah I wouldn't do that.The kid and all his friends would probably fuck with your property and shit after that.If you're gonna fuck with them make sure they don't know it's you so you can go to there parents and the cops afterwards still.
They also probably wouldn't care about the sign.....I know when I was a teenager I would just laugh if I seen that shit on my lawn.
tell your neighbor to put the word out that your going out of town for a few weeks - make sure the kiddies that jacked you somehow hear this. park your car at a gas station or grocery store parking lot and leave it there. walk back to your house and just wait pacitntly inside till the kids come back for a second helping. set up cameras to record the kids trespassing, breaking in, blah blah blah.. but leave the door or however they got in the first time unlocked so they get really excited.. pop out from a behind a door, closet or someshit - dressed like a clown or not that ones up to you - lock the door from the inside and whoop there monkey ass for a while. duct tape the kid up from the shoulders to his ankles and leave him on the football field at the local high school.. tell him if he snitches you have him on tape breaking and entering your house and will go to the police. then call him a bitch.. it's only fair lol