I did buy a bunch of Mammoth Sunflowers and some cute red ones I figure will distract but c'mon like I'm going to hide 30 some beautiful Girls giving off that lovely scent... Or could I? I was kind of pondering if anything, Lilacs perhaps gave off a strong enough scent to mask?
I have killer security planned though with motion detectors and security cams and a little idea I picked up working at the pet store with walkie talkies

motion activated voice recording
Freeze, turn around slowly and get down on the ground hands where they can be seen then if they persist the sirens and while they are a bit spooked with that BAM BAM BAM meanwhile I'm calling the real pigs to come protect and serve which they do in these situations here fortunately. Hell, friend of mine even got warned by some that they had Caught the dudes staking out his and another got held up by fake DEA then called the locals because they just took his girlz and left- they actually caught the them minus the girlz but even gotta give pigs due credit when credit is due. :bongsmile: