
Well-Known Member
60mg dosage on liquid pad 225 degrees celcius. 1 bag full dosage
I myself have been lucky enough to aquire an ample amount of the magical dream substance. Volcano is the bomb. I wan't sure it was going to really work. Reading up on a few other forum threads on it, made it seem more legit. Well, i had enough to do the whole nine yards. Lets just say i started to feel it by my third toke out of the bag, and had to force the last toke down and hold it in until i laid back, and went to 'that other place'.

I am a happy happy man. i need more time to think now, and compute what really just happened. if i can that is.

Volcano!!!??? wow wow wow. no crap taste, not harsh, as easy as breathing air.

had to post this so people can take advantage of their volcano :)

p.s use a separate bag if you are worried about the smell or taste, i haven't found it to be unpleasant unlike a bong laced.
Never used a volcano, but agree, properly vaped spice is nearly tasteless.
I'm actually really REALLY DUMBFOUNDED right now, i'm gonna get ready for bed, i wan't going to have anymore tonight, but watchinbg a few terrance tubes got me excited again. Wow going into it was soo smooth this time....i shall talk about it more tomorrow, beautiful glowing flying angel like entity like a manta sooooo much better in silence as well. If you love your D, A volcano is a wise wise choice. my head went 'POP' ON THE 4TH TOKE of the bag, and i slowly toked the last draw down with my eyes closed and as i was inhaling the noise of the air sucking in surrounded my head and body, it was like visual music flowing through the air.
orgasm material, i got tears. wow
lol what exactly are we talking about you mentioned dmt then sombody else mentioned spice and dude is talking about ordering some wtf is going on here
Dmt is also known as spice, long before the synthetic smokable incense company Spice.

What's strange about a dude ordering drugs?

Do you just throw the dmt on the screen, or mix with herbs or something? You can take down a bag fast and smooth? Without stopping to cough from strong hits?
Dmt is also known as spice, long before the synthetic smokable incense company Spice.

What's strange about a dude ordering drugs?

Do you just throw the dmt on the screen, or mix with herbs or something? You can take down a bag fast and smooth? Without stopping to cough from strong hits?
The filling chamber of the volcano has a small liquid pad around 5ml thinck, (stainless steel) you place your 'Magic' on the pad. Heat the Volcano Vaporizer to max temp (it will not combust these max volcano temps. impossible.) place the filling chamber on the volcano once temp has been reached. Then i click the air button on the volcano, wait about 2-3 seconds, the Magic melts instantly into the pad and vaporizes in less than 20-30 seconds, the vapor is still plenty hot enough for re-crystallization to happen, Get comfortable and inhale! soo easy, not like toking a bong or a pipe AT ALL! smooth as a pornstars ass. you don't notice the first toke at all, i hold it in. The second toke starts to feel a slight anesthetic like feeling go over the body, hold it in.....3rd toke my vision started to fade out and perception started to go crazy....hold it..... eyes closed now, bag to my mouth and inhale the last beautiful toke of magic, as i'm inhaling this last toke magic is already starting to happen very very quickly, my head and eyes rolled back, I laid comfortably next to my mrs, not even noticing if she was still there, she stayed entirely silent for me, which helped greatly. I lost myself within seconds it felt like, i wasnt sure if i was there or asleep, or dreaming it was such a surreal feeling. my hair started to feel tight around my scalp, and i had this pulling sensation like someone was running their palm over the top of my felt like bliss or something....then this warm wet like feeling submerged me and the air surrounding me kinda went 'POP'! AND these amazing spirals of colours started, slowly at first, edges and clarity was out of this world, such sharp clear imagery. I was gone......The colours slowed and blackness came, i thought huh!?? can't be over already, and something told me to stay calm and just breathe....i took a massive deep breath and when i exhaled i notice a brightness in the distance, as i focussed on my breathing this got closer, and closer, and i could make out these waves of colours making up these entity like beings, huge, flying in the air, all Blue like electricity, purples and reds, pinks and oranges, all vibrant as the sun on a steaming day. This entity just stayed in front of me with her wing like things spread out over the plain, every time i breathed in and out it was like her wings were controlling my breathing speed. there was no words conveyed between me and this winged entity. I just felt as if this was here to comfort me in my first true breakthrough. After I came to, my mrs said i was talking out loud explaining everything i was seeing, i have it all recorded on digital. I was not totally aware i was talking, and completely forgot that my mrs was there. I had tears rolling down my face after this experience.

wow. Not crying, just in absolute awe.
You are going to find it a great aid and comort in your life.
Order seeds, plant trees and make sure you can never be cut off from supply.
You are going to find it a great aid and comort in your life.
Order seeds, plant trees and make sure you can never be cut off from supply.
Somehow i think it'll be around for a while ;) I've had 3 successful breakthroughs the last one being this morning was absolutely insane, i had it ready for my mrs, it was only 30mg, i got it ready in the vape, she had 1 toke out of it and it was thick thick vapor and she noticed how strong it was, i don't know why but some reason this chunky bit i put in cooked up really thick, anyway, after she had 1 toke, she wasn't ready to take another, i wasn't going to force her, I'll let her make the choice for that, I took the bag off her thinkin oh well just a couple of tokes i might get a bit of a buzz. YEAH RIGHT. Maybe it had concentrated down to the last its in the bag, i got 2 average size tokes and held them until i was red in the face. ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing at first i kept my eyes open, staring at the volcano, as the vibrations got stronger the volcano started to wobble, everything turned a hazey greeney colour, i instantly closed my eyes, and was in that moment instantly taken to this strange area that only seemed to last for maybe 20 seconds, then everything went black, i thought huh??? i took some deep breaths, then BAM all i could see was a black dark room and all these computer screens kind of, and everything, i mean everything, knives and forks, my phone, the tv, the curtains, when i opened my eyes everything was not as i remember at all!!! it was unrecognizable! everything was lined with a fluorescent bright green outline. Meanwhile, i had a thought in the back of my head! ohh my mrs is trippin 2 so i looked her way and she had been watching me for quite sometime, hers passed almost straight away like she got barely anything, and she watched me as i was literally kneeling on the ground sitting up straight looking straight ahead with my eyes and mouth wide open is disbelief!!! she said my eyes looked black and she could tell that i was truly not there, even though i could look around, it wasn't through my normal eyes that's for sure. I can't quite work out what i saw, i don't think it was an entity nor being, but it was alive, machine like, and the room all lined in green was insane, the more i realized you stare at something the more it breaks apart.

Love it. I feel like i have been re-vitalized! i woke up this morning feeling like i had a new found knowledge, but i dont know what it is! lol
Dmt and the mrs watching you dissolve into and return from another dimension. Good times.
Funny you say that man! i kinda feel like its definitely another dimension but not another universe or planet, well not where i went anyway!, when i open my eyes on a couple of trips i just felt as if it was all changed into a machine/computer world i knew i was kinda there but i didnt recognize things I touched, then after closing eyes agan seeing such darkness and at the same time such vivid colours in the foreground making up these unique blends of crasiness! Its just CRAZY crazy crazy, I'm goin again soon, very very excited haha LOL 2 days and i'm goin again, i can't help it, i know there is something more that needs to be shown to me like now i feel totally comfortable with it, i can relax and blend into it and melt into this new found world or place or whatever it is!

How longs this stuff last?? i mean i got a few........trips u would say but does it stay good in the fridge? or just a dry place? or what...

any help gets rep ofcourse
That's it. I can feel your spirit flowmasta. You have officially given me a dmt woody. No homo. I need to get the root bark and do an extraction. I'm just really broke right now. Maybe when I stop eating my shrooms for a while. I don't even want to suggest that tripping can be addictive. But, if I could trip on naturals like dmt and shrooms at least every other day. Then I friggin' would. Is the thought of that repulsive... or intriguing?
The thought of tripping every other day is exhausting more than anything else.
Flowamasta if you keep it in a sealed container in the freezer it should stay good for a year or longer.
That's it. I can feel your spirit flowmasta. You have officially given me a dmt woody. No homo. I need to get the root bark and do an extraction. I'm just really broke right now. Maybe when I stop eating my shrooms for a while. I don't even want to suggest that tripping can be addictive. But, if I could trip on naturals like dmt and shrooms at least every other day. Then I friggin' would. Is the thought of that repulsive... or intriguing?
LOL! crazy man ;) yes i'm having lots of fun, and everytime i get nervous!!?? whats with that!? i say the word to myself and my heart jumps!!
I haven't come across anything ever that comes close to Deemster, it is soo unique in every way
The thought of tripping every other day is exhausting more than anything else.
Flowamasta if you keep it in a sealed container in the freezer it should stay good for a year or longer.
Thanx alot man rep+ I think it may be gone by then, but lucky for me my 'friend' knows just where to get this bark/root whatever he gets and it's not that far away. I give him massive credit, this time round it is very clean large shards, i actually have to break this up. so freezer not chiller in fridge?
Chill in the fridge would work as well, but a general rule is store stuff as cold as you can. The four main things that degrade drugs are oxygen, water, light and heat. By putting a bit of dry ice in with a sample you can get a CO2 blanket keeping the oxygen away. This also helps long term storage. When I was in school I used to keep stuff in the labs -78°C freezer. That was awesome for storage.
This is awesome. I have to get a vaporizer. Ever since my psychedelic initiation a few years ago, I have made it my life mission to find DMT. A few months ago I actually managed to find some. It was so strange the way it happened. Like it was meant to be. You could imagine how excited I was to finally come in contact with the one and only.

I want to breakthrough so bad, but I have yet to do so. It's so incredibly harsh for me. I have a pipe like this.


I even considered making a brew in order to bypass the smoking aspect. But I'm hoping to have as much success as you did with a vaporizer. I'm happy for you and excited for me!
This is awesome. I have to get a vaporizer. Ever since my psychedelic initiation a few years ago, I have made it my life mission to find DMT. A few months ago I actually managed to find some. It was so strange the way it happened. Like it was meant to be. You could imagine how excited I was to finally come in contact with the one and only.

I want to breakthrough so bad, but I have yet to do so. It's so incredibly harsh for me. I have a pipe like this.

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I even considered making a brew in order to bypass the smoking aspect. But I'm hoping to have as much success as you did with a vaporizer. I'm happy for you and excited for me!
that is a nice looking pipe!! and i would say maybe it is harsh because you are over heating it?? i have found now that there is an actual threshold where it can be heated too much. ie : 230 degrees is too hot- get a funny taste and not as strong effect. i go down to 210-215 degrees and this seems to be perfect for the vapor to be soo smooth that with your eyes closed you literally dont notice it going down and can hold it as long as you can normally hold your breath! around this perfect temp is also efficient for the vapor to be absorbed sufficiently in the lungs, too hot and the vapor is easily blown out as it hasn't re-crystalized in the lungs, go just slightly cooler, and you will notice barely any vapor gets blown out, and i see no residue building up as of yet in the particular bag i use for our volcano. I have also found that most of the vapor comes out within the first 10-15 seconds, then finishes off arond the 20 -25 second mark, no need to fill the entire bag, no need to change bag sizes, just fill till you know it has released the vapor you want. I believe this way not only saves your deemster, it allows for breakthroughs with as little as 35mg. i have broken through 3 times with this amount. 45-50mg is alot more furious, and oncoming, less of a beginning, and more of a straight jump into this confusing world! you literally forget where you left off and realise ohh shit this is different yep ok, this is working, then you go through the whole expectation thing all over again, the heart jumps a few times, the breathing starts to relax and come to a more shallow shaky breath, then you kind of go into it properly, but i have noticed with the higher doses you forget more, it seems like it's over before it has begun, it comes on faster, and leaves the body just as fast, not saying it doesn't last longer, i think it does, it just seems so abrupt. so i find 35-40ish mg dose is good for me, any less and it's just confusing, and you wish you went further, i actually find the lesser amounts uncomfortable and 'missing a link'

EDIT: i made that section red as i think it's important for even newbs to know this, small amounts can actually be uncomfortable. 5-10mg good for strange room visuals with eyes open
10-25mg = confusement and dissapointment if not first time ( my opinion )
30-45mg = fun times for everyone :) and you may be shown something, that you still won't understand!! but it fukin sweeeeeeeeeeeet!!!
45-100mg ...yes i did it. you will close your eyes, and lose yourself. after 5 minutes I called for my mrs, just to make sure i was still 'here' extreme visualy, extreme clarity, extreme audio/visual same time, i get alien kind of sounds, almost musical.

Thanx for being here guys, if you get time pop over to my current grow, shes nearly there ;) 1 pant monster scrog JACK HERER X SKUNK
just for kicks ;) 100mg sometimes you just gotta no report as yet.. i need some time to collect myself......

I have a volcano, digital.. AND DMT. :lol:

maybe one day but I like my herbs too much! I like smoking DMT in a big open place, outside.

The last time I smoked DMT, I saw nature unravel itself, show me the true nature of clouds.. and at the end god appeared before my eyes. Straight up.

I still remember it all very very vividly. Thankfully! I'll keep that experience with me til the day I die!