the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
He is on my land I went to go play it off like I'm giving dogs water and saw he on my land I hid all the bowls and mmj containers. Locked all doors. And turned off grow lights a lil worried. Not gonna lie

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
No it's not. Everything is fucked. I'm in another state. My partner is a tar heroin fiend. I saw his lady almost die from an of a few days ago. She was blue and her eyes rolled in her head. Then I watch my partner slap this bitch for the next two hours saying that he has to do this to keep the bitch alive. I felt like smashing this nigga for that. I was so scared I though da bitch died and I was sure I was going to jail for it. The high desert sun is fucking up my bubbas I can't even put th outside till I get some shade cloth and I ain't investing shit else cuzz I'm over two grand in and I only been here two weeks. My partners car is totaled. His broad smashed it on a ford pick up truck in Fullerton Cali. No one in the car had a license and him and da nitch had warrants. They got arrested. Now I have no car. I live on the desert. The propane tanks pry so I can't cook or even take a hot shower. The fucking dryer been broke and now so is the washer kinda. It flooded the laundry room which is we're the indoor op is to and to top it off my cloths came out dirtier washed then they were before
bro, pack the fuck up and get outta there!!! go back to chitown homie. cut your losses. try again next year, but this time in HI instead of Cali, you got homies here. serious.

and your partner is fucked up dude! slap that nigguh.


Well-Known Member
Ok what happens was someone tried to break into neighbors house I come to find fuck in sittin on about a bill twenty of bubbas man min five. And I got a gauge in da crib unregistered and I'm not supposed to have it cuzz my back ground


Well-Known Member
bro, pack the fuck up and get outta there!!! go back to chitown homie. cut your losses. try again next year, but this time in HI instead of Cali, you got homies here. serious.

and your partner is fucked up dude! slap that nigguh.
. I think him and ole girl are done she on probation so my understanding is she will have to do two to three months in county. My partner should be out soon. They relationship is built on heroin and sex. It's poison. And they both know it we all do. Hopefully they stay clean an away from one nother. Thanx for support doc good to know I got friends in the tropics. Friends that I have never met and still down for me. This is a very unique situation and you can only find it on this thead on this site

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Thanx for support doc good to know I got friends in the tropics. Friends that I have never met and still down for me. This is a very unique situation and you can only find it on this thead on this site
ya brah, no problem. that's the aloha spirit. hard to find nowadays, but it's still there.

hope everything gets better for you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I hope so to doc. Hope the real sk is still treAtin u good. U could smoke her everyday forever and lil to no tolerance built. Also there is no ceiling with my sk. What I'm rryna say is you can get has high has you wanna off her. U can lottery smoke urself retarded. Or to sleep. Other strains only get you so high no matter how much u smoke. Have over hundred sk beans. Haven't popped any don't know what ima do yet. Prolly will go back home end of month or beginning of next month. Didn't wanna leave my elite genetics in Cali to be the next big thing and everyone but me get paid fuck all fat noise. This my strain I made it u masters it and you will never be able to order it's seeds online or get a cut from ur local disp. And I'm tearing where's strains with the same respect has my sk


Well-Known Member
I'm online from iPhone so I'm sorry in advance if I made some mistakes on my posts u can figure out what I mean. My fingers too fat for this fone


Well-Known Member
The real sk will remain VIP. So those who have her should feel blessed. Don't ever ever give a cut or seed to anyone. It's for the VIP crew to enjoy grow it sell it but never give up the genetics cuzz if u do we aint friends no more I don't care who you are. Don't dishonest your boy chi for giving away what're worlds most potent indica


Well-Known Member
The real sk will remain VIP. So those who have her should feel blessed. Don't ever ever give a cut or seed to anyone. It's for the VIP crew to enjoy grow it sell it but never give up the genetics cuzz if u do we aint friends no more I don't care who you are. Don't dishonest your boy chi for giving away what're worlds most potent indica

fuck yeah bro, that's the striaght up truth I've been preachin fro yearrrss :D


Well-Known Member
Man Chi. Sounds like some real shitty luck there. I wish there was some way we could help you out. It's real hard making a new life in a new place with not a lot of money. At least you have some where to go back to. Keep us posted mane. STAY HIGH!!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
anyone know what happen to whyte? is he still growing the SK? did he just get up one morning and said "aw the hell with RIU, it's time to bounce"? ? :lol:

howz things on your end chitown?


Well-Known Member
anyone know what happen to whyte? is he still growing the SK? did he just get up one morning and said "aw the hell with RIU, it's time to bounce"? ? :lol:

howz things on your end chitown?
I've been wondering too. I saw him around a while back, but it's been over a month now since I've seen him on any other site. Hope he's alright, dudes a good guy.


Well-Known Member
i sent him some beans about two months ago, and he never got back on. i don't even know if he got em. Hope he is good. i pm'd him about a month ago noreply.


Well-Known Member
Well yea. cuz they were beans i was limited on. i figured if he ever got em he'd get on. from his phone if his comp was fucked. we had conversed right b4 he disappeared. i hope he ain't get locked up. that would be like 3 out of 8 sk mobters busted.