Active Member
oatmeal rasin dank one dose four hour high??? anyone know where?
Just start hitting up clubs, man. Are they individually packaged nicely, ingredients listed, etc?
yea i got them looking pro not the ingredients listed and i did hit up my fave clubs most they offered was 2.50 is that good?
2.50 per cookie? How much does it cost you to make one cookie? I'd say that's pretty good, since they seldom sell cookies for more than 5-10 bucks a piece. And list those ingredients, man! People have allergies and shit, they gotta know whats in those cookies. If I were to make cookies, I could probably get like 48 large cookies from a pound of butter, and a pound of butter can be made with an ounce of larf and high quality trim...Basically shit I would just blast into BHO and smoke, so it wouldn't really cost me much more than the ingredients and packaging to produce the cookies. You really got them to offer you 2.50 a piece? I gotta start making some edibles, I make these DYNAMITE dark chocolate covered buttermint caramels....Strong too.
Yea man ill write them down and yup im lookin for 3 or more they taste like bomb cookies and last a good while
i put like an once... ounce and a half of small buds and sugar leafs into a half pound of butter. I only sell a few of them every batch... like 2 for 15... 3 for 20 bucks... but that's selling directly to a couple friends.
What do they cost you to make per cookie? Until you know that number, it's hard to put a pricetag on anything. I'm all about the biggest ROI, but I'd be happy with a 100% profit margin. Say they cost 1.25 each to make, then 2.50 wouldn't be that bad.
So you got 55 cookies from 94 bucks? So like 1.70 each? Is that including packaging and all that shit. The whole shebang? Yeah, 2.50 isn't sounding so good after all. Still, that's 80 cents profit per cookie, so if you sell 40 of them, you made 32 bucks profit, sell 50(I'm assuming you don't have all 55 left anymore), and that's like 40 bucks. I dunno if it's worth the time it takes to buy the ingredients, make the cookies, package them, and haul them around to clubs trying to sell them.
Yea man if you start growing its all profit besides the ingredients to make the cookies. You going out and buying hash and bud and making edibles with it isn't gonna make you much profit.
Yea man its just got impatient and Now i think im gong break even and get good Carma
no bullshit FedEx me 2 batches - i would def. pay 2.50 a cookie.. or can I get wholesale price? lol
just make sure to write "with love from grandma" on the box
dank cookies in Vegas range between 5 - 10 bucks a piece
but that's IF you can find them.. dealers here suck fat dicks
i don't get it.. WE'RE A FUCKING GREEN STATE!!
Yeah? Is it just you that likes edibles, or do people actually ask for them? I have quite a few recipes for baked goods AND candy...Yup, candy that gets you higher than shit. I'm about 3 hours away, bro.