leaving town ... how to water plants??


My plants are 7 weeks into flowering and i water every other day. Im using 300 watts hps on ! big plant . Problem ?? leaving on Vacation for 4 Days and dont know what to do , Any sugestions out there??


Well-Known Member
4 days alone.... been there. I just gave my girls a good watering a hour before leaving.
All was good when I got back.
You could do a wick system for insurance.


Well-Known Member
Stick something that soaks up water inter a bucket or w/e of water then to the plant... keeps it damp.. on surface at least.


Well-Known Member
pumps is your best method, although, at 7 weeks you might as well go ahead and give them a massive watering (flush).


Active Member
why not just take a plastic water bottle, poke some small holes in the top, bury the bottle down a few inches and let the soil take water as needed.


Well-Known Member
How about those water globes as seen on TV :)) stick two of those in there and bingo was his name-o, 5 gallon bucket should stay moist enough for that long I would think anyhow but cheap insurance is always good.


Active Member
get a five gallon bucket,glue a ball valve in the bottom,attatch small hose to valve that leads to base of plant,fill and hang bucket above plant(or anyplace above hose outlet at base of plant),open ball valve so just a drop comes out every few seconds. Ghetto method but its a cheap quick fix, that involves no mechanical parts, just gravity.


Well-Known Member
A plant can easily go 4 days without water. I went away for 7 days and they survived.
Remember it's a plant it's not like it rains every 2 days outside and they survive.