Samwell Seed Well
Well-Known Member
Red the nobel prize wnner's glory hole submissive . . lmfao
One side got a chest full of 9mm after being followed, harrassed and confronted for doing nothing.Both sides of this issue have people assuming guilt.
Martin supporters believe z is guilty.
Z supporters think Martin is guilty.
Telling someone to stop assuming one party is guilty is very kettle-pot-ish when they believe the same about the other party.
I didn't know they gave the Nobel prize for hotel/motel management.Yeah, I'm real unhappy about being underworked and overpaid. lol Government has stock options? 0.01% increase? Ha ha. Not a bureaucracy, research, I work with Nobel Prize winners. What you do, run the fry machine?
Site Owner I believeZim should just cut a deal, this will not end up good for him....If he cut a deal now he could probably get manslaughter and 3 out in 15 months and in a halfway house on parole...Speaking of douche bags..who is this douche bag Pot Roast? an internet security guard? Admin? anyone know this faggot?
I'm sorry I have to inject some sanity into the discussion. How do you get to George Z lying, because his wife perjured herself? To my knowledge, George Z wasn't asked to confirm or deny her statement and wasn't asked directly either. Since they didn't waste any time charging her for perjury, it stands to reason that they would also charge him, if he had lied as well.I bet Omara is pissed, in a statment last week he told the media that Zim had no access to te money donated and made it clear that he would be back on bond shortly. Now we know they did in fact lie at the hearing and the wife was arrested . Talk about a bad deal for the Zim, it is public record and part of the trial which means his perjury will be brought into the trial if zim takes the stand.
Might want to put a fork in this one, guilty or not the Jury will not believe his story, a liar is a liar.
Hey save the bullshit conversation.. If you think for one minute the judge will allow what happen to happen you have a lot to learn about court. I suggest that you never get in trouble, because the bullshit you try to use as a defense is going to get you locked up. Zimmerman sat there and said nothing while his wife lied...Good luck with that.I'm sorry I have to inject some sanity into the discussion. How do you get to George Z lying, because his wife perjured herself? To my knowledge, George Z wasn't asked to confirm or deny her statement and wasn't asked directly either. Since they didn't waste any time charging her for perjury, it stands to reason that they would also charge him, if he had lied as well.
They didn't, because he didn't lie. Your conclusion that he lied about the shooting because HIS WIFE lied about their finances, doesn't pass muster. And to cut off the weak arguments before they start, talking in code about money and paying bills, does not indicate complicity in the act of her perjuring herself about the existence of the funds. Not in any way. If he told her to lie about it, or if they specifically discussed lying about the funds, he'd be up shits creek and everything you stated would be accurate. In the courtroom, the validity of your testimony isn't determined by the dishonesty of your spouse.
Being complicit with a lie is as good as telling one yourself, the jury knows this, the Judge knows this and the public know this.Hey save the bullshit conversation.. If you think for one minute the judge will allow what happen to happen you have a lot to learn about court. I suggest that you never get in trouble, because the bullshit you try to use as a defense is going to get you locked up. Zimmerman sat there and said nothing while his wife lied...Good luck with that.
That is the way it is suppose to work...but if you don't have an open mind or have a hidden agenda it can'tBeing complicit with a lie is as good as telling one yourself, the jury knows this, the Judge knows this and the public know this.
I dunno why some people debate, they're totally locked in their views. I changed my opinion on this through good debate, isn't that how it's supposed to work? If not, why bother?
Again, if he perjured himself, he would already be charged. Let the insanity resume...Hey save the bullshit conversation.. If you think for one minute the judge will allow what happen to happen you have a lot to learn about court. I suggest that you never get in trouble, because the bullshit you try to use as a defense is going to get you locked up. Zimmerman sat there and said nothing while his wife lied...Good luck with that.
"Logically, he said, hed guess Zimmerman was the man on the top, but he could not say for sure since it was dark outside" So, not an eyewitness as you claimed.why would i want to ban you? you're amazing troll food. unaware of your own douchiness. here's number 2 for you. now admit that you're a worthless bag of #2.
'Logically, he said, hed guess Zimmerman was the man on the top, but he could not say for sure since it was dark outside" Nothing about Z getting up at all........failso one person says zimm is on top straddling the guy, and a second person says he'd guess it was that way since zimm had no problem getting up, didn't have to push a body off him or anything. moar denile pls.
I would say "name one", but you haven't completed your first assignment yet.a lot of people got them for what they "might" do. i bet you'll be fapping it to that photo to put yourself to sleep here within moments.
Well there's your lack of spelling and grammar skills, along with you just replying to your own post.and lets hear it smart guy explain please, since your so bonefide im sure you will have no problem explaining how stupid i am
A) Fair enough, I'll concede the point. B) Two accounts where the "witnesses" state they didn't actually see it, they just assumed C) Not sure what you're trying to say. Declaring victory where there is none. Pathetic...lollet's review. you were proven dead wrong about: A) harrekin not giving zimm the benefit of the doubt initially B) two eyewitness accounts placing zimm on top of martin after the gunshot C) that an assault occurred, rather than it being a question of assault or self defense that we'll never know way to put us in our placesnow get your rest. you've got a long day of scrubbing nobel prize winner's shits off the toilets.