The UK Growers Thread!

brewing up

Well-Known Member
i buy off my sister £70 an oz and when i get a harvest its basicly free its all good, iv sold half ozs for £50, its not guna get no cheaper unless people pull there heads out there arses and stop being money grabbing pricks


Well-Known Member
Suits me m8, keep the prices up and if that's the way it is then I'll keep my head up my fuckin ass and keep paying of me house with money from boys that can't get there finger out and grow a fuckin plant themselves lmao


Well-Known Member
Get ur head out ur ass and grow ur fuckin own and stop paying thru the teeth for it, either that or stop wingin about prices, it's ur own fault if ur payin too much


Well-Known Member
Howdo peeps suns beemin here just tryin to decide what to have for breaky.......livers, psycho, exo, bsb or slh? lol no joke im fuckin starvin some grease is in order!


Well-Known Member
Yeh that sounds good not got fuck all in tho so might do 1 to cafe. sayin that think weve got some sausage fuckin it its sausage sarny an a blues splif for me!


Well-Known Member
because im sick of robbing pricks charging stupid prices
And I'm sick of cunts like u cryin bout prices when u clearly stated that u don't pay these prices so why the fuck does it bother u so much, I ain't no robbing prick charging stupid prices m8, I'm charging the same as every other cunt round my way

brewing up

Well-Known Member
well your a mug for paying the prices n its not me crying here pal its you, boo hoo you keep paying silly prices then you MUG!!!


Well-Known Member
how is he a mug for paying the going rate? the risk that dealer take they should make a tidy profit. my mates looking at 2 to 5 years for dealing and he wasnt rich from it. if people got a problem with the price either grow it themself or give up, simple as that


Well-Known Member
well your a mug for paying the prices n its not me crying here pal its you, boo hoo you keep paying silly prices then you MUG!!!
If u read my posts before u opened ur fuckin mouth then ud know I don't pay them prices, hardly ever bought of a dealer since I started growin but I will sell at them prices, U wer clearly the little bitch crying about prices just cos ur sis has bigger balls than u have so u have to go buying the shit of her, did u ever hear the fuckin like of it! Grow a pair u twat