Well-Known Member
Well, "tries to pull you off...?" So, twice your size or 1/2? At certain point... but being trained in some martial combat, I still say Nikedo, beat feet, is the best. Or in your case Trekedo?.So just got back from riding the mountain bicycle around and had a couple joints so I'm just talking with a friend he leaves and a guy sees me smoking a joint and says get the **** out of here with that so I just hold my ground and he comes up to me asking me if I want to go 1 vs 1 I don't like to fight so I say noand he leaves then he comes around the corner and ask me again to get off my bike and tells me were going to get down so I stay cool he's with a girl so he's trying to get tough so he trys getting me off the bicycle aand kicks my tire but I ride off. Is it smart to not fight in this situation? I was least half the size of this guy. Also had a little purp on me so best not to get any law involved.

It's just that, had he succeed in pulling you off, you would be at a serious disadvantage and maybe seriously hurt. But, if you are not prepared to be absolutely Vicious in the counter assault, like a rabid dog, then best to take off while you can. If you had quickly turned his grab into you swinging the bike at his head for the opening ruse, and following that up with a vicious attack that never lets up and never moves back, then you still need to frisk him and tell him if he makes a move to get up before you ride off, you will continue the rectification. But, the girl may be armed. And you got out with no scratch upon you. Very Good, indeed.