The UK Growers Thread!

also i ent in2 kissing peeps arse cos the majority says it right thing to do.
am no follower.
unluckys sound but i could see endless problems and plenty bad advise going bout if she was made mod. but to b fair the uk thread has gone to pure shite so woodnt make alot difference really in the long run.
good afternoo bitches,, that darker weed u sent chedz fuks ur shit up mate lol had a spliff at like 10am and i been struggling to get of the sofa all fucking day like eyes half open job lmao
ic3 u slag. hows the foot going?

sore as a cunt mate,,,im able to walk more round the house like,decorating may be on the cards later,l,,all me babis in flower now thank fuk and 3 days of flush left on the weed,,pffeeewww
so yeh im in compression badages now,4 layer tight as fuck ut stargely comfortable


mdb hows u lie? ok?
in no time?? if i domnt get rid within the next 5 months then ive got a 1 or 2% chance OF EVER getting rid! not fucking happy,,why wont they just take the foot??? instead of me going thru shit for fuckigng yrs,,nurses was tekllling me of a dude they see who has had thee xact same as me for 15 years now thats not fucking happening
nasty shit indeed but if still got foot then chance get better. gotta keep on it daily mate n do wot they say. must b hard but defo worth fighting it
15 litre round pots, apical tip removed.

They'll be getting flipped to flower within the next two weeks,3m tent SHOULD be getting built on Friday. Fucking lazy bastard helper better be up to it this time!
15 litre round pots, apical tip removed.

They'll be getting flipped to flower within the next two weeks,3m tent SHOULD be getting built on Friday. Fucking lazy bastard helper better be up to it this time!

They'll need a 10' tent to flower them to, should yield massively with enough light
They'll need a 10' tent to flower them to, should yield massively with enough light

  • They're going under 1000w.

    A 400w and a 600w,I'll have no choice but to go bare vertical bulb like Heaths. If I use reflectors I'll lose too much vertical space.

    A little tying down of the multiple tops could be on the cards aswell,we'll see how it goes. :???:

that 250 your getting of me yorkie would be grea for side lighting matey

that darker stuf i got of chedders is fuking spangling me what about u pukka what did u rekon?