Transplanted 2 days ago, plant looks bad. Need help!

To be fair those are just articles written by some random person. Something like would of been cool too. Didn't know this, "Some of the more popular sugar products are: Bud Candy, FloraNectar, Hydro Honey, Sugar Daddy, Grandma’s Molasses." so I can only assume there's some truth to it. What those products have though is not the stuff we keep in out cupboard and use in tea. Kind of interested now though, I guess you learn something new everyday.

I still think he should leave well enough alone and get a handle on the basics first before he starts trying this out.
Alright i'll stay away from the sugar for now. I have been using a really weak light bulb on it since the transplant, but now that I know I'm over watering, I decided to go back to full power bulbs. Is that going to hurt my plant at all? Or is full light after about 2-3 days alright, even with signs of shock?
To be fair those are just articles written by some random person. Something like would of been cool too. Didn't know this, "Some of the more popular sugar products are: Bud Candy, FloraNectar, Hydro Honey, Sugar Daddy, Grandma’s Molasses." so I can only assume there's some truth to it. What those products have though is not the stuff we keep in out cupboard and use in tea. Kind of interested now though, I guess you learn something new everyday.

I still think he should leave well enough alone and get a handle on the basics first before he starts trying this out.

Actually look up the name jade kine before you call him a random person.. Lol I mean are you serious? Yes a guy who does lectures at CannAcadamy (a marijuana growing school) among many other cannabis related fame is a random person but this student at USC doing bean pot experiments, thats the real knowledge...
Haha I didn't even look at the link. I just saw "by admin", my bad. I meant more the source was legit than the experiment itself. Obviously she gave no info and hopefully she actually wrote a documented report. Relax bro, I even said I'm interested in the whole sugar thing now.

What's the watter/lumens of the bulbs you were using vs. the one's you just switched to. Why'd you go down on power and not up? Plants want more light not less.
I'm using purified bottled water from kroger, about half a bottle per watering. And a 140 watt plant bulb. Sorry, I don't know anything about lumens lol. And as far as me using less light, I read somewhere light is bad after a transplant so I used way less. I turned the light on full blast last night and it stopped getting worse.. so idk lol.
Another thing, one of the big fan leaves in the middle has twisted and been pretty much turned on its side! Should I just leave it be?
Use dilluted bloom nutrient or a root accelerator to grow a root system back and then flip back to your regular nute schedule, and pay close attention to your pH/run-off.
I am going to have to disagree on not messing with the roots. Many growers suggest getting a clean razor blade and scoring (cutting the outside of the root ball) in a few places while transplanting. Disturbing the roots helps promote root growth.
yes i agree and i have done this all my life with cannabis and reg flowers/plants especially the plants my wife buys form walmart.....that are bout fucking root bound when they get home lol they love it when you trim em up
That makes me feel a little better lol. What kind of nutrients do you guys prefer? I'm a little strapped for cash right now, so I probably can't get the really good stuff.
Another thing, one of the big fan leaves in the middle has twisted and been pretty much turned on its side! Should I just leave it be?
If you can turn it back the correct way do it if not leave it alone. Photosynthesis doesn't occur only on the top side of the leaf. It's not a big deal.
ok check it.....i go to lowes and buy manure lol..... 1 cu ft bag of cow shit is only 98 cents lol i couldn't believe it but i guess its just poo lol and i use then to make a veg tea.....i will take my 5 gal bucket put 4cups shit in a sock and tie it up then submerge in into the bucket for a day with a air stone bubbling it up add some molasses or 1/2 cup brown sugar and bam it will be foaming up(good thing) in no time......this mixture will be good to go... if you have sensitive plants add 5 gal fresh water to the mix to dilute it but i have used bag will last all year if you are feeding 2 or 3 plants im feeding 7 and it will last me the whole veg cycle......and if you like this idea you can make all your fert bloom and veg 100% organic to and you know what is going into your soil
yeah man i was gonna say...a quick reach around and a happy ending can solve almost any problem...
but seriously, why did you have to remove all the old soil? when transplanting you really have to disturb the rootball as little as possible. unless your plant is potbound. then you gotta remove some roots and score the rootball to loosen up the remaining roots. and the other thing is.. when you damage roots you force the plant to keep turgor pressure the same in the canopy which can't be done cuz you pruned off the roots. it is a stressful thing for the plant and more likely than not you'll lose some top growth anyway. the plant is doing the canopy pruning for you. best thing to do is try to provide a balance between top growth and root growth when tackling a job like that. figure if you're gonna remove a third of the rootball you must also remove a third of the canopy. balance. just veg the plant a little longer to make up for lost veg time. okee dokee?

really bro, removing roots is the LAST thing i do, a pot bound plant is usually trapped in fucked up sour dirt anyway, so i always massage them free in warm water and repot in fresh soil, they wilt less, stress less and get back to growing faster without any appreciable damage to the root system. i have done this on fruiting and flowering plants as well, and they didnt lose their fruit or blooms. soil which is tainted, spent, contaminated or growing funk always gets washed free in my root washin bin. i also frequently transfer soil plants to my new hydro garden as well, which requires removal of the soil, and with certain infestations of pests the soil has to go (root gall nematodes or slugs for example). root slashing is a barbaric practice better left to the dark ages of gardening with hot poker cauterization and broad spectrum defoliant weeding.
I just started my first "quality" grow meaning not from a bag seed.
I've had 4 grows with bagseeds and abput an oz a plant.
Now time for Lavender and Motherlode Kush.
I wanted to comment and say that I am 3 weeks in from seeding and happy with the results. I started in 3 inch pots and 4 days ago transfered into 5 gallon pots.
When I transplant I just wait until the soil is dry and take them out carefully.
The 5 gallon pots get watered the night before the transplant with rooting hormone.
I'm using a California lightworks solar xtreme 500 in a 4x4 tent.
I'm guilty of top much nutrients from the to time, but I'm learning from all you guys and gals.
Thank you for the opportunity to be here with you .


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