Is a greenhouse suspect?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I live in the midwest out in the somwehat country. I was wondering why do people not grow in greenhouses? I mean your protected from the choppers seeing it? and if its at the back edge of my property away from my house then for any reason johnny law should show up to my house oh idk say a home break in the area and if cops go knocking they will come to my door which they will have no chance of smelling it because of the distance from my house. So basically what im trying to say is would it be legit to grow in a 10x20 greenhouse?I mean under what circumstances could anybody ever have a reason to enter my greenhouse?Greenhouse zoning boards?commisions? Im very experienced at growing so there would be no issues assuming society leaves me the f alone. I havent bought my greenhouse yet either any suggestions? 10x20 roughly in size. also what is the plastic that can not be seen from the outside or does it all come that way?
Do you live in a state with MMJ laws? If you don't all it's going to take is a little suspicion for them to check the greenhouse, and really they can make that up. All they have to do is say they received an anonymous call that someone was growing marijuana in the greenhouse and they can search it.


Active Member
last I checked a greenhouse has transparent walls... it just takes 1 curious copper to realise that those arent peppers and tomatoes in that greenhouse


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that a greenhouse, "in the midwest out in the somwehat country", would be a fairly normal sight. A remote greenhouse, "at the back edge of my property away from my house", not so much! If it can be seen by "passers-by", it may seem suspicious. Cops are "passers-by" too!


Well-Known Member
it's an interesting question upon reflecting upon it
let's phrase it this way, is a greenhouse more risky than a very high power bill?
apparently, your power bill is open to all that wish to look
a greenhouse that is fenced off, and prevents casual lookers might be fairly secure
especially if some kind of diffusing coating would make it hard to definitively identify what's inside


Well-Known Member
last I checked a greenhouse has transparent walls... it just takes 1 curious copper to realise that those arent peppers and tomatoes in that greenhouse
There are greenhouse covering materiels that are only semi-transparent, so you can't really see what's inside.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
what about autos all year round in your greenhouse or polythene tunnels? you dont even need a greenhouse tbh indicas do well in cold climates


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for all your answer. I cant seem to bring myself not to do it but i love taking care of my shit and cant do it the way i want in the woods
I dont know if its overconfidence buy i think i can make it work just mainly because no person except somebody trespassing would see it and if i could find one thats only semi transparent then ill b doing fine.besides who the hell autpmatically associates greenhouses with bud? It has a nore than legit front and if i could only find something to do for the sucks they didnt even di flyovers last year but better b safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for all your answer. I cant seem to bring myself not to do it but i love taking care of my shit and cant do it the way i want in the woods I dont know if its overconfidence buy i think i can make it work just mainly because no person except somebody trespassing would see it and if i could find one thats only semi transparent then ill b doing fine.besides who the hell autpmatically associates greenhouses with bud? It has a nore than legit front and if i could only find something to do for the sucks they didnt even di flyovers last year but better b safe than sorry.
i'm the same, could put up a greenhouse but seems risky in a non MMJ state
still an interesting thread, and a topic worth discussing
could a mostly transparent camouflage pattern be put on the green house film/glazing?
i don't know, maybe there are others that do


Well-Known Member
The reason i brought it up is because im my opinion mmj or not its america and if i cant build a greenhouse without cops showing up then we have a bigger problem then whats in the greenhouse.if they do get a suspicous call they will knock on house first then if i gave them permission they could check it out but otherwise would have ro gwt a warrant from a judge based on what?only reason i will go forward with this is if i can find something semi transparent. Any advice??


Well-Known Member
standard 'clear' polyethylene is semi transparent, has good transmittance, very cheap, should last a few seasons which could be plenty
see this stuff at plenty of small commercial greenhouses, surely not all that noticeable


Well-Known Member
6 mil plastic diffuses the light enough so you can't tell a tomato from a cannabis plant.

even the 3.5 mil plastic on mine is just fine.

but a GH will draw the attention of curious would be rippers and the like. source: personal experience.

whoever said to put some tomatoes in there, call the cops, and then start growing could be onto something!


Well-Known Member
Every green house i ever have seen has had a frosted look to it come to tjink of it i should b good think im gonna roll with it i just cant believe its not more common though.thanks u all


Well-Known Member
I have one but dont use it in the summer cant keep the darn thing under 100 degrees. Cops not going to see it unless your neighbors call. I grow veggies in mine and give the neighbors food all winter long so they are used to it.


Well-Known Member
i like the tomatoes/call the popo with a false tip
but the police only show up when you don't want them, i bet if you try an anonymous tip you'll get nowhere
they'll want a signed statement, or witnessed testimony(in person), they like their own snitches, and trust no one


Well-Known Member
6 mil plastic diffuses the light enough so you can't tell a tomato from a cannabis plant.

even the 3.5 mil plastic on mine is just fine.

but a GH will draw the attention of curious would be rippers and the like. source: personal experience.

whoever said to put some tomatoes in there, call the cops, and then start growing could be onto something!
Thanks dude exactly what i was looking for rippers wont b a problem i will aleep in there not a big deal