new to growing need adivice


ok so i am new to this i already have my tent set up and waiting on my seeds i have the pots and soil too but how do i know when to switch the small plant after it germinates to the bigger pot? how will i know when the plant is done vegging? do they need different bulbs in while vegging and flowering? and what are the times the light should be on and off during veg and flower stage and other advice is welcome too if i forgot something because yes i am new but would like to pick this up to save me a shit load of money on smoking lol


Well-Known Member
Not tryin to be a dick here but b4 u post sumptin like this y don't u click on where u posted this thread and look about 3 or 4 posts above urs u c where it says sticky: How to Grow Marijuana, it answers all the questions u just asked.


Active Member
Hi once ur germed seeds have rooted in thier first pot (roots showing in the holes at the bottom) repot to a larger pot and so on till ur in ur final pot size wich depends on how big u want them to grow, make sure u have perlite in ur soil. U want blue spectrum light for veg, red for flower. 18 hours light 6 dark for veg, and 12 hours light on / 12 hours off for flower. U decide when its time to flower depending on how big u want ur plants to be. Generally speaking a plant will double or tripple in size when u put it into flower.


Hi once ur germed seeds have rooted in thier first pot (roots showing in the holes at the bottom) repot to a larger pot and so on till ur in ur final pot size wich depends on how big u want them to grow, make sure u have perlite in ur soil. U want blue spectrum light for veg, red for flower. 18 hours light 6 dark for veg, and 12 hours light on / 12 hours off for flower. U decide when its time to flower depending on how big u want ur plants to be. Generally speaking a plant will double or tripple in size when u put it into flower.
thank you and what kind of lights are those for veg and flower i read somewere one has to be 2700k and the other has to be something like 5500k? but i forget which is used for which


2700k is for flower. 5500k (6500k is better but 5500k will do) is for veg.
now they are 2 diff bulbs right? cause some people told me the same one is fine you just move it close or away from the plant for the effects but i believe thats bs


Well-Known Member
It is bs. The two bulbs have different spectrums, one is more blue, the other more red. Distance doesn't change the color of the light. If you use cfl's, make sure you put them close to the top of the plant 1-2 inches, just enough that it doesn't burn it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It is bs. The two bulbs have different spectrums, one is more blue, the other more red. Distance doesn't change the color of the light. If you use cfl's, make sure you put them close to the top of the plant 1-2 inches, just enough that it doesn't burn it.
well now, when the light is actually moving towards the plant, the Doppler Effect will , hold on..., bongsmilie *cough cough* shift the light towards blue, and when moving away, wait minute... bongsmilie *hack cough* um yeah, when moving away it wil shift towards red. the ideal solution is to run at nearly 5000 km/sec in a towards the plant for veg, and away for flowering, holding the light on the plants the whole time hang on, bongsmilie * cough hack hack*aww man... im burnt, scientifically speaking.:eyesmoke: and then there will be snacks.

i like to increase the size of the pot when the plant starts drying out and demanding water each day, then its up to a gallon, then 5 gallons, or the ground if needed. if you wait til the early stages of root binding you stress the plant a lot more, and slow down growth for a longer time.

as to veg time, you can force flowering right after the first true leaves develop, but most wait til node 4 or later has developed to flower, more nodes means more more buds, and a stronger root system to support them. people who use the sea or sceen of green methods flower many plants early to get maximum canopy and most effective light use. its a persona choice. im on my second month of veg and my plants have 6-7 nodes each with an average height of 20 inches last measurement, which was 4 days ago. im kinda worried about them, what if they got into the roundup, or are hanging out with tobacco plants. maybe i should put a cell phone in my grow room so i can check on em... shit now im getting paranoid and weird.


Active Member
Buy the book Indoor Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes and read it. You'll have a much better understanding of what to do. Theres even P2P sites that you can download the book in pdf form


Well-Known Member
ok so i am new to this i already have my tent set up and waiting on my seeds i have the pots and soil too but how do i know when to switch the small plant after it germinates to the bigger pot? how will i know when the plant is done vegging? do they need different bulbs in while vegging and flowering? and what are the times the light should be on and off during veg and flower stage and other advice is welcome too if i forgot something because yes i am new but would like to pick this up to save me a shit load of money on smoking lol
you wait till the plant has somewhat outgrown it's space and the simplest way to find out is to slip the plant out of it's pot and have a look at the rootball. you'll know potbound when you see it. conversely if the rootball wants to fall apart in your hands put it back in the same pot and wait a week then try again. it takes a few trys before you get a feel for it. ppl are always afraid of pulling the plant out of it's pot and it's not going to help you master your craft. cannabis is a fiberous rooted hardy annual. and because of that it moves well, transplants well and takes a lot of abuse before it gives up. man handle that bitch. you can grow start to finish in any hps bulb. i've done it. 18/6 in veg is about average. 12/12 in flower is as well.