So after reading pages of bullshit from Mental91 I just had to sign up and post. Everything that guy says is bullshit.
He has not paid anyone for the JWH synthesis he has google translated a russian site claiming to have a method.
This site is where *MOST* people find their recipe.
I did speak to them about clarification and apparently the translation isn't accurate. Their is indeed no chemical called 1-nafindola but I couldn't get much information on what it may be and clarification of other vague parts of the synthesis due to a language barrier. I also think these guys are full of shit and don't even know what they have produced themselves.
Thank you MrEDuck and ForgetfulPenguin. The synthesises (is that a real word) you posted seem like a much better bet. MrEDuck could you please upload this other synthesis to and post a link. I am curious (and also prepared. chems, equip, etc) to make this amazing chemical.
It is worth noting that in emails between hauffman and a "home" chemist who tracked him down, he states that the brown tar/oil that seems to be produced in mental91's synthesis is in fact toxic. He specifically goes on to mention that russian site and that many people use that way of synthesis without luck.
I cant find those actual emails but I'm sure they are on this site somewhere:
I believe this thread is valuable and should stay open but can someone please remove mental91's first post, it is not only wrong but dangerous and toxic.