World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Eyup matey hows it goin?
girls are lookin good mate that pw is lovely what the smell like on the sexy fucka? An that psychos is frosty geezer but that dunt suprise me lol


Well-Known Member
that tent came today. ive been setting it up since 2 o'clock and ive not long finished. ive re-potted 3 of the plants so far and im having a sneaky fag break before i do the rest :-D


Well-Known Member
Evenin lads. Cheers pukka u cant really smell the rest at the mo because of fhe psycho lol... The pw had a 3 wk veg so hopin she'l yield well n gve me sum decent cuts...

Fuck mr t if uv only repotted 3 ur giin to b there all nite lol


Well-Known Member
Do the old rub ya fingers on the stem trick matey.
how long that psyco got? looks tasty mate might be tappin for a snip soon if thats sound?


Well-Known Member
i got to 8 and ran out of coco. theres got to be something wrong cos i got 10x 10L air pots and 100L of coco but ive only got 8x 10L and 2x 3L pots full. moving the stuff around in the room to fit the tent took the most time tho mate.


Well-Known Member
You also suffering with arthritis? fucking chore I can tell you.

NL is good mate, apart from the banging hangover, lol.

Not too bad m8,got a date for mrs operation today so at least moving forward now. Got some lemon haze tonight (las pheno) jst a few doobs worth but feckin great for the old arthritis lol.. Goin to get some pics up later,got a black rose x bsb which started of with a lovely purple in the vuds but its started comin through in the leaves :-D dnt know if u can c well in the pics but will get some good ones tomorrow.

Hows life in the nederlands matey?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
Do the old rub ya fingers on the stem trick matey.
how long that psyco got? looks tasty mate might be tappin for a snip soon if thats sound?
haha and i thought i was only one who did the stalk rubbing trick to get a twang early flower/veg hahaha.
u rub in chicken blood to from a living chicken? few yee olde chants ? seems help with the growth plus pleases the ganja gods


Well-Known Member
You also suffering with arthritis? fucking chore I can tell you.

NL is good mate, apart from the banging hangover, lol.
Sure have m8 got it in ma foot,docs thinkin av in a lot of ma joints now which aint so good at 30 yrs old :-(


Well-Known Member
Do the old rub ya fingers on the stem trick matey.
how long that psyco got? looks tasty mate might be tappin for a snip soon if thats sound?
av always felt they all smell the same when u rub the stem lol... Got 4 there rootin jst now m8 am only needin two so jst say the word and it on its way matey ;-)


Well-Known Member
they just smell like tomato plants when i rub the stems lol.
after all the fucking around yesterday i didnt finish till half past 1 and by the time i had food i wasnt going to bed till 2:30 then up at something to 6 with the little one. i can see an afternoon nap on the cards later :-D


Well-Known Member
av always felt they all smell the same when u rub the stem lol... Got 4 there rootin jst now m8 am only needin two so jst say the word and it on its way matey ;-)
nice 1 fella will be a week or 2 till i need so if times wrong sure ill get me hands on 1 thanks matey!!


Well-Known Member
I got it in my knees and god knows where else. I knew I had it for years, was told when I was younger after various operations on my knee that I would have it. I went for an op a couple of years back and I am now the proud owner of a picture of it, lol. bloody 'orrible stuff. And there's fuk all they can do for you as far as I am aware.

Sure have m8 got it in ma foot,docs thinkin av in a lot of ma joints now which aint so good at 30 yrs old :-(


Well-Known Member
I got it in my knees and god knows where else. I knew I had it for years, was told when I was younger after various operations on my knee that I would have it. I went for an op a couple of years back and I am now the proud owner of a picture of it, lol. bloody 'orrible stuff. And there's fuk all they can do for you as far as I am aware.
Am waitin on an appoinment with ortho surgeon supposed to be gettin a bone fusion op or some sort of scraping around the joints :-(


Well-Known Member
i dont get the people on facebook moaning about the weather being cold. dont they know warm weather is shit for growing lol. i dont know if i said on here but i ordered another bag of coco, calcium and magnesium on ebay yesterday so it should be here tuesday. i was going to put them on 12/12 friday but im holding off till i get the coco so i can re-pot them before switching them just incase i stress them a bit


Well-Known Member
Yeah a was lurkin on the UK thread lol... I dnt bother with worryin about stress in repotting, moving it from a smaller pot to a bigger pot with fresh coco, water n nutes, how can that possibly stress the little bitch?? lol...

Well my little boy ran into the room this mornin with me chasing him, straight over to the cupboard and ripped the prop with ma 4 clones out, 1 wrecked and am hopin the other 3 are ok, took another to replace that one though lol...


Well-Known Member
Yeah a was lurkin on the UK thread lol... I dnt bother with worryin about stress in repotting, moving it from a smaller pot to a bigger pot with fresh coco, water n nutes, how can that possibly stress the little bitch?? lol...

Well my little boy ran into the room this mornin with me chasing him, straight over to the cupboard and ripped the prop with ma 4 clones out, 1 wrecked and am hopin the other 3 are ok, took another to replace that one though lol...
haha thats the joy of kids. my little one would come in the room with the old tent in and pull out the bit of plastic i got covering the rip. lucky i was in veg so i wasnt too bothered about it

my temps where quite high today running 2 lights. ill put my air cooler in there tomorrow. i think ill have it facing the tent wall so it dont blow directly onto any of the plants

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
they just smell like tomato plants when i rub the stems lol.
after all the fucking around yesterday i didnt finish till half past 1 and by the time i had food i wasnt going to bed till 2:30 then up at something to 6 with the little one. i can see an afternoon nap on the cards later :-D
haha well stop rubbing tom plants.
how r we chaps? pissing down here has been all day.
took some pics other day at 3 weeks flo. will whack em up later wen can b arsed


Well-Known Member
i wish it was pissing down here. its just really humid at the mo. ive been cleaning out my ds 120 and tried folding it up to put away, in the end i just rammed it all in the bag lol