It's been a while since the last update. Time has been FLYING by for me, I can't believe I move in only 3 months, excited but scared. Last week a bad thing happened at my friend's house involving the freshly transplanted Medijuana, Tahoe Buddha OG and Cheese. The owner of the property was very drunk and convinced herself against having the plants all summer and decided to just pull them. If she was considering it I'm glad she did it now before they got big and I had a lot of time invested so not all is bad. I'm still pretty upset though because it was Medijuana

Anyways, still no pics of the Vortex, AOxQ and Timewreck

. I've visited them a few times but always forget to take pictures lol. They are doing well, I'm tying them down similar to what I'm doing on the my main 3 ladies

. I'm thinking about buying or even possibly brewing my own compost tea, or just buying it from a local worm farm (a little pricey though, $20/gal?) to give them that extra biological boost

Ok now for some pics lol. Just took these today after the rain stopped, I didn't want to take out the nice camera though for fear of getting it wet, so I used my phone. I love the way everything smells and taking pictures after the rain, so calming

. These three girls are doing really well, growing super fast compared to last year! I'm really regretting planting Phoebe in the same hole as Vivian. They're already starting to crowd each other and it's only the first week of June (I'm supercropping and trimming the fuck out of Vivian on that side, she's growing like a monster!). Vanessa has much much weaker stems than Vivian does, which is odd because Vanessa has more indica looking fan leaves than Vivian. Vivian is kind of getting tossed around by the rain and wind, which is really making me want to consider a Scrog. I'm really thinking of just putting a few posts in the ground and some rabbit fencing over the two vortex's in a large rectangle, or maybe I'll copy what nugbuckets does and try to apply it to a slightly larger scale?

Phoebe is still catching up (except not really) to the two Vortexes who seemed to love the more potent transplant and took right off. Enough of my rambling, here's pictures
Group shot left to right: Phoebe Vivian Vanessa
Phoebe. She seems to be taking off a bit slower, but is doing well now. Growing by the day and trying to compete for space with Vivian. I'm going to try to encourage growth and pull her towards the bottom left of this pic.
Vivian is growing the fastest of all at the moment. I've been super cropping the shit out of all of her most dominant branches, and she's starting to get small knuckles all over the place haha! As previously mentioned, her leaves are skinnier and longer than Vanessa's, almost more elegant looking...

. Vivian also has stronger branches, when I was trying to tie down her two main branches from the hub I heard a cracking and looked at the trunk and I had begun to pull her apart. I really really hope this doesn't become a problem later in life when she's flowering, but for now I just gave the tie down a bit more slack and she pulled right back together. I almost wish I had dug a separate hole for the Plushberry Phoebe ...

Oh well, I always learn from my mistakes. Or try to atleast
Vanessa is a beautiful girl. The rain is kind of tearing her up, though. Well not really bad at all, but as you can see from the pic some branches have been pushed down into the dirt and are weak. This is really making me want to get a scrog going to support her branches when they begin to get weight on them so she can really pack on the pounds (more like oz's lol) without having to put too much energy into making her stems stronger to support the full weight. She looks bad in this pic, don't judge

. Note how different the fan leaves are in the two vortexes... hmm wonder how different the buds will be?? We shall see..
Various other pictures I took when I went out with my phone in the freshly rained on yard. Tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries and a giant pumpkin baby

. Ima grow myself a 200+ pound pumpkin

(goal, probably not going to get seeing as I'm trying to spend no money lol).
Have a good week everyone!!! I'll try to update sooner rather than later this time lol