Alt0's Grow (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
even if you get a metal halide on the seedlings they will still stretch if they already started to...
not trying to knock you or anything just a tip i learned from some very experienced growers
no offense is ever taken friend :peace:
Thanks for the tip it sounds like a very good bit of advice and I will get some tonight!
Did your friends mention what they prefer i the way of solutions?
I hear Olivia is very good but would like some more advice on this.
I want to get some that I can use later on for clones as well.
Is there something that can be used for both procedures?
Thank you again!

PS I need more friends lol
I can't give those that are helping rep points until I
"spread some more around" first lmao.
Otherwise be sure this post earned some;-)


Active Member
i have some powder stuff
its called green charm
it works for both... if you get an eye dropper or something like it you can blow the powder on the stalk
later on for clones all you do is dip your clone in the bottle of powder and drop it in rockwool


Well-Known Member
omg you got 2 seedlings in 1!!! grow that stuff out, I've read a couple of threads and have seen pics of it growing. One of the seedlings will grow the right and have a small branch, while the other one will grow tall and strong and have no problems. If your other ones are doing better then this one in the next week or so, I'd say trash the double seedling and keep the strong ones.

Your DWC idea sounds like hard work, but in the end as you said with enough "love and patience" it would work out well!


Well-Known Member
omg you got 2 seedlings in 1!!! grow that stuff out, I've read a couple of threads and have seen pics of it growing. One of the seedlings will grow the right and have a small branch, while the other one will grow tall and strong and have no problems. If your other ones are doing better then this one in the next week or so, I'd say trash the double seedling and keep the strong ones.

Your DWC idea sounds like hard work, but in the end as you said with enough "love and patience" it would work out well!
Thanks Skittle for the update and advice
I will look into getting the powder type
all I have seen have been the gel or liquid at my hydro shop (more about that in a min) but I will ask about it thanks!

It does sound like work, but I am finding myself (after doing my log and such) to be just sitting there looking at them a lot anyway, having something more to do won't necessarily be any burden lol
I kinda want to keep ALL the container openings filled in my setup
I know if I have any males that will open another hole so I figure I can put the extra there to finish it out.
I hope I didn't mis speak but I had 1 seed that I thought cracked and I put in the cube but after all the rest sprouted it looked the same (no change/growth) so I added another seed to the cube with it.
They then BOTH sprouted so I do have 2 in one cube but from 2 separate seeds not a dual embryo kind.
Having a freak like that would be cool and all but I am looking to produce some bud this first time. I will mess with weird genetic stuff after this one gets thru.
Thanks you two for keeping me active here :)


Active Member
a nursery or walmart would be good to find the powder..
i just perfer the powder
gel or liquid would work just a little more tedious to get on the stalk


Well-Known Member
Date: 4/17 – 5:15am - Nepal

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (T5 - 2'x4 tubes) ON
Distance from top of growing medium 4"
Temperature -
Humidity - 60%
Room vent running-
heater on (at 75F)
small room fan (on low, facing plants)
Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running YES
Temperature - 70F
PH –
PPM - ________

Nutrient Solution 1.0ML / GAL Flora Nova GROW

Made a very small application of a rooting agent to lower part of stems on plants #1/3/4/5
I did not do #2 as a control and as it has not stretched like the others have.
Even before I did this I noticed that they had pretty much stopped stretching now that the lights are much closer.

Rooting agent is a commercial brand “Rootone” I picked up at a local nursery.
I applied with a toothpick and blew off any excess.

Re arranged pots in reservoir to better spread the light to individual plants.
They are now in this order:
I just mention that as a reference should I get mixed up :roll:
Hello Friends
Well as suggested by Skittles I powered some of the stalks with a rooting agent.
(even though the stretching seems to have stopped or dramatically slowed)
If nothing else I have something to use to try and make clones when its time.
To me it seemed a light issue really, the ones on the outer sides seemed to be reaching more then the center ones,
and to me at least it looked like they were growing toward the light.
What I did was rearrange the pots in the reservoir moving the center ones to the outside (left) and those ones on the left side to center.
I will keep doing this on a daily basis for now so each gets light from the center of the bulbs until I move to the MH this weekend.
Then I will go back to the 123 order to make it easier to not get mixed up. :wink:
Big day is coming on quickly and I expect my new light on Friday.
The super EYE Hortilux 400W HPS bulb came already.
That will be for down the road some more though once I am ready to push into the flower stage, week 5 or 6 depending on how they are all doing.

I am adding a layer of R30 Insulation to inside of walls between grow room and facade wall this weekend as well
in hopes to make the noise completely go away.
Luckily my refrigerator is directly above the door to the grow room and the noise just sounds like its running.
I want "total stealth" however, so if someone is standing right outside of the room with everything running there is no noise at all.
I will get there :mrgreen:
Well thats about all from me today, now to go read how everyone else's grows are going.
Oh and the images 1-6 are the kids #1-#6
the beads of moisture are from a short spritz of plain H2O. this was completely dry before I lowered the lights back after taking pictures.



Well-Known Member
all I have seen have been the gel or liquid at my hydro shop (more about that in a min)
I never did get back to the guy at the Hydro Shop did I?
Well we have become friends.
Every time I go in there he is alone with the Dead playing :eyesmoke:
(actually once it was the Allman Brothers but its about the same thing right?)
He has given me great advice, or so it seems, like he knows exactly what I'm up to.
Yet we BOTH stay on our own side of that line where it is never spoken.
And I go on about using all this to raise the best tomatoes ever.
Well, last trip (to pick up the Foliar spray and Fruitalicious) he comes out from out back with this great big tomato plant!
It's a gift to help me get going he said. We have talked about other personal interests like music and such but never weed or that.
I am about the same age as his dad (who he claims is still a hippy)
I am clear to never tell ANYONE what I am up to with all this, yet he seems to just know, so we leave it unspoken.
I may take him a small bud after harvest (not letting him know where I got it) and tell him its for the tomato plant. I'm not sure.
Anyway I wanted to mention it as I found it refreshing to go into a store and meet someone that is both friendly and helpful.
I always pay cash BTW and park away from the shop.
Like away around the corner and up the street away.:roll:


Well-Known Member
just tuned in, Scribed. Looking good so far, nice setup, secretly hiden. Fucking sweet!! Hope it goes bomb ass your off to a good start tho :P Waiting for updates ;P


Well-Known Member
I never did get back to the guy at the Hydro Shop did I?
Well we have become friends.
Every time I go in there he is alone with the Dead playing :eyesmoke:
(actually once it was the Allman Brothers but its about the same thing right?)
He has given me great advice, or so it seems, like he knows exactly what I'm up to.
Yet we BOTH stay on our own side of that line where it is never spoken.
And I go on about using all this to raise the best tomatoes ever.
Well, last trip (to pick up the Foliar spray and Fruitalicious) he comes out from out back with this great big tomato plant!
It's a gift to help me get going he said. We have talked about other personal interests like music and such but never weed or that.
I am about the same age as his dad (who he claims is still a hippy)
I am clear to never tell ANYONE what I am up to with all this, yet he seems to just know, so we leave it unspoken.
I may take him a small bud after harvest (not letting him know where I got it) and tell him its for the tomato plant. I'm not sure.
Anyway I wanted to mention it as I found it refreshing to go into a store and meet someone that is both friendly and helpful.
I always pay cash BTW and park away from the shop.
Like away around the corner and up the street away.:roll:
Lol definently sounds like a cool guy. My shop has a bunch of stoner looking guys who are always williing to help a brother out. I of course don't use any slang. As for using cash only, I've used my debit cards numerous of times. I dont really get that paranoid about that kind of thing unless I'm in there purchasing $4,000 worth of equipment and plan on growing 20+ plants. If cops want to waste their time on a personal stash closet grow, then it shows you how messed up the laws in this country really are.


Well-Known Member
just tuned in, Scribed. Looking good so far, nice setup, secretly hiden. Fucking sweet!! Hope it goes bomb ass your off to a good start tho :P Waiting for updates ;P
Thanks for stopping in MC I hope to please with the end results:mrgreen:
Toolage said:
Lol definently sounds like a cool guy. My shop has a bunch of stoner looking guys who are always williing to help a brother out. I of course don't use any slang. As for using cash only, I've used my debit cards numerous of times. I dont really get that paranoid about that kind of thing unless I'm in there purchasing $4,000 worth of equipment and plan on growing 20+ plants. If cops want to waste their time on a personal stash closet grow, then it shows you how messed up the laws in this country really are.
Yeah I don't use the slang around him either
as for the cash well turns out I have had the cash on hand so why not? I didn't plan it that way. If I needed to use a CC there I feel safe.
Like you said its closet sized (my grow) and the laws (here in South America at least) divide grows between 10 plants or less and 10 plants and up as far as the penalties go.
I get along well with my neighbors too, so its really just for my personal piece of mind that I hid the OP.
Speaking of that my step child (20's) lives with us and still has absolutely no idea what I am doing. Hehe


Well-Known Member

Date: 4/18 – 5:15am - Kuait
Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (T5 - 2'x4 tubes 6500K) ON
Distance from top of Rockwood 4"
Temperature -
Humidity - 70%
Room vent running-
heater off
small room fan (on low, facing plants)
Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running YES
Temperature - 68F
PH –
PPM - ________

Nutrient Solution 1.0ML GAL Flora Nova GROW

Re arranged pots in reservoir to better spread the light to individual plants.
They are now in this order:
I just mention that as a reference should I get mixed up
#5 leaves are pointed up like it is “praying”
Not much more to report today.
Wondering about #5 and the praying routine
Will read today to see it its something to be concerned about.
Had to add PH down again to balance tank to 5.5

Images are 1-5- #1 -#5
closeup of #5's unusual leaf position
Light is out for delivery today
Lots to do tomorrow, clean reservoir, hang new light, increase nute solution, separate #6 & #7
install new insulation for noise absorption, and re-build where set-up is going to live thru flowering.
I have another idea, just tune in tomorrow to see if it works out :mrgreen:
If ANYONE knows why #5 has his leaves up like that
and it could be a problem please post.




Well-Known Member
Date: 4/19 – 6:15am - Ceylon

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS w/MH conversion bulb) ON
Distance from top of Grow Medium 22"
Temperature -
Humidity - 55%
Room/Light vent running-
Small room fan (on low, facing plants)
Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running YES
Temperature - 72F
PH –
PPM - ________

Nutrient Solution 1.0ML GAL Flora Nova GROW

Got a jump on the change over last night.
Hung new light fixture and connected Air Cooling.
Moved Emily’s Garden™ (hydro set-up) under new light and started air pump.

New Light: FluroLux™ 400W HPS fixture 4.0A
Light arrived on time as scheduled, no breakage or dents.
Removed glass and wiped bulb/reflector with plain water and mild soap.
Cleaned glass with Windex.
Re assembled and hung with chain to ¼” eyebolts that are attached to 2x4 lumber at ceiling height.
Weight of completed assembly is 45 lbs.
Attached 4” vent duct with clamps (no tape in this OP)

Room temperature went up (no more heater) but stabilized at 80-82 F.
Humidity went down and is stable at 55-60%.
Reservoir temperature is stable now at 72F.
Although the cost of running this fixture is a bit more than the fluorescent T5
set-up (which will support the mothers at 24/7 once there are any, lol),
the difference it makes in achieving the optimal room conditions more than makes up for it.
Re arranged plants to their normal positions in the garden order #1 - #6
(left to right/top to bottom)
This will aid in my identification of strains (hopefully) as well as better documenting their individual progress.
Premixed 2nd weeks nutrient solution and balanced PH to 5.5
Solution is:
2 gallons PH balanced (5.5) H2O (tap water that has been sitting uncovered in grow room for 8 days)
10ML FloraNova GROW
2ML Floralicious Plus™
Then allowed to sit uncovered in grow room to acclimate for todays changeover.

Today I will have several reports for you.
I started with this regular report but will show as best as I can what I will be doing
1- to further reduce noise levels on the outside of the room
2- the first reservoir change
3- the dissection of #6-#7 into two separate pots.
4-physically label the pots, first with numbers than after sex is determined with appropriate names.

Well I’m off to get some breakfast as today will certainly be a long day.
(including NHL Playoff Hockey, and meeting a friend for a fresh bag of good herb!)
Image is of new light set-up from cell phone camera.
Daily images will follow later, also with what changes I listed above.
Be posting again when I get done, wish me luck with 6-7. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
:peace:Im off to the hydro store to get some of this:

Vegan Compost Tea
We take a diverse mixture of highly bioactive microorganisms and feed them a feast of select food sources in a hyper oxygenated environment. These beneficial microorganisms multiply consuming these food sources and through bioconversion processes new organic compounds are formed. These highly soluble organic compounds increase and promote healthy root structures, build the plants immune system and provide carbon building blocks for plant processes responsible for color and flavor of fruits and vegetables.
  • FloraBlend is a vegan product and contains no animal derived ingredients.
  • FloraBlend is a completely digested ferment, which translates into a very stable product and long or indefinite shelf life.
  • FloraBlend is very clean product that can be utilized in all hydroponic systems.
  • FloraBlend is a compost tea that is fermented from a proprietary blend of plant materials, plus seaweed, rock powders and micronized leonardite .
This will be added to the feeding schedule at the rates described on the attached chart.
And of course the chart will be adjusted according to growth and flowering times.
I will transition when I have 5 nodes of full leaves, and bloom as required by watching Trics,
and will include at least a full week of flushing with straight H2O once there are amber Trics.



Well-Known Member
I've heard good stuff about their products. Are you going to let the 2 germ seeds in 1 rockwool grow out their full extent? That will be such an awesome looking grow, especially if the roots SOMEHOW don't go tangled. hehe sounds like a fun experiment! Good job with all your hard/good work and can't wait to see some more updates!!


Well-Known Member
I've heard good stuff about their products. Are you going to let the 2 germ seeds in 1 rockwool grow out their full extent? That will be such an awesome looking grow, especially if the roots SOMEHOW don't go tangled. hehe sounds like a fun experiment! Good job with all your hard/good work and can't wait to see some more updates!!
Actually today I will separate the two.
I agree it will look cool and all but should one of the two turn out to be a boy I may have to remove a viable girl to save the rest of my garden. Just too much of a risk.
I may be able to just cut the boy (if there should be one) at the base of the main stem to eliminate it, but I feel that I want to give them each as much root room as I can and 2 may be just a bit crowded.
If they somehow both sprouted from a single seed (never saw that happen but can't see why not? It does happen with eggs) I would definitely let them go all the way.
OK getting behind with all the reading and catching up, lol.
Off to the Hydro Shop!


Well-Known Member
Turns out the Shop isn't open for a bit so I took the kids pictures :mrgreen:
Every one is looking very good and I even think I see growth since last night!
This will be the last image of #6 and #7 as cohabitants of a single Rockwool cube.
The last image is where they used to live (on the other side of the room)
I will be using this as the 24 hr. lighted area for clones and their moms once I start that.
I Will have to add a light barrier but thats a ways off from now.
As it is I use it to test and keep the Journal which you can see in the picture.
OK that wasted enough time.
Finally on my way for nutes.



Well-Known Member
Ok I think things went well.
What I am describing is an operation where I split two seedlings that were both in a single Rockwool cube.
Image of twins before separation

1-Tools for Operation
a-Two clean white cotton towels where I would place seedlings during operation. And general working space.
b-The two pre soaked Rockwool cubes. One will act as a wick for the new pot, the other will be split in half to make the separated cube whole again giving the kids complete homes of their own.
c-Water in a syringe to keep roots moist during time exposed to light.
d-Pot that will act as #6 new home.

What I did:
I first removed the pot containing #6 and #7 from the hydro set up and moved to table
I then removed the Rockwool cube from the pot and placed it in PH balanced water. About 1/2 inch in bottom of new reservoir.
I then tore the cube in two with my hands keeping a seedling in each half of the cube.
2- #6 in its half
3- #7 in its half
Notice the nice tap root on #6!

I then tore the new Rockwool cube in half to match what happened to the first one and gently pressed each onto the two halves of the seedlings cubes.

4- #6 with added Rockwool
5- #7 with added Rockwool

Each was then placed in its new home

6- #6 in its new home (new container)
7- #7 in its new home (orig. container)

and covered the sides back up with Hydroton.

8- #6 covered up
9- #7 covered up
I then gave each plant a foliar feeding to encourage them :)and waited for leaves to dry before returning to under light.

I placed # 7 (in the orig container) back into the reservoir, and number #7 into a Glad container with the same mix of nutrient solution as the main reservoir. The new Res has a branch from the air pump and its own air stone (not shown) to aerate the nutes.

11- placed new res and container on a plastic little basket
to raise to just above level of other plants and allow adequate light.

Gave each plant a drink from the reservoir to insure Rockwool was saturated.
12- #7 getting a drink
13- #6 getting a drink

#7 got the orig pot as it is a different strain than the rest of the grow (which are all mixed up anyway)
I know as fact that #7 is the seed I added when I thought #6 was gonna dud on me and so I know its Grenadine from Dr Greenthumb ca.
I am interested to see how this goes as I like a few other strains they have at that breeder.
Well thats it, not that thrilling.



Well-Known Member

Date: 4/20 – 6:32am - Madrid
Room Conditions:
Distance from top of Growing Medium 22"
Temperature at canopy-
Humidity at canopy- 55%
Room/Light vent running-
Small room fan (on high, facing plants)
Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running YES
Temperature – 69F
PH –
PPM - ________

Nutrient Solution: (2 GAL)
10.0ML Flora Nova GROW™
2.0ML Floralicious Plus™
30.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea

Swapped Nute solution from main reservoir and new reservoir
(I will do this every day, by draining new reservoir into main one
then refilling new one from main to keep everyone on same exact nute levels)

Separation seems to have gone well as both #6 and #7
are standing tall and perky.

Switched around tubing for new fan.
Now the air is drawn from the room in this fashion:
Carbon filter->Fan-> Light Fixture->Damper->out of room.
This way no odor can be sucked into light fixture to be vented out of room.
Light fixture itself sees a positive air pressure now with clean air
being forced into it and then evacuated out of room.
(I had formerly had air being sucked out by fan after the light fixture which could lead to
unfiltered air being exhausted out of room due to leaks around glass in light fixture housing)
Note: on Canfan duct fans:
The seam along the center of fan housing was not sealed well and air (a lot of it)
Blew from the housing into the room making the whole thing much less efficient.
I removed the fan from the wall bracket and used tape along this seam
to better seal the unit, then replaced into bracket.
It pushes a LOT more air now.

(other than regular daily images, I took some additional pictures of #4, my largest, to show growth.)

1/7- are kids day 10 AM
8- #4 coming in at 3” across first leaf set
9- #4 height
10- 4” Canfan with tape modification.

