oh my god it's so fucking nice and sunny out!


Well-Known Member
i hear ya..last yr in dallas we had heat wave that's like one of the worst 5 or summers on record! !! My backyard thermometer hit 109 at 16% hunidity!

100 today feels hot but....still not a scorcher for me!......i hope we can at least get a day of summer rain!! We rarely do, tho.....fingers crossed
yea i know i live near dallas....

welsh stoner

Active Member
I'm working in London at min,it's freezing,wet and the only thing tidy bout this shit hole is the amnesia haze I've just bought


Well-Known Member
hell yeah it was nasty out monday and yesterday. cloudy, cold... just gloomy ass weather all day. but i woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine, i hope it comes back tomorrow.


Active Member
It's been a gorgeous day here. I was kinda bummed out yesterday because it was all cloudy and icky and I didn't get to watch the Venus transit, but today's weather made up for it. Nice and clear, not too hot or humid (by Florida standards). I managed to get some beach bumming time in today which is always good.


New Member
you godda get yourself to Ireland man, Guinness doesn't travel well ;-)

I'm having a bottled Guinness now, and I can only dream of the creamy, roasted flavors + the incredible freshness of traveling very few miles to my lips!! I'd probably sit and just stare at the head for a little bit and then expect goodness!

The Foreign Extra is good with the extra hops, but it's really more alcohol that I need in a beer that tasty!



New Member
we just got a nice sized thunderstorm is Dallas! WOOO!! This yr has been much better than last yr! :)


Well-Known Member
And on the third day, it was still fucking beautiful outside!

i'll be out there getting some sun, i hope you pale faces step away from the computer and do the same.