Well-Known Member
Uh huh.Ya i can simply guess someone take them for real buds Blonde are admited to my party's

Silly blondies.
What color is your hair, love?
Uh huh.Ya i can simply guess someone take them for real buds Blonde are admited to my party's
lmao look at your join date then look at mine... BUT im normally not on the incrowd with the online orgys so that might be where the confusion comes fromYou must be relatively new...there's groupies for everything here lol.
I looked at it before I posted the reply.lmao look at your join date then look at mine... BUT im normally not on the incrowd with the online orgys so that might be where the confusion comes from
Not my fault you dont understand the English, ironic sense of humourRacist ignorant infantile children act like this, grow up and have some respect.
tru.......gotta watch out for the "grammer" squad here. they love to think that an online cannibus forum is english 101.![]()
i got taken for a couple oz last harvest, i was more mad bc i was giving them a good deal. i wnet to meet the kid with my friend, same scenario he was with his freind, i was weighting the one oz with the other in a shopping bag, when i was turned around, the kid snatched the oz in the shoppin bag, i took off after him, and his friend that was left behind grabbed the oz on the scale when i took off after the other one. I was gonna just say whatever, it was basically weed at no cost to me, and ive done ppl wrong in the past and took it as karma, but when i seen the kid who took it, i couldnt just let him keep on going about his day, wtf do i look like then. so i confronted him fought him, cops came, and i was about to go to jail, not for that, but for an unpaid fine i didnt know about. luckily i got bailed out of it. but all that bullshit came from it and interupted my life. and i realized i shoulda just left it where it stood, bc regardless im not gettin that weed back or the money for it, so y add more stress and tensions and bullshit to the situation. ppl build a bad rep among ppl when they start robbin ppl, and before they know it have burned all there bridges, and every1 thinks there a scumbag and no1 trusts them or befriends them. all they have is themselves at that point, and it becomes a depressing life with no friends to turn to. thats the real punishment, karma, an ass whooping just adds to their negative state, but also brings negative energy upon u, which adds shit to ur platter. now i know the most i can do is try and prevent shit like that from happening again. its not worth it to add further bullshit to the situation. just gotta move onAnd just to repeat this is a post for simple small talk not for advice and obvious I can handle myself I stomped dude out who was involved that's not handling it u shouldn't judge people off one thing u no about em and I been doing this for multiple years and I seen a lot of people come and go in this game but I remain here I think that says I handle my business pretty fucking smart one incident has happened I don't have my shit twisted and a oz is pathetic n that's Wat i told dude who robbed me when he called saying were bogus for fucking his dude up I loled at him n said ur dude got fucked up for a couple hundo and honestly the green was worth fucking his dude up lol it was pretty enjoyable and also not getting snitched on because I handled it the right was and gave dude his phone and wallet back was a plus and let me add I'm not going to go shooting guns and hunting people down for a couple hundo to get 25 plus years Mybad I re posted like 5 times I just woke up and a had to catch up