Moonrocks sold at Bassnectar Concert?


Im attending a bassnectar concert and wondering if people would sell moonrock there? That's pretty much the one I'm interested in. Never been to a bassnectar concert. I know they sell pills and stuff, people who attend the concert of course, but not sure about the moonrocks.


pulled from wikipedia these substances could be purchased online till this year. Methylone, also known as "M1", 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone, bk-MDMA, is an entactogen and stimulant of the phenethylamine, amphetamine, and cathinone classes. It was originally patented by Jacob Peyton and Alexander Shulgin in 1996 as an antidepressant.[SUP][2][/SUP] The more intuitive abbreviation MDMC can not be used for this chemical, since it had already been given to another earlier Shulgin creation, 3,4-ethylenedioxymethamphetamine. Methylone is a close structural analogue of MDMA, differing by the addition of a β-ketone group.[SUP][3] it was a great seller for when your outta pure molly[/SUP]


Well-Known Member
very very possible, ive seen bassnectar 4 times. moonrocks and sass the only way to go as far as rolling goes imo. Dont agree with that wiki comment, methylone is not moonrocks lol. moonrocks are usually clear brownish or yellow in color and are pure MDMA crystal, not methylone which from prior testing i find it to be more white in color and is like speedy not as much of a roll.


Well-Known Member
oh and tastes WAY different
You think going by taste is the best way? Not calling you out, just looking for input. I feel like taste is a good start for beginners or if its more of a cut down/ powder, but there's really only 2 things that look like "moonrocks", and they are : MoonRocks (MDMA), or Meth.... Or at least in my non-professional opinion.


Active Member
Moonrocks is supposed to be Pure MDMA. You cant buy this anywhere. What your thinking of and mentioning with Methylone is bath salts, not smart to take. Moonrocks are awesome and should be purchased when ever you can find them.



Well-Known Member
well im just giving suggestions, to anyone whos tasted good moonies will know the difference between that and methylone lol. or i atleast hope so


Well-Known Member
"Moonrocks" is a slang term that you could argue has no precise definition for the quality/legitimacy of the product. There are hundreds of MDMA "like" drugs such as the aforementioned Methylone. Some of which include, MDA, 6-APB, Ethylone, Butylone, MBDB, MDEA, 4-MMC, 4-BMC, ect. ect. That being said if your accustomed to getting legitimate MDMA powder and not inhaling crappy ecstasy pills by the hand full you'll be able to notice the distinguishable differences between each above mentioned compound's effects on the body and that of pure MDMA's. My friend went to the most recent "Basscenter" and said it was one of the greatest times of his life, with plenty of legitimate drugs floating around. Though the only way to be absolutely certain of what you have is to buy a Marquis reagent test and visually gauge the reaction it has on the purported MDMA.


Well-Known Member
well im just giving suggestions, to anyone whos tasted good moonies will know the difference between that and methylone lol. or i atleast hope so
Cathinones have a distinctive smell to them which can help you differentiate between the two. Though both in general almost always have a horrendously bitter taste to them.. most "pure" clandestinely manufactured designer/illegal drugs do..


Well-Known Member
gotta love when it comes up black on that test :)
Yessir! Even that though does not let you know what % of the powder is actual MDMA and what is precursor/contamination/cut... only real way I guess would be to use GC/MS but than you'd just be a druggie ;-).


Well-Known Member
lol should have seen the yellow moonrocks that were just around, clear yellow in color, moist, bitter as hell and turned instantly black when tested


Well-Known Member
lol should have seen the yellow moonrocks that were just around, clear yellow in color, moist, bitter as hell and turned instantly black when tested
Man, I wasnt going to post this but you this made me want to. Here's what a moonrock looks like.

This bad boy off that was floating around my city a few weeks ago. 1g total weight


Well-Known Member
You think going by taste is the best way? Not calling you out, just looking for input. I feel like taste is a good start for beginners or if its more of a cut down/ powder, but there's really only 2 things that look like "moonrocks", and they are : MoonRocks (MDMA), or Meth.... Or at least in my non-professional opinion.

all the meth ive had has come in shards like broken glass. ive never in my life seen meth that resembled "mdma moon rocks" (from the photos i see anyways..) unless the meth you are used to is shake n bake which i guess could be shaped into a ball before it dries but i dunno if it would even hold its shape.

all the meth that crosses my path looks like this:


either exactly like that, sharp and shardy.. or if its the bottom of the bag itll be like large grain salt (like sea salt). ive DJ'd at some fairly big parties and festivals and ive never seen or heard of moon rocks before this.. the good shit usually comes to the dj's and staff before circulating the grounds.

but to be on topic, i agree, taste is not an accurate way to judge what substance youre injesting. Oh, regarding a comment a couple posts up, how can these pure mdma moon rocks been yellowish brown when pure mdma crystal is white?