World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha hunger strikes. b honest i got the mrs up to cook for me. she class like that n nos im a moody fucker wen i wake up so tpo save me breaking the kitchen she offered cook.
how long till u allowed the green fingers and thumbs again?


Well-Known Member
Lucky fucka shes bang out snoozin i cud kill a kfc na lol not long i hope mate a month at most got some work to do 1st new filter an fans an new ballast a dimable 1 got a 400w mh for veg then i got to swop to the 600hps flowrr bit of fuckin about but should be good


Well-Known Member
i had a phone call yesterday asking me to go and have a look at a mtes plant. it had turned hermie. they didnt want to throw it so i said leave it out the garden and cover it after its had 12hrs of light. i wanted to try that too it was LA confidential


Well-Known Member
If it's not too bad they should just remove the nanners carefully and carry on with it. Depend on how many weeks. I had an Matanuksa Thunder Fuck do that on me, thought I could just remove the nanners, but it was full on. Still got a little bit of smoke from it.


Well-Known Member
it was quite bad by the looks of it. hes got other plants there so i said its best to get it out. they where either 2 or 3 weeks into flower but he couldnt remember, i would have said 3 from the look of them cos there was a good few hairs. i think it could have been temp related cos i checked him thermometer and it had gone upto 94.5F


Well-Known Member
not bad mate, hows things with you?
im going to switch these to 12/12 friday and re-pot them into the 10L air pots and put a layer of clay pebbles at the top to stop the coco going every where when i water them. 2 of the plants have got nice colour on them, 1 of the bc got a purple tint to the leaves and the blue widow got a bit of red

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
sounds colourful mrt. nice get them in that flower. think mine at 3 week flower now. the plant that took the beating by the mites isnt so sexy now. her early flowering aint half size others n she ent had alot nutes as seems b oversensitive now. the others r loving it n looking sexy as can b


Well-Known Member
Scotty me old im havin ago at some gumby ive got some trim froze some just dry have i gotta freeze the lot or is it better all dry?
any tips mate?


Well-Known Member
Didnt dry mine mate jst put straight in the freezer when chopped. I did add in dry stuff along the way though. If I remember correctly is says to freeze it for an hr or something before hand as it helps trichs to come off easier ;-)


Well-Known Member
can be done eitherway quite cleary as good as some of ur batch's have came out scotia, i personally have always dried my trim 1st same for the butter too, then that dry trim if ya wana u can also freeze for a while before use helps too, aint hard to make gumby m8 ur piss it pukka, u can get some nice hash from the gumby method easy as fuck.


Well-Known Member
Av always jst followed the 1st video on youtube cos it was easy as fuck lol
same here m8 nuffing but youtube education in gumby it deffo some nice hash tho ive had some really good batch's of gumby not made personally mind lolol

it takes to long and all that sphoning or however ya spell it lol bags are better or fine screens bubbleman does a dry sift set bout a ton always wanted 1 to wash the donations over lol


Well-Known Member
Av got it dwn to a fine art now lol. Can get it all dne n a joint the very same night if a dry it out in the tent lol, jst need to keep an eye on it before it gets too dry...

Would be good to get something like that but a think al need to wait a while, need to many other things before al b able to invest in some more shit :-(


Well-Known Member
Yeh ive seen the vids got the stuff lads should be sound the frozen trim i got was dried before froze an ill freeze the dry stuff i got aswell some nice trim an popcorn hopin i get a decent amount. scotty what you reckon them nice blocks you end up we weigh?