• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

China White: Shoot or snort?


Well-Known Member
alcohol is not a joke either. people think cuz it's legal it can't be all that bad for you, but in reality, alcohol withdrawals can kill you and with heroin you only wish you were dead..
It's about as physically addictive as heroin as well. Not quite, but close enough that it should give cause for concern. Granted the 'rush' feeling a lot of folks get hooked on initially isn't the same. I know I probably drink too much. Hard to stop, and I'm not even physically hooked.


Well-Known Member
if your doing opiates you obviously have no reason to be on this forum. and your weed must suck so fucking bad you have to do opiates to catch a buzz. weaksauce!! plus heroin is so 97. dude!!! been there done that. lucky im still alive. now that medical is legal, im allll good. chemicals=shit!


I think you should try it. Aim the needle to the center
of your chest, then move it to left a bit and drive it rite in.

i heard it was the best rush ever.


Well-Known Member
just snort it.........don't start a bad habit. i used to shoot up 3 times a day..........................


Well-Known Member
So? All you do is ignore me. What's up with that man? What did I do to you? I thought you were chill.
This threads is what's up man. I'm not going to chill with someone who does H, no offense. You really need to rethink all this. I just posted a thread about one of my friends ODing, I don't want to be associated with junkies (again man, no offense).

You've literally have had half a dozen people tell you that they've had friends start this addiction the same way and it end bad... Hmmm? May be onto something. And also man, I remember you saying you got kicked out of school and cut off by your family bc the school found drugs or alcohol, don't you think its time to re-evaluate your habits?

I really hate to preach, but I don't see anything good coming out of this. You're threads have led me, and probably others, to believe your already hooked.


Well-Known Member
Maybe there should be an junkie forum too? I have no problem with someone wrecking there own life just as don't fuck with anyone else's life. I'm a little sad that the forum is the Hallucinatory Substances, I wish that it was psychedelics on one forum and smack on the other, mostly because I too don't want to associate with heroin users, but have been very fond of many of the less destructive substances. To each is there own but the smack hasn't treated any of my friend well at all.


Well-Known Member
I love all these useless spam posts bashing H and say we shouldn't talk about here.
I do get tired of the superior attitude some of the green purists have and exhibit. It is as though they don't think that their particular drug of choice has any downside. I've known people (it occurs to me I know a number of them presently) who couldn't get through a single day without sparking up in the morning before work, again during lunch and of course the very instant they got off work in the afternoon, you will see a joint in their mouth even before they fish car keys out of their pocket - some of those people would tell me how horrible my snorting an oc 40 on a saturday morning was - stick to the GREEN maaaan. That stuff is horrible for you (hack...hack), I only smoke, it is natural (hack).


Well-Known Member
LOL. Then that means ANYTHING is something to try. You're an idiot, plain and simple. I been smoking for over 20 years and had friends that did other drugs. I never once felt the need to do coke, MDMA, or anything else.

You are just a weak-minded twat. That is all.
this is kinda what I am talking about. It's nice, mcrandle, that you never felt the "need" to do anything else. Some of us did, some of us do and some of us are not all that weak minded, craving novel experiences, wishing to explore our own consciences with an eye toward improvements is hardly the behavior of the weak minded.


Well-Known Member
i an ex junkie, started out snorting just like everyone does.. a few months of that, my boy used to go to nursing school and stole some sets of works, and my best friend told me that he shot up for the first time... i almost killed him on the spot..
about a month or so later i was right next to them doing the same thing... the rush is nothing like snorting heroin at all.. no nasty ass drip running down the throat that will make me want to puke from the first taste of it, intense orgasmic feeling rushing through my body, and oh yah, the best part, addicted to that shit for years...
if you snort a few times a day and move up to banging it, then you'll want to be doing that shit as much as you can, a few times a day, seven days a week.. robbing and stealing from anyone who's fucking dumb enough to still let you come around, which usually is only your mom or dad as everyone else has left you long ago..
it took me years and years of hard work trying to get off of smack, but by the grace of god i just celebrated 11 years clean on may 13th..

i'm not going to lie, i have plenty more runs in me, but i don't have any more recoveries in me.. it's either stick to not sticking myself, or pretty much die a sad, lonely death like i was before.. the choice is mine, and today, i choice to be clean..
and i support your choice..

But again like i said before. This is not a Heroin or Pill forum.. The OP i will never take serious again.. Go find a Junky forum please, and lets not mix ganja with greed! Thanks


Well-Known Member
whatever man, just dont come back here complaining that we ruined your life and encouraged you do shoot up dope. YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY LOOKING FOR A REASON TO SHOOT UP. Just do it and leave us out of it. and if you end up killing yourself some day, i will not put the effort to care because ive already wasted too much energy caring about junkies that are dead. food for thought.


Well-Known Member
Ya wanna know sumptin for all u ppl that r sayin all this shit about herioine I just want you to understand just how programmed you all are and I'm not at all sayin herion is a good drug but ur programmed its kinda hard for me to find the research online here but on average just in the U.S how many yearly deaths r there that r alcohol related, maybe around 100,000 and I have found various statistics but from where I read I believe it was around 15,000. Not only that but did you know that a person goin thru suffering from alcohol withdraw is more likely to die than a person goin thru H withdraw. Again not saying one it better than the other, but each can be equally bad and which one do you think has ruined more lives the legal one or the illegal one? Just sumptin to think about.


Well-Known Member
I've been saying for years there need to be a free heroin warehouse in every town, next to the free crack and meth warehouses. Give it just a year or two and see if anyone wants to mess with it or not.


Well-Known Member
I love all these useless spam posts bashing H and say we shouldn't talk about here.
YOU were the one who started the thread about heroin!

I'm not saying we shouldn't talk about it. We SHOULD talk about it, in my opinion.

I'm saying that. . .unlike cannabis. . . heroin is a dangerous drug with a high potential for abuse and a propensity to ruin lives.

You're an adult, you're going to do what you're going to do.

The fact that you're already using means you've already blown past every warning your entire life not to use heroin. You're curious, you're associating with junkies, you've come here for validation, and you're not going to stop until you've seen for yourself.

Are you going to like shooting heroin? OF COURSE YOU ARE.
Is it likely to be better than anything else you've tried? Again, OF COURSE IT IS.

People wouldn't ruin their lives, alienate their families, risk AIDS and all sorts of other infectious diseases, if heroin weren't great. That's the whole problem!

What I. . .and a few others here. . .are trying to tell you is that you're standing on the edge of a cliff. You may think your footing is fine, but you can't predict the stiff breeze that's coming. Shooting heroin. .. even one time. . .is potentially a life-altering action.

I've known plenty of people who have shot heroin. Of the ones that are still alive (which isn't all of them), to a one, every one of them regrets having tried it. They say, that if they could go back in time and tell their younger stupider selves not to try it, they would do so. They **WISH** some stranger knocked some sense into them and told them NOT to do it.

Perhaps there ARE people who have shot heroin once or twice, have never done so again, and have never wanted to. . .but I have yet to meet anyone like that.
Perhaps its "selection bias", but everyone I've ever known whose shot heroin has ended up in rehab, in the hospital, or in the morgue.

So if you still have the ability to control your behavior, then I say to you again, DO NOT SHOOT THE HEROIN.

It is FAR better to live the rest of your life wondering what it might be like to shoot heroin, than to get that monkey on your back, and then (if you're still alive) wonder in ten years what it might have been like NOT to have done so!

The last thing I'm going to say on this, is that maybe you don't trust my opinion, because I've never shot heroin. (And I've had the ability to do so more than once. . .turned it down). Maybe you don't trust the opinions of a bunch of anonymous people on the internet.

That's fair. If you want the opinion of a group of individuals who HAVE actually shot heroin, why not make it to a local NA meeting? You'll find plenty of people there, with plenty of experience shooting heroin, and they'll be MORE than happy to share their experiences with the drug with you.

Of course you don't have to heed their advice, but if you are, in fact, still trying to make up your mind, wouldn't it be foolish not to at least hear it?


New Member
What do yall think?
In my book heroine is up there with meth.

Your already snorting every 2 or 3 days, might not be the worst, but you are addicted whether you accept it or not.
At least you asked before you started using the needle, and hopefully our opinions can change your mind.
If this thread matter or if anyone's opinion from this thread matters then don't shoot.
The majority have said don't do it, the choice is yours, make it wisely.

Hopefully you will do whats best for yourself and clean up.
Peace brother.


Well-Known Member
Ya wanna know sumptin for all u ppl that r sayin all this shit about herioine I just want you to understand just how programmed you all are and I'm not at all sayin herion is a good drug but ur programmed its kinda hard for me to find the research online here but on average just in the U.S how many yearly deaths r there that r alcohol related, maybe around 100,000 and I have found various statistics but from where I read I believe it was around 15,000. Not only that but did you know that a person goin thru suffering from alcohol withdraw is more likely to die than a person goin thru H withdraw. Again not saying one it better than the other, but each can be equally bad and which one do you think has ruined more lives the legal one or the illegal one? Just sumptin to think about.
Alcohol being bad doesn't make heroin less bad.

If you want to decide which is worse, you can't just look at the numbers of people dying from the drug.

So many more people drink, that of course the pathology associated with alcohol is going to be higher. In addition to the actual medical problems associated with drinking, alcohol is a huge contributor to motor vehicle and other accidents, violence, etc.

If you want to decide which is worse, you have to look at what might be termed "case morbidity". . .that is to say, on a PER USER basis, which is worse, alcohol or heroin?

Do that, and its a no-brainer that heroin is worse.

Something like 1 in 100 heroin addicts will die each year.

The different isn't solely attributable to use of the drug itself, but on average, heroin addicts will live 18 years less than non-addicts.


If that alone isn't a good reason to stay as far away as possible from heroin, I'm not sure what is.


Well-Known Member
I usually snort all painkillers and anything that can be injected because of lack of knowledge how and the idea of sticking myself with a needle feels odd. I used to work at a vet clinic so I can prep and help in surgery and draw blood with no problem but shooting myslef just seems wrong.

The girl I get my H with shoots and she said she'd show me how because she insists it's way better than snorting it because you apparently waste a lot when you snort it. I'm kinda of nervous to though.

What do yall think? Is shooting H that much better than snorting it and does snorting it really waste as much as I have been lead to believe?

You simply must Chase The Dragon with it.

Long piece of creased aluminum foil, propane torch, trusted friend, long line of CW along foil.
Buddy runs torch under the line while you follow it with your nose.