I'm pretty sure some consider welsh people to be the lowest of the low. Location location location.Are you lot for real,where I'm from if you use needle s your the lowest of the low ....idiots to even think about it. Stick with weed!!!
This is the hallucinatory/other substances sub forum.........Why are you posting on a cannabis forum asking for info on heroin? Most people on here are disgusted by the idea of what you have in mind. I'm sure you can find some helpful heroin websites out there. If you can't perhaps it's because not many people travel back along the road you're about to walk.
I was an oxy head and went on suboxone about 4 years ago. was on 16 mg/day and quit in july 2010 (weened to about 6-8mg). I've come off heroin, oxy, methadone, and subs.... the only thing worse than my sub w/d was methadone. GOOD LUCK (It was less intense than H/oxy withdrawal, but not that much, and it lasted 4x longer)Well this is comin from a former herion user, LOL I say former but I've only been clean for like 6 months now using suboxone but yeah the High from slamming is 10x or more than smoking or snorting the difference is when u main line it crosses directly over the blood brain barrier which is why if u snort of ingest it will not be as effective because it has to be absorbed thru that blood brain barrier not cross directly over it like when u main line.
But one big question, are u using H and pain killers to the point where if u don't use daily you will get dope sick? If you aren't at the point where u need opiates daily simply to function I would suggest u put the needle and ur pills down and look into getting a methadone or suboxone script U dont wanna be strung out, it BLOWS!!!!
listen to what this guy has to say. and to you dvs1038 congrats on the 6 months. you have come so far. keep it up and try and get off the suboxone as soon as you can.Well this is comin from a former herion user, LOL I say former but I've only been clean for like 6 months now using suboxone but yeah the High from slamming is 10x or more than smoking or snorting the difference is when u main line it crosses directly over the blood brain barrier which is why if u snort of ingest it will not be as effective because it has to be absorbed thru that blood brain barrier not cross directly over it like when u main line.
But one big question, are u using H and pain killers to the point where if u don't use daily you will get dope sick? If you aren't at the point where u need opiates daily simply to function I would suggest u put the needle and ur pills down and look into getting a methadone or suboxone script U dont wanna be strung out, it BLOWS!!!!
i an ex junkie, started out snorting just like everyone does.. a few months of that, my boy used to go to nursing school and stole some sets of works, and my best friend told me that he shot up for the first time... i almost killed him on the spot..
about a month or so later i was right next to them doing the same thing... the rush is nothing like snorting heroin at all.. no nasty ass drip running down the throat that will make me want to puke from the first taste of it, intense orgasmic feeling rushing through my body, and oh yah, the best part, addicted to that shit for years...
if you snort a few times a day and move up to banging it, then you'll want to be doing that shit as much as you can, a few times a day, seven days a week.. robbing and stealing from anyone who's fucking dumb enough to still let you come around, which usually is only your mom or dad as everyone else has left you long ago..
it took me years and years of hard work trying to get off of smack, but by the grace of god i just celebrated 11 years clean on may 13th..
i'm not going to lie, i have plenty more runs in me, but i don't have any more recoveries in me.. it's either stick to not sticking myself, or pretty much die a sad, lonely death like i was before.. the choice is mine, and today, i choice to be clean..
well, i don't know too many people who have moved up from either snorting or skin popping to full on iv use and haven't fallen in love with it, despite the drug..Not everyone prefers it that way. I was a junkie for years but would only snort. I've tried shooting so many times, but always prefered the drain and everything about snorting. Of course, I snorted 20 oxy 80's everyday... so if I did like needles, I would have been fucked
2 years opiate clean july 14th
11 years is awesome, good job!
Famous last words.Well it's something I think that it's at least something to try.
That's how every junkie starts out. Once in a while. Then once a week. . .just weekends.Nah. I don't use daily. Maybe every 2 or 3 days max.
So? All you do is ignore me. What's up with that man? What did I do to you? I thought you were chill.dude you've started a lot of threads about H lately... Just saying.