The non-repping but still want to spread the love thread!!


Well-Known Member
wikid are you realy a girl... or just getting more attention by saying you'r a girl...

Well, I treated your original question the way I treat all stupid questions - I ignored it. But since you keep asking....

maybe you are just the same wicked :D ?

are u a girl.. didnt get my answer from you ????

Yes, I'm a girl. If you ever have any questions, you can always PM me, instead of attempting to call me out on a message board.

EDIT: And just so we're clear, I'm only answering you because I don't need someone harassing me on these boards, and I'm hoping you'll stop now.


Well-Known Member
No it's more like this...

And only because of the way he asked. I mean, if it were a serious question, why not PM me? Why post it in a thread you're not even sure I'll read? To me, that indicates he's attempting to talk I wrong?


Well-Known Member's not my fault! I tried to ignore the stupid question yesterday, and then today I find another one. I feared that if I didn't respond I would be greeted by a new stupid question EVERY DAY. And I...I just can't take that! *curls up in the fetal position muttering to self* no more stupid more stupid more no more.....


Well-Known Member
lol, well see, usually I can ignore it, just not when it's directed AT me. I mean, if he were just asking general questions, I could ignore it. But since he posted "wikid" in them both....


Well-Known Member
It's like in the other thread..(rep) If you say "some people" or "you all" it's not personal...But, to direct anything but advice, and yes a little subtle (not crude) flirting or whatever at someone crosses a boundry that no one deserves, except face to face.


Well-Known Member
Due to recent threads that I have seen that seem to be vortexes of negative energy, I thought I would just bring back the good times. This must be what happens when people don't have a proper smiley war outlet.