The Irish Growers Thread!

wel lads,
hows all the grows coming along, im after smoking 2 doobs of the super skunk auto sugar leaves, 2 eye,s completely blood shot, lazy but not couch locked and very nicely stonned.cant wait to try a bit of when its cured.
Jingle you stoner!!!! hahaha how can you go 3 days without looking at the girls? i can hardly go 3 hours without checking them lol they should be ok sure they arent in flower yet are they? you will probly get away with it anyway
HAHA I KNOW I KNOW...LOL... Well i try to leave it to look in at them every 2 days so i can notice any difference straight away but with the airpots i am finding that they have to be watered every 2 days 3 tops. Ive gone nearly a week a couple of times without looking.....hehe it kills me but a good reward when you see them but i can hear you all saying it all ready...if you checked everyday you would have clocked the attic light on.
does it stand for just my luck then? what are the parents?

I'm not entirely sure what the parents are.... The pack that I bought was a regular 10 seed pack for outdoor growing,
It was my first ever seeds I had ever bought...!! I do remember it mentioning strains like skunk, northern lights and white widow though.. so hopefully it should be good, I have the mother to the clone that im using for the scrog drying at the moment... Least I get a taster of what Ill get later on..

Alright lads. Heres apic or two of the girls, no need to say which one is the afghan lol. Looking yellow in this pic but think it was the flash, shes lush green. The front left is sour diesel and the back left is my 12/12 from seed big bud. Fingers crossed but all is well so last grow suffered because i didnt hit her early enough with epsom salts so hit them up about a week and a half ago plus a a feed of algamix in with the last feed.they are loving it


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Was out in the garden looking at my 6 lovely ladies - turned my back and heard my sweet little 2 year old's voice "Daddy I pick flowers". I didn't even want to turn around but sure enough there he was, the little angel, holding the better part of 3 of the girls. They were beyond salvage. Hung them up to dry anyway - maybe I'll throw them in the cannabutter mix later this season. Now I have 3 lovely ladies and they live on top of the shed. Lesson learned? Don't have children!!:wall:
Was out in the garden looking at my 6 lovely ladies - turned my back and heard my sweet little 2 year old's voice "Daddy I pick flowers". I didn't even want to turn around but sure enough there he was, the little angel, holding the better part of 3 of the girls. They were beyond salvage. Hung them up to dry anyway - maybe I'll throw them in the cannabutter mix later this season. Now I have 3 lovely ladies and they live on top of the shed. Lesson learned? Don't have children!!:wall:
Oh God...don't even know what to say...condolences? Indoor locked away is the best place if you have kids Iv learnt.
Looking very well jingle, the airpots are awesome, aren't they?

Ye i ahve to say i am loveing them, I have to get more of the big one i have, thats all i am gonna grow in, Cant believe the growth. My only thing is that they have to be watered so often, I am feeding them every 2 odd days but i am not giving them much about 2 ltr between them, So now i have another problem. Im going away for a week next week and no one knows i have the grow and wont be telling anyone either so the day i am leaving i am gonna take them down to the bath and run about 2 of 3 ltrs through each of them and soak them and hope they make the week...what u guys think
Oh God...don't even know what to say...condolences? Indoor locked away is the best place if you have kids Iv learnt.

I hear you there Har, I have mine in the attic, well away from the the hard way aswell, lost a couple of seedlings on the
Water them and put them in saucers filled with water jingle, they should wick it up and make it through the week that way, also put the airpot in a plastic bag so no moisture can escape and you should be fine.
Oh God...don't even know what to say...condolences? Indoor locked away is the best place if you have kids Iv learnt.
Yeah it is my fault for not having them somewhere more secure - and I wouldn't trade the little ones (for less than a million) but that really stung:cry:. Was planning on moving the whole shebang indoors this winter anyway, so I'll consider this a fire lit under my ass to get that rolling!!
Water them and put them in saucers filled with water jingle, they should wick it up and make it through the week that way, also put the airpot in a plastic bag so no moisture can escape and you should be fine.
would putting them in a bag not induce mold
Ye i ahve to say i am loveing them, I have to get more of the big one i have, thats all i am gonna grow in, Cant believe the growth. My only thing is that they have to be watered so often, I am feeding them every 2 odd days but i am not giving them much about 2 ltr between them, So now i have another problem. Im going away for a week next week and no one knows i have the grow and wont be telling anyone either so the day i am leaving i am gonna take them down to the bath and run about 2 of 3 ltrs through each of them and soak them and hope they make the week...what u guys think
Lol, my 7 drink about 20L every 2 days in 10L airpots ;)
hi guys here some pics of my autos they are really getting big nowP2130076.JPGP2130077.JPGP2130078.JPGP2130079.JPGP2130080.JPGP2130081.JPGP2130082.JPGP2130083.JPG pic 7 is of a plant i thought was going to die if you look back till pic i posted last week or week before you will see
so the threads been busy anyways....

hello to all you newbies and returned growers, great to have you lot here..

so home from the hospital, had the missus burp the jars for me while away for the few days so going to dig them out now and have a spliff...

back in a moment...;)
still a bit "damp" but the stone is fine so job done for this grow. Learned enough about growing and even more about the stealth side of things hahahaahhaa..

felt like a scobby doo criminal... "and i would have got away with it, if it wasn`t for you meddleing kids..." really tho, well hidden is the only way. Defo going for a 600w or 2 of them if i can manage the esb and her finding out, but 1 600 w for sure, i`ll stick with the soil aswell, just until i reasearch the dwc a bit more, might give the coco a go i don`t really know which i`ll pick there, prob the soil tho, cheaper and easier tho grow in....

since i been away the house is like a bomb hit it.... bloody missus is useless (good thing shes a looker) or i`d sack her.... loos like a day of cleaning here for me will be takeing it easy tho, still not quite right and a little sore.. catch you lot later on..
Welcome back ae! good to hear your out mate sit back and have a nice spliff and take the weight off the ground.