A Kush Lovers Thread


Well-Known Member
I have seen counselors and psychologists and psychiatrists...I was prescribed bs meds to take. I never took them because they made me feel worse. Maybe I need to just see a counselor again. I dont know if my ins will even pay for that honestly. I have tried to talk to friends and they dont know how to handle the things I tell them that happened in my life and are not equipped to help me. Anyway I am just glad that I am not alone with this, not glad that other ppl have problems, but that someone understands......
yeah bro you neeed a psychologist not a psychiatrist. you don't need meds you just need to process shit.

and yeah I completely understand how you feel.. I felt very alone in this as well when I first started... but when you talk to more people who have been there done that... you realize that they have had to process a lot in their life too. some of them even talked to counselors to help process it through.

the main thing that you gotta remember when you do finally talk to a counselor again, is that you have to be completely and utterly brutally honest with every detail of the entire situation. if you are not honest with yourself and your counselor the counseling itself will not work.

the truth will set you free, it truly will. just make sure you can trust the counselor ya know, don't just go with someone that seems like they're not that interested or they wanna just shove pills in your face, get a counselor that wants to talk shit through with you.

but yeah I wont dive into this too much deeper, this is the kush lovers thread after all, I just want people to realize that the anxiety they get from weed is probably because weed isn't the sort of drug that allows you to repress shit your whole life until you die.. it eventually makes you realize something is wrong and if you don't listen to the signs it will make you suffer a little bit.


Well-Known Member
yeah bro you neeed a psychologist not a psychiatrist. you don't need meds you just need to process shit.

and yeah I completely understand how you feel.. I felt very alone in this as well when I first started... but when you talk to more people who have been there done that... you realize that they have had to process a lot in their life too. some of them even talked to counselors to help process it through.

the main thing that you gotta remember when you do finally talk to a counselor again, is that you have to be completely and utterly brutally honest with every detail of the entire situation. if you are not honest with yourself and your counselor the counseling itself will not work.

the truth will set you free, it truly will. just make sure you can trust the counselor ya know, don't just go with someone that seems like they're not that interested or they wanna just shove pills in your face, get a counselor that wants to talk shit through with you.

but yeah I wont dive into this too much deeper, this is the kush lovers thread after all, I just want people to realize that the anxiety they get from weed is probably because weed isn't the sort of drug that allows you to repress shit your whole life until you die.. it eventually makes you realize something is wrong and if you don't listen to the signs it will make you suffer a little bit.
Yeah we got off on a tangent, sorry guys and gals.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we got off on a tangent, sorry guys and gals.
On another note. I watered my girls with My Organic tea again. But this time i used fishtank water and they look great this morning. I was scared that i was gonna burn them to hell. but it worked. When i used the tea UNCUT on the veg. It burned the shit out of both sk's, nothing else so much that it killed one(luckily i hhad a BIG clone root to replace it. It is also looking to me like the 3 Lush's i have are ,male, why are they showing so much after the sk fem's i don't know. But it is still hard to tell and i will see soon enough, damn i miss my microscope.. Good morning and good-day everyone!


Well-Known Member
On another note. I watered my girls with My Organic tea again. But this time i used fishtank water and they look great this morning. I was scared that i was gonna burn them to hell. but it worked. When i used the tea UNCUT on the veg. It burned the shit out of both sk's, nothing else so much that it killed one(luckily i hhad a BIG clone root to replace it. It is also looking to me like the 3 Lush's i have are ,male, why are they showing so much after the sk fem's i don't know. But it is still hard to tell and i will see soon enough, damn i miss my microscope.. Good morning and good-day everyone!
yeah bro fish water is a trick my mom has used for YEARS... she keeps trying to get me to use it again but I spend so much on organic nutrients I don't really see the need.

however I have extra potted plants that I think I will do that on to see if there is a significant difference or not, if there is I will definitely implement it into my methods(my mom will be pissed haha... I kinda argued with her about this for a while...)


Well-Known Member
I dont have fish anymore, otherwise I would try it. I didnt maintain my fish and the water was so foul smelling lol. I bet it would have been too strong.


Well-Known Member
My water had a slight bit of algae in it nothing really noticeable. I'm hoping it will help add some N into my flower mix. I brewed up My usual flower mix added extra kelp and some thrive alive b1 green into it. All the flower plants are a nice green, but the bc x lush being such a heavy feeder is starting to lighten up. as well as one of the dogs which i'm starting to this is the diesel pheno but it doesn't smell so.


Well-Known Member
Biker Kush @ 7 weeks , i have sampled a few test nugs from this plant it has started to fill in too and is looking better
i am happy with the very strong hash flavor it has already, it was looking like i was not going to keep this plant
due to it being a little awkward to grow and leafy and not the greatest yielding compared to the other plants i have
but after the early sample i am going to have to keep it, very rich deep flavour that coats the mouth and lingers for ages
very much on the afghan hash side with a slight sour musk after taste it has 3 weeks left to grow im sure it will get even better

peace :)


Well-Known Member
That biker almost looks like a lil reveg in there possibly? I have a querkle with the leaves coming out the tips and think it is re-vegging or hermied and am gonna scrap it.


Well-Known Member
That biker almost looks like a lil reveg in there possibly? I have a querkle with the leaves coming out the tips and think it is re-vegging or hermied and am gonna scrap it.
I care much for that either! Makes for a rough ass trim job!!!!


Well-Known Member
Biker Kush @ 7 weeks , i have sampled a few test nugs from this plant it has started to fill in too and is looking better
i am happy with the very strong hash flavor it has already, it was looking like i was not going to keep this plant
due to it being a little awkward to grow and leafy and not the greatest yielding compared to the other plants i have
but after the early sample i am going to have to keep it, very rich deep flavour that coats the mouth and lingers for ages
very much on the afghan hash side with a slight sour musk after taste it has 3 weeks left to grow im sure it will get even better

peace :)
Lookin good man, how long did she go? it looks to me othe r than being leafy she was trying to foxtail a bit.

Just chopped my Larry og kush
These are just the main buds...
Im letting all the undergrowth go another week or so ...
Lookin good mane, post them up here too.

I care much for that either! Makes for a rough ass trim job!!!!
ssame here. but if its dank i deal with it.

My lush's still havnt completely shown sex, and as many times as i have seen male and female parts i am still confused but am gonna say it doesnt look like the usual ball structure. and it may be fem parts. and i'm leaning that way because the two Sour Kush's and the Dog showed fem. so these being almost a week n change behind have got to be fems. Also while spending time in my room i decided to put the small Purplekush x Sweet afghani delight and the 60's Kush along with the ?Kush in flower to determine sex. the fems will be clones and tightly fit in there for a small bumper crop.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, how long did she go? it looks to me othe r than being leafy she was trying to foxtail a bit.

Lookin good mane, post them up here too.

ssame here. but if its dank i deal with it.

My lush's still havnt completely shown sex, and as many times as i have seen male and female parts i am still confused but am gonna say it doesnt look like the usual ball structure. and it may be fem parts. and i'm leaning that way because the two Sour Kush's and the Dog showed fem. so these being almost a week n change behind have got to be fems. Also while spending time in my room i decided to put the small Purplekush x Sweet afghani delight and the 60's Kush along with the ?Kush in flower to determine sex. the fems will be clones and tightly fit in there for a small bumper crop.
I'm confused about some of mine too, see white hairs, but balls too. Then again they could be calyxes...have no idea lol. Going to put some pics up in a lil bit.


Well-Known Member
I'm confused about some of mine too, see white hairs, but balls too. Then again they could be calyxes...have no idea lol. Going to put some pics up in a lil bit.
If you see whit hairs it is a fem, If you see white hairs and drooping or hanging balls it's a hermie(very common headband trait, if you see that on the HB its a herm.) and it you see white hairs coming out of the balls it is probably just a fem. where are you seeing this?


Well-Known Member
I try to cut out any plants from my line up that are a bitch to trim, unless the smoke is exceptional. I am lazy and have carpel tunnel so needless trimming is avoided.
yeh i agree , i have some pretty plants too, that make the biker look like some kind of prehistoric land race strain lol
i do not like leafy plants, this is why up until the test nugs i was not going to keep the biker, and had already thrown away one of the clones i was keeping of it
i still have one clone left
now that i have tasted the potential of it with the test nugs i will have to keep it, it has a very good flavor
it is an ugly plant leafy and has some odd development the way the buds fill in, it is improving , it has no hemmy issues with this pheno
it is the type of pheno where the colas will always produce new growth at the top, even when the lower parts are very mature
i did throw a hemmy away at the start of the grow

a few pics of the plants i have along side the biker, they make her look even more ugly imo lol

peace :)



Well-Known Member
Just thought I would share the other Pheno of the PLP

This is the one that commonly has purple and pink pistils.
beautiful as always bill. everytime i see your pic it maes me want to be your neighbor. Not because of the weed, because of the weather.
yeh i agree , i have some pretty plants too, that make the biker look like some kind of prehistoric land race strain lol
i do not like leafy plants, this is why up until the test nugs i was not going to keep the biker, and had already thrown away one of the clones i was keeping of it
i still have one clone left
now that i have tasted the potential of it with the test nugs i will have to keep it, it has a very good flavor
it is an ugly plant leafy and has some odd development the way the buds fill in, it is improving , it has no hemmy issues with this pheno
it is the type of pheno where the colas will always produce new growth at the top, even when the lower parts are very mature
i did throw a hemmy away at the start of the grow

a few pics of the plants i have along side the biker, they make her look even more ugly imo lol

peace :)
Good shit d0c, It shouldn't matter much how she looks or any for that matter. Unless she is that much of a pain to cut. Some strains grow naturally ugly buds imo. As long as the smoke satisfies id fuck with her.


Well-Known Member
Supposed to be a balmy 66 today.

Feel like 80 outside though, sun is shining

Would have gone to the beach if the kiddos werent sick. The 4yo was up all night throwing up. Ruined his sheets, so he came to our bed, then he bombed our sheets too with a little more throw up, lol. Needless to say it was a long ass night, lol


Well-Known Member
Hey [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Tryna .. the biker is at 7 weeks now about 3 weeks to go .. the buds themselves are made up of stacking or foxtailing calyx
[/FONT]this plant does have a rather strange bud development for an indica, the calyx form and spiral up the branches filling in late
reminds me of how some haze hybrids grow
once they fill in they are pretty solid it does not produce round type nuggets it is making longer thinner buds that form the colas
the individual calyx themselves are not overly large but are very dense and white in colour with all the crystals
i will germinate the rest of the biker kush seeds i have at some stage, and maybe get something a little less ugly lol

peace :)